
February 20th-March 20th

Those born under Pisces tend to be quite spiritual, whether in the religious sense or otherwize. They often have strong intuition and are tuned into the unconscious world of dreams, as well as other hidden things such as personal strengths or enemies. Represented by two Fish swimming in the opposite direction, they are connected into both flows of life: reality and the world inside of the mind. Sometimes, when thinking of the needs of others, a Piscian can get lost within this flow. However, they are still extremely charitable and self sacrificing. On the other hand, some may take this to the extreme and become extremely passive. Because they are connected to dreams, reality can shatter a Piscian's perspective when it clashes with these thoughts. It is a good idea to take care with their emotions, because this sign is greatly fragile in regards to them. A shyness about them leads them to hide their real selves away from others.

Piscians in RPGs & Anime

Croix Raoul (La Pucelle Tactics) 3/16: Croix is greatly in tuned with the spiritual world, being able to call forth the Fallen Angel herself through his anger and Dark Powers when he was younger. In his current state, his intuition has driven him onwards and helped him to survive for the two years he had amnesia. However, his hidden past caused him great nightmares and a pain he could not understand until it all came out. You might say Croix's constant thinking of Angelique and the shattering of his dreams of their life together in the past caused him to be lost...only to be found again and pulled back by Prier. He is also quite self-sacrificing because he does not want Prier to suffer for his sins and causes himself the pain of lonliness and the full burden of his past. Fragile emotions...just look at Chapters 10 and 12 or my Prier Shrine; it's pretty self explanitory.