
Here are some of my favorite quotes from games, anime, and practically everywhere else

~Real Life Sources~

Live and learn, and then get Luvs--Luvs Commercial

Life is not a spectator's sport--SAAB Commercial

Get behind me Satan, and no pushing--Me and my mother, joking about avoiding chocolate at the mall

Sometimes, it's not the power you have, it's the power you have to spare--Subaru Forester Commercial

Every day is an opportunity to do more-- PNC Bank Commercial

For every smart man, there's an even smarter woman behind him--My sister told me this one, but she doesn't know if it's the exact quote or where she heard it from

Many wings in the right formation can fly twice as far as any single bird--Plaque I saw in a bathroom once, I think this is how it was worded

The human spirit is not measured by the size of the act, but by the size of the heart--Billboard on a building next to Ground Zero in Manhattan, NYC

Love begins in a moment, grows over time, and lasts for eternity; Real love stories never have endings; Some love lasts a lifetime, true love lasts forever--Quotes pasted to candles that were used as favors at my Nana and Popop's 50th anniversary

When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure--Engraved on a stone being sold in a catalog, specifically one of best selling items (don't know which one it came from originally)

Dead men tell no tales..unless you're in forensics--Bumper Sticker stuck on a window on an episode of Body of Evidence on Court TV

Don't play stupid with me...I'm better at it--Bumper sticker

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups--Bumper sticker

Men are idiots and I married their king--Bumper sticker

Before giving someone a piece of mind, be sure you have enough to spare!--Bumper sticker

I can't have a battle of wits with an unarmed person--Bumper sticker

We're all insane together--Jane Pauly on a commercial for her new talk show

If you can't take a joke, Fuck it!--My father told me this when I was talking about putting in quotes

You know where I learned to curse? Riding down Rt. 46 at rush hour!--Me, when my parents wondered why my vocabulary was getting more colorful than when I was in High School

You can't talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into--In a pamphlet my mother got at her company's team building day

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said--Poster, really fits all those Judge Shows

Never argue with an idiot. They pull you down to their level, then beat you with experience--from my iGoogle Quote of the Day

Beauty fades, dumb is forever--Judge Judy

~RPGs & Anime~

Doesn't that just beat all--Catchphrase of Rei, Breath of Fire III

When did they let you out of preschool?--Rutee, Tales of Destiny, upon meeting Leon

Those good for nothing men, they're just a bunch of spineless wimps--Rutee, Tales of Destiny, when the sailors in Sheeden won't take them to Moreu due to monsters

When you feel someone's more important than yourself, it may be love--Status Screen comment of Meliadoul, Final Fantasy Tactics

Oh my, beauty can be such a burden--Leena, Zoids NC/0, on Harry and Bit dueling over her

Oh brother--Common complaint of Luna, Sailor Moon

True character is not found under favorable circumstances. It is found during times of despair and sorrow--Tesla Maxwell, Wild ARMs 3, right before Nightmare Castle if you talk to him with anyone except Virginia

This is a game, you should always carry a special weapon--Calamity Jane Maxwell, Wild ARMs, when Sweet Candy is being attacked by Leviathan

He who laughs last, laughs the loudest--Galuff, Ruin Explorers, upon tricking Rasha and Migel

I'd say use your brains for once but you've been sitting on them too long--Rasha, Ruin Explorers, on Migel

Still, at least your greed comes in handy on occasions--Migel, Ruin Explorers, when Galuff brings him a new sword from the armory that he'd ransacked

Without any hope for tomorrow, you can't win for today--Virginia Maxwell, Wild ARMs 3, to the Prophets at Yggdrasil

A simple plan is always best after all--Xellos, Slayers, when the gang decides to catch the Dragon as if they were simply fishing, with Gourry as the bait

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes--Voice in Sora's dream, Kingdom Hearts, before the first fight with Darkside

Small wounds cause great damage if you make enough of them--Xellos, Slayers, when fighting Valgaav in Slayers Try

Sore wa himitsu desu--Catchphrase of Xellos, Slayers, in the Japanese version (means, that is a secret)

After all, some journeys only start at the last stop--Narration at the end of Clive's Prologue in Wild ARMs 3

Looking for a shortcut can lead you astray--Mantra of Clive, Wild ARMs 3, and his professor, Berlitz

It takes courage to admit defeat--Grang of the Blue Geniuses, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, before you fight with him in the competition

You shouldn't write a check that your powers can't cash--Lina Inverse, Slayers, to Demia's wizard in Slayers NEXT episode 3

The worst possible person with the worst possible timing shows up...at the worst possible time--Zelgadis Greywers & Lina Inverse, Slayers, after Martina shows up during the fight with Gaav in the Clair Bible temple in Slayers NEXT episode 19; the ellipse marks the change in speaker from Zel to Lina

Your stubbornness is greater than your stupidity--Hiei, Yu Yu Hakusho, to Kuwabara after the Dark Tournament ends but before the stadium begins to crumble

I don’t kill people! But I do get revenge… --Prier, La Pucelle, when Culotte remarks that a murder spree over being dumped sounds like something she would do in Ch. 2

Testing... Testing... All hands, this is Captain Homard. We are about to experience uncontrolled flight into terrain. I just have on piece of advice for all of you. Don't die!! That is all--Homard, La Pucelle, right before the Escargot goes down at the conclusion of Ch. 7

With all of the dark energy around here, it’s like looking for a mouse in a haystack--Yattanya, La Pucelle, while searching for Noir's base in Ch. 12

For some reason, it seems like we run into a lot more emergencies when you’re around--Culotte, La Pucelle, once Prier has crashed the Escargot into Angel's Gate in Ch. 12

Nice of you to say so, but unfortunately my heart already belongs to another woman…--Croix, La Pucelle, to the darkness in his heart in Ch. 12; followed by Prier blushing like mad (smirk)

Having a stalker is flattering and all, but this nagging is getting really old--Croix, La Pucelle, when he attacks the darkness in his heart during the final fight of the game

He is more of a dishonest lawyer than a judge...--Hanpan, Wild ARMs Alter Code F, after the fight with Zed in Volcano Trap

Looks like I have to resort to the politician's golden rule: "If they can't prove it, deny, deny, deny."--Etna, Disgaea 2, upon realizing it was her giving up of a fake nail that caused the mistake that dropped her levels but being unwilling to admit it

Real courage is facing adversity even if you know you can't win!--Cornet, Rhapsody, to Kururu about fighting Myao's Dragon

~Me 'n the Muses~

I am a woman of many personalities. Seven of them are human, the other twenty three are anime monsters--myself on me and my muses

Items disappear in the Ex File, but Gella is forever--Skysplitter, on why we are planting and selling recovery items, and plan to sell out the whole stock except for maybe five or ten of each before beating the final battle in Wild ARMs 3 and setting up for an Ex New Game

Meow!? Nani!? What's going on here!?--Teefa in a pique of confusion

The greatest collapse in sports is not Phil Mickleson at the 2006 US Open, nor the Yankees in the year the Red Sox won the World Series...It's me playing DDR!--Teefa, jokingly to her half sister

Put me down for Aries of the year he turns 22!--Teefa, in the pool that was taken by everyone in the dorm, sans Stahn and Rutee, about how soon after their marriage they would have a baby

Yes Lu, Elf-boy finally proposed...No we are not going to have a bet when they'll have kids...Why!? If we do it, not only will Kat figure out we bet on her, but Salah will know we're doing so...Ok, ok we can! But only if Kat comes up with the idea!--Teefa, after Darwin proposed to Salah, on the phone with Lufia

Why the *BEEP* are all the *BEEPING* shows we watch in the afternoon sponsored by *BEEPING* Head On--Phoebe about having to deal with that stupid Head On commercial several time every day

At this rate our army will be made up of prettyboys and tough girls...--Rutee, upon seeing Teefa play Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and think of how cute certain characters were.


What in the world!? Is this guy related to Ryoga Hibiki or something!?--Rutee, about the commercial where the guy looks for a Verizon Smart Phone in the hardware store

Am I supposed to be scared? The only way I'd be worried about a duck guarding the house is if he was secreting knives in his wings!--Teefa, about this ad in a magazine for animal shaped burglar alarms which make the animal sounds

The mailman has got to be related to Ryoga if he brought us a letter addressed to another town...not to mention one separated from us by several caves and a boat ride...--Lufia about a letter that was supposed to go to Belgen, but ended up at her and Max's place in Alekia

Oi, and I thought Akane's cooking was bad; at least it looks like real food.--Teefa, in reference to the Ingredient X synthesis in Atelier Iris

You know what? This movie is giving me La Pucelle flashbacks...and I've been watching it long before Nippon Ichi ever existed!--Teefa, after watching "The Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation" during a sleepless night

I wanna see Mousse! He needs to be the new AFLAC duck! Nobody would deny him getting the money for the people!--Rutee, thinking waaaaaaaaaay too deeply into things

Now...should we put Naruto and Sasuke into the Male Ninja's costume and Sakura into the Kunoichi's? Heh, new uniforms!--Lufia, in a Tomoyo Daidouji moment, wanting to place the cast of Naruto into the Disgaea 2 Ninja Jobs because the normal sprites look similar to Kakashi and Anko

I'd say it was a cursed Swordian...however this isn't Tales of Destiny--Teefa, watching a Court TV show about a missing wife (who looked to be dead) and daughter when the husband is a suspect, which led to a thwap from Rutee

Could you toss that thing any further, Genox? I didn't get hit in my attempts to retrieve it!--Rutee, during one play session of CIMA: The Enemy when Genox tossed the Dragon Slayer Sword into a remote corner of the battlefield.

~From my Fanfics~

Nothing is ever easy. But with us, everything is a nightmare--Dolan Gallan (Vandal~Hearts), from Ch. 3 of my fic Deep Magic, after having to cross a river on foot, and not finding a bridge

You know that thinking about bad things often leads to bad things happening to you--Dolan Gallan (Vandal~Hearts), from Ch. 2 of my fic Prelude to War, after Sara thinks about not coming home

Nobody knows what the future holds for anyone. But can you see a light at the end of the tunnel, or only infinite darkness?--Eleni Dunbar Lambert (Vandal~Hearts), from Ch. 5 of my fic Prelude to War, asking what Ash thinks will happen now that they've settled down and started a family

Never underestimate your enemy because she is a woman. Women are just as tough as men, men just think they're so much better just because they're men--Virginia "Megami" Enduro (Wild ARMs 3) from Ch. 8 of my fic Looking for Her, when the one of the thugs who kidnapped her children believe that being a woman makes her weaker

Now then, anyone else want to make a rude comment about me being a woman? I have a full seven shots in this bazooka, and I'm not in the mood for being tested at the moment--Virginia "Megami" Enduro (Wild ARMs 3) from Ch. 8 of my fic Looking for Her, when another thug opens his mouth

Something like this would usually be counted high on a scale of one to stupid--Narration from my Wild ARMs 3 fic Looking for Her, when Jet drops Airget-lahm to the floor in Ch. 8

Were you expecting Kronos? I'm sure you wouldn't mind killing him a second time--Dymlos (Tales of Destiny), to Rutee when they encounter each other in the Digital World in the 5th chapter of my fic Digital Destiny

If that (word omitted) wasn't already dead...I'd murder him in his sleep--Rutee (Tales of Destiny) in Ch. 11 of my fic Digital Destiny, on Kronos

Running away never wins the fight. It just delays the inevitable. We should go out fighting, it saves face--Rutee (Tales of Destiny) in Ch. 14 of my fic Final Destiny, upon hearing about Karyl's battle tactics

You shouldn't treat a person differently just because of some factor that he or she is unable to help, like not being human--Virginia (WA3) in Ch. 2 of my fic The Awakening, on how she feels about Jet not being human

I don't know what's the weirdest thing around here, Jet being nice, me being attracted to him, or Gallows being serious--Thoughts of Virginia (WA3) in Ch. 3 of my fic The Awakening, on the situation

True. Humanity is not restricted to humans alone. True humanity is found in people who are able to care about another person--Raftina, Guardian of Love (WA3) in Ch. 14 of my fic Conversations w/ the Guardians, when Virginia is trying to figure out a way to make Jet feel better about his identity

Meaningless violence solves nothing, but sometimes you need to fight in order to protect those you love--Ekatrina Maxwell (WA3) to her daughter, Virginia in Ch. 3 of (Not) Home for the Holidays, when she uses her powers to stop the Silver Tiger from killing the Council of Seven