

A brash young woman working for the Church of the Holy Maiden. She cares greatly for her little brother, Culotte, and acts as if she were his mother. Losing her parents at the tender age of 9, she was raised in an orphanage until joining the church.

Prier's dream has always been to become the Maiden of Light; the Holy Warrior who is destined to battle with the Dark Prince. For that reason, she trains hard and wishes to become strong.

However, her dreams come true in a warped kind of way. Though she never gains the title or burden of the Maiden of Light (Maidens all die after using up their powers, besides Alouette is the Maiden), she still becomes the one who defeats the Dark Prince.

Backing up, we return to Chapter 2 of La Pucelle. When Culotte is kidnapped by a shape shifting Demon, Prier and Alouette are assisted by Croix; a freelance Demon Hunter searching for his lost memories. Because of the fact that Prier resembles someone he knew from the past, he joins with the team.

Over time, Prier begins falling for Croix; seeing him as a reliable, dependable, kind, and powerful warrior. However, she barely recognizes her own feelings.

But as time passes, Croix's visions of the mystery girl increase...even to the point where he sees her death. The semblance between Prier's plight in Ch. 9 (she's tied up on a fence and about to be skewered with pitchforks) and said vision is so uncanny, that a powerful Dark aura is unleashed as he kills the Demon. He doesn't revert back to his true self until slugging Prier; which seems to upset him greatly. Everyone is worried; they all know what's going on deep down but none wish to say it.

After traveling back 200 years, they meet Angelique; Croix's old fiancee and the woman who he keeps seeing. Prier is all set to hate her because of her love for Croix (to the point where they're gonna have a baby in half a year), however she finds that she can't. Angelique was just too kind to her and seemed to like her too. She was a gentle healer who used her Light powers to protect others and balance out Croix's Dark ones.

But then, it all turned bad. A man told them of an accident on the hill and Angelique was needed. Two hours later, they finally weaseled the truth out of Alouette...Angelique was going to be killed by witch hunters. Prier shows an incredible change in character here when she vows to save Angelique; she isn't selfishly thinking of this as an opportunity to grab Croix for herself, but caring about not only her new friend but the heart that would definitely break. Oh, how right she was. For not long after Angelique was stabbed in the stomach by a pair of spears, the younger Croix appeared and lost control of his Dark powers; birthing the Dark Prince who was bent on killing off all humans in retaliation for Angelique. And in the present, their Croix also lost control. Prier tried to help him reclaim himself, noticing that he was still fighting, and almost succeeded. Then, Noir appeared to steal him away by appealing to the Darkness.

Prier shut herself in her room; crying for the man she loved. She only was able to pull together when the Goddess herself called forth the girl to fight; telling her to follow her heart. At that, she vowed to rid Croix of Darkness; to bring him back to the kind young man she loved. And when they fought the Dark Prince in the church, Alouette remarked that he seemed weakened by her words; and her very presence.

Though Noir stole away the weakened Croix, Prier vowed to get him back; showing the strong warrior woman once more. She even was worried enough to knock Yattanya off the bridge, take the helm, and crash the Escargot into Angel's Gate; just to rush forward and get to him faster. And when they face Noir, she says, and I quote, "I'm gonna kick your butt and rescue Croix!"

After the final battle, and after Prier casts a Purification Miracle on Noir, she prepares to get Croix down. However, Father Salade reminds her that he's still the Dark Prince. But Alouette has a solution; she'll use the last of her power not to destroy the Dark Prince, but to send Prier into Croix's heart to purify it. This is the first time we ever see Prier cry; she doesn't want her friend to die. But she smiles when Alouette asks, and lets her do her thing.

In Croix's heart, she tries and tries to get him to respond to her. First she reminds him of things that happened in their adventures. Then, she shows sympathy for his pain; also having lost people dear to her in the past. But nothing works; his heart has been closed off. Finally, like a fairy tale, the magical words break through. "Listen, Croix! I...I... I love you!! So... So please...Please come back with me!!!" (kawaii hearts and stuff appear).

However, Croix only wants her to put him out of his misery. But Prier, not one to give up, insists that he come back and make up for what he did. More kawaii lines from her here, "Right? I'll always stick by you...I may not be Angelique, but I'll stay by you and help you control the darkness inside of you. I'll watch over you for the rest of your life! You don't have to close off your heart any longer. You're not alone." (more kawaii hearts and stuff). And at long last, Croix was ready to go back with Prier.

Of course, cuz this is Prier, things don't go as planned. The Darkness inside Croix's heart forms a seperate entity and attacks them. However, they are ready to fight back. And right before they battle...Croix admits his love for Prier.

Several days after royally thrashing that being's ass, Croix prepares to leave on a journey to make restitution for his sins. Prier decides to wait in Pot au Feu city to continue working for the Church of the Holy Maiden. Although she is sad to see him go, she holds her head up and is strong; knowing that she will one day see him again. Of course, my fics "The Days Go By" and "Child of Light and Darkness" cover what would happen if the two of them "got together" the day before he left...(mallets Burianne for writing perversions in the Shrine).

Fun Facts

There are a lot of eerie similarities between her and Rosette of Chrono Crusade (temperament, goals, determination, acceptance of a person's past).

Makes a great front line fighter with Croix or Culotte initiating a secondary front from in back of her.

Favorite Attacks...Hidden Talon (her combo with Croix), Batter Up (distance), and Redemption (melee).

One thing she really wants is udon; she doesn't get paid enough to go and get some very often. Heck, I can't blame her; I love Japanese food.

Don't mess with Prier; unless you want to die young.