Rasha & the Fortress of Doom Bloopers

My first attempt at a movie utilizing Anime characters was overall successful, but we did have a few issues that had to be cut.

(Raider is standing over Lyle, ready for the kill in Sheran. Suddenly, Fam runs in)

Fam: I'll save you Lyle.

(Fam pushes Lyle out of the way. Rasha runs in)

Rasha: Hey! Fang Girl! You're not even in this scene. I'm the one whose supposed to save Lyle.

Fam: But I want to save him.

Teefa: Fam, you can save him later on. Just wait until you are actually in the story.

Fam:(cheerily) Ok.

(Rasha mumbles something under her breath)

(Migel, Lyle, and Rasha are facing the goblins to reclaim the ship)

Migel: Fool, do you think you can defeat me? The Great Migel has killed twenty-five mounted riders while on foot. And I don't think you have a horse to ride, demon scum.

(A Rapidash runs over Migel. In comes Ihrie)

Ihrie: I always wanted to know if that blowhard was making up stories.

Teefa: Cut people. Someone bring Starfire back to Rutee. And no more tests of Migel's prowess. We all know he's exaggerating his abilities.

Migel:(from ground) Am not...

(Gil is outside of the Lorbenia shop with Galuff. They're counting the money Gil took from Rasha)

Galuff: This girl actually used real money for this production. How fortunate for us.

Teefa: Cut! Galuff, you're supposed to be at the lab in Odel. Gil returns the money when Lyle corners him, remember. Can't you just do what you always tell Ihrie and give up your greedy ways?

Galuff: So sorry, old habits die hard.

(Teefa mutters something about Niccolo from Legend of Mana and Gobi from Breath of Fire 1)

(Migel hears Lyle tell his true identity to the Apprentice)

Migel: You mean the hero of Doom Island Maxim? The man who wielded the legendary Sargus into battle against the Sinistraels. Why didn't you tell me?

Lyle: It never seemed necessary to bring it up. I didn't want to sound like I was bragging or something.

Ihrie & Rasha: Lyle's not like you Migel.

Teefa: That's not in the script!

Rasha: But someone needed to say it.

Teefa: True, but not during production.

(Ihrie casts flame on the gargoyle. But she misses her step, and falls onto Rasha's shoulder instead of Fam's)

Rasha: (looking incredibly pale and ill) Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!! A mouse.

(Rasha throws Ihrie off her shoulder, and fries her with a Bolt spell)

Teefa: Fam, could you help Ihrie? Why today of all days, I've got to swindle the PS2 off of the other students in our dorm, and play some Wild ARMs 3. I've got to find out what happens next.

(Fam knocks Lyle out of the way of Dark Ghost's attack. Rasha gets mad)

Rasha: Get off of him Fang Girl! I'm Lyle's girl in this production -not to mention in reality as well-.

Teefa: It makes her happy to help him once. Besides, you get to have the most fun in the upcoming chapters.

Rasha: So I get to do something like this?

Teefa: In another chapter, you'll see when we get there. Now no more arguing about who rescues Lyle. That won't change the outcome of the story.

(Lyle and the gang are in the cave near Ranques, and Rasha prepares to break down the barrier)

Rasha: Just watch, My magic can't be beaten.

(Rasha begins to concentrate on the barrier. Suddenly, it explodes, and the tunnel caves in)

Teefa: What in the world happened here?!

(She looks at barrier, and sees what appears to be some gunpowder)

Teefa: Now who put that there? Sky, do you know something?

(Skysplitter looks at her master innocently)

Skysplitter: I thought you would need it.

(Teefa facefaults and mumbles something about Wild ARMs 3 and subquests)

(When Rasha gives food to the people in Lyden's restaurant, they all run right to the bathroom to toss their cookies)

Rasha: (extremely angrily) Fang Girl! I know you're the one behind this.

(Rasha begins to chase Fam around, yelling at her)

Teefa: Someone get my cast members back here. We need to re-shoot the scene.

(In his laboratory, Galuff is trying to sell his potions to the group)

Galuff: Ahhhhhhhhhhh, young squirrel. How about this potion? It will make your hair grow at an alarming speed.

Fam: That does sound interesting.

(She goes into her daydream, and then, before Rasha can object, she grabs it and drinks it. Suddenly, she turns into Rei from Breath of Fire III)

Galuff: See, your hair is much longer now.

Teefa: (not too happy at the moment) Galuff! You're not supposed to give that to her. And what happened to putting water in the bottle?

Galuff: I thought the idea was good, so I decided to create the potions in the story.

Teefa: Someone turn Fam back into a woman, we need to finish shooting the scenes.

(When the woman hit on Lyle in Marse, both Fam and Rasha jump her and begin beating her up)

Migel: Boy, there's something you don't see every day. Rasha yes, Fam no. Go girls, I've been waiting for some sort of fight all show long.

(Ihrie steps on Migel's foot for the comment. Soon they're fighting as well)

Teefa: Is Lyle the only sane one in the cast? I've spent half the time to break up fights off of the set, now I'm doing it on camera too.

(Fam eats the strained slime in Herat, and spits it out)

Migel: Hey, Slime Elf. How does it taste?

Teefa: CUT!!!! Migel, you're line is "Hey, Slime Squirrel. How does it Taste?"

Migel: But my script says Elf, not Squirrel.

Teefa: Give me that, stupid.

(Teefa reads the title on the script)

Teefa: This is the original Lufia script. You're supposed to use the upgraded version. Jerin is an Elf, but Fam is a Squirrel.

Ihrie: (to Rasha) How do you put up with him on a daily basis?

Rasha: I don't really know.

(Rasha and Lyle are talking by fire in the cave to Gladsar Tower)

Rasha: You and I have always been together. Nothing will ever change our friendship. But there's something I have to tell you before we enter the final battle.

Lyle: What is it Rasha? I'm listening, you can talk about it now.

(Migel, Ihrie, and Fam begin snickering)

Rasha: You moron! I was about to have my romantic moment with Lyle, and you woke everyone up.

(Rasha begins beaning on Migel)

Teefa: Why me? I've got to get back to my ABBYS work, I need the Gella for that stupid key. I really don't need this delay. Rasha! Stop hitting Migel so we can shoot the scene again.

(Rasha brings Sargus to Doom Island. But when Rugudorull tries to break it, the blast backfires and knocks him out)

Rasha: This is the real Sargus. Wasn't this supposed to be a fake?

Teefa: Yes, there is a fake. But what happened to it...?

(In an auction house...)

Galuff: Do I hear 2,000 Gold Pieces? Yes, you over there. Now, do I here 2,500 Gold Pieces?

(Doom Island is collapsing, group must escape)

Fam: Ihrie, I'm out of magic. You've got to get us out of here.

Ihrie: If there's no other way.

(Ihrie uses Warp, and turns into a mouse. For no good reason, the spell doesn't work, and she lands on Rasha)

Rasha: (Waking up from her "death")Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!! A mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Rasha blows up Ihrie)

Teefa: Oi, I guess I'll make Fam use Warp anyway. Why did the spell not work?

Galuff: I guess I should have spent some more money to make the special effects for Doom Island. Didn't think it would interfere with magic.

Teefa: Why am I not surprised? Note to self, never trust merchants.

(Rahashina appears before Rasha on the docks)

Rahashina: Rasha, listen closely. I am Rahashina, the Sinistrael of Death

(Her glowing aura suddenly dies down)

Rahashina: What happened? Where did my aura go?

(Teefa looks at Galuff again)

Galuff: For once, I didn't do anything?