Lita Blanchimont


Lita is the heroine of Atelier Iris. She lives in the city of Kavoc and works as a Galgazit (hunter who destroys Growloons and the monsters they summon) for the town. Unlike most heroines, she is a physical fighter who relies on a pair of clawed gloves in battle; whereas the hero relies on magic.

You first meet her when Klein has gotten himself in a fix. He ran out of elements (how, I'll never know since the Water Mana he needs to create his only Alchemy item is so easy to come across) and was attacked by a Falcon Hawk. She beats it up a little, and it runs. After teasing Klein a bit, Lita tells him to go to Kavoc and walks off.

She returns when Klein arrives at Henmil's Gate and requests he join her as a Galgazit when she sees him read the message after dissolving a rock. Then, she's controllable for the entire game.

But early on, Lita shows there's something more to her than meets the eye. After taking a hit for a child, she asks to rest while Klein and Delsus go and get your reward for taking on a ghost (or alternately, you can go get the reward first, and then she has an extra scene in the bar). Then, while she's downstairs, a pair of wings appear on her back. However, the truth behind the wings isn't shown for a little while longer.

When tracking a thief who stole Klein's alchemy book, a man named Mull appears, refers to Lita as the "Daughter of Iris" which unnerves her, paralyzes the party, and steals a gem called the Ruby Prism from Lita. She takes it like a trooper, but is seemingly distressed. Later, after returning to Iris's Resting Place to discover its alchemic secrets, Klein and Lita vanish into another room.

There, he reads a diary that tells about how Iris created artificial beings, however they would die after about ten years until she created the Ruby Prism to sustain their life forces. Lita was one of those creations and now her life is in the balance unless Klein can get the Prism back.

Arlin, a swordsman who is after Mull, says that Klein cannot defeat Mull, so he vows to create a Ruby Prism for Lita. For a good portion of the rest of the game Lita's MP will drain as she continues to fight and her wings will appear when she is weak enough. The only way to heal her is a Mana Bath back at home. However, she never wants to give up and continues to hope that Klein can save her by going to Avenberry.

When the party finally reaches Iris's Atelier, they find a hologram of her speaking about how she and five of her six daughters were killed fighting Amalgam; the result of a Mana Fusion experiment. Lita was the sole survivor and was sealed away to live a human's lifespan after being entrusted with the Ruby Prism. The ingredients for the Prism are also revealed and Klein sets off to make one for her.

Eventually, with both items, they head towards a teleporter to make it to the Mana Dimension to get help. But Mull attacks Klein and Lita takes a hit for him. She needs recovery at Zeldalia's house and Klein begins to worry; there is little time left. When she gets better, she speaks of her fears and confesses to Klein. He then gives her a hug or a kiss, though no one has figured out which combinations result in each (I've found losing to Arlin, making the Movagain, and going to the Cliff get the kiss while switching the Cliff to going through Iris' Resting Place gets the hug).

After gaining a Ruby Prism, Lita sees a final flashback where Iris is sealing her and praying for her future. Knowing how much her "mother" loved her, Lita is strengthened and unlocks the ability to call on her wings at any time. She later uses it with Klein's alchemy to break Amalgam apart so that the Mana is set free.

In the end, Lita and Klein leave Kavoc to travel the world together. Nobody knows where their next adventure will be, or how soon he's going to get a clue as to the fact that she likes him; that might take awhile considering his in-game attitude.

Fun Facts

Lita's Pale Wing special, which has the same effect as when they come out during the MP drain, ups her offense and defense in exchange for Max HP. Some people actually drain her MP earlier to get this form for hard bosses.

Though she is a physical fighter, her magic based skill (Force Blast) also can do great damage. They're useful for groups or when the enemy is immune to physical attacks.

Lita is easily jealous when another girl hits on Klein; leading to a complicated relationship between her and Veola during her Shop Synthesis quest.

Related Links

Atelier Iris Official Website