Rave Master: Manga & Anime Differences

It always has been said that the book is different from the movie. It can also be said for us Otaku that the Manga is different from the Anime. So, because I was totally bored and wanted to have some fun, I present to you the various changes made when Rave Master was turned into an Anime. Keep in mind that I write this as I view new episodes so I only update once a week. Beware of spoilers if you only watched the anime and I put a little Manga note in that jumps ahead a little.

Translation Errors

In most every anime, the translators screw something up and/or have to edit things for the overly censorship crazed populace in America. I know I can watch the subtitled, more accurate version, but I don't really care much to read my TV. Also, I am unable to follow them that quickly, thus causing me to miss things if I have to look down to grab something to eat or drink. Besides, then if it comes to a TV station nearby (either the local channels if it's a kid's show, or Cartoon Network for anything and everything), I can watch it for free.
But for fun, I plan to write down the errors I found.

The Shadow Guard was originally called Demon Card. Doesn't sound appealing, but there's a joke involving how it got its name in Volume 9 of the Manga. Shadow Stones were originally called Dark Bring.
Deka Force Sword was originally called the Ten Powers in the Manga translation. I think it was the Ten Commandments in the Japanese version but I could be wrong.
In Episode 1, Elie claims she was trying to win a stuffed Elephant in the Arcade. Even a kid knows that Roulette isn't found in an Arcade. Maybe the Slots, but not Roulette. That time, and any other time she claims to be in the Arcade, she's really in a casino trying to win Edels (cash). This also applies in Episode 18; her Membership Card was originally for a casino (don't know if it was changed for the anime or just in the English version).
In Episode 3, Old Musica and Plue are supposed to be drinking Soda Pop. Then Haru gives them a splash of water to calm them down. Isn't the old joke that you're supposed to splash water on a drunk to sober them up? He's really become a boozer over the years.
In Episode 4, Old Musica then claims that he's taking medicine for his unsteady hands. Again, all the drinking is what is really unsteadying his hands. I guess they wanted to connect the contents of the bottle and his unsteady hands without getting a ton of angry parents writing letters.
In Episode 9, Griff is supposedly "looking out" for "Sir Plue". He's actually trying to leer at Elie while she's in the hot springs. The Manga has tons of jokes on his perverted obsessions that will probably get the tone down later on. I won't bother to list them all; just knowing that he's a pervert will tell all. Besides, he's blushing so ppl. will think either he has a hot crush on Plue or he's a total pervert (and a Manga reader knows it's the latter).

Coloring Mishaps

I'm sure it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that darker colors in comics are always colored with darker grays and black. There is also the general rule of Manga that black hair is black while all others are white. It's supposed to inform a reader if the person is Japansese (or other oriental backgrounds) or a Westerner. From watching the anime, I found that some colors weren't what I expected following the colors I saw in the Manga.

Shuda and Musica (before his hairdo change) have their hair inked in black. But Elie, who has nearly the same hair color, has hers left white. The same goes for Schneider's hair; his was black in the Manga as well.
Shuda's coat is inked in when he wears it in later volumes. I'll figure it out when I see those episodes if he changes to a black coat or not. It might change to the one he wears in Volume 7. But then again, that was after his near death and he tossed the other off when he fights Haru in the Manga.

Storyline Differences

This has nothing to do with mistranslations. Simply little changes in script from the Manga to Anime versions. I section it off by Sagas to make it easier to read.

Volume 1: The Real Beginning
Remember how Haru is always having flashbacks to Garage Island and how he began his journey? That's actually Volume 1 of the Manga. It doesn't really start with him meeting Elie in Hip Hop Town. I think that move was made to appeal to the female audience. Well, at least it was originally written like that. The last time I know of that someone did something like that was in the translation of "Card Captor Sakrua". In the American "Cardcaptors" they began from Syaoran (Li's) first appearance; not from when Sakura unsealed the Clow Book. Of course, that caused a ton of confusion and things nobody understood. But that's a whole nother topic.
It started with Shiba turning his back on the final Dark Bring, sensing something, and then the title was shown on the backdrop of the Overdrive. We cut to Haru fishing and catching Plue. He brings him to Cattleya & goes to his room. Plue comes in wanting to eat, and Haru gets him a lollipop. Then, Plue offers Haru half of it.
The two go to town to see Gemma. Upon seeing the "dog", he begins laughing. Around that time, Plue vanishes and Shiba comes in; mistaking Gemma for his (Gemma's) father. Haru asks Shiba to hang with him a little since he seems lonely. Feber of Demon Card attacks them while Haru is searching for Plue; crushing the lollipop trail he made. But when Shiba is hit, he slaps the lackey back.
They find Plue in the forest, and Haru hears all about him and Shiba; including the final battle. Then Feber attacks again and is beaten when Haru uses the Rave Shiba handed him.
Back at the house, Cattleya scolds her brother upon the mention of Rave. Then he runs off to Gemma's again. Meanwhile, Shuda hands Feber a Dark Bring to fight Shiba. He attacks them at the house only to be beaten when the Ten Power's Sword hits the Dark Bring. But Haru won't accept his destiny because he has to protect his sister.
Shuda's attack on town and Gemma's injury call Haru to go to the rescue. He then hears that his father is looking for Rave. Plue comes in and uses his abilities to stop the blood flow. Haru, knowing Shiba is in danger, runs to find him.
Shuda defeats Shiba in combat before Haru appears. The fight goes practically like the one in Episode 2 by Hip Hop Town's Shore; Shuda's Dark Bring is ineffective since Haru can jump in the water, and it is destroyed in the fight. Like in the anime, Haru mentions his name and Shuda recognizes it. He leaves on a boat instead of his airship, and has Poosya shoot at Haru to distract him. The Ten Powers breaks and Shiba tells Haru to go see Musica.
Haru brings the injured Shiba to Gemma's and hears about his father. He decides to follow his destiny and see the truth. Volume 1 ends with Plue and Haru building a raft to leave for the continent.

Hip Hop Town: The Anime Begins
Episode 1 starts a little differently than the opening of Volume 2. It originally began with the raft heading for the Song Continent, and the discovery that Plue's nose wilts when he is hungry. Upon their arrival, Haru still has to go looking for Plue, but he discovers him munching on candy. The man who is feeding him (the same goon who dognaps him in the anime, cept he's not in a uniform this time) claims he ate thirty (although only five sticks are present) and wants 500,000 Edels as payment. When Haru can't pay, he runs off with Plue and sells him to the Dog Track.
Haru finally finds him in a race, only to have him go back to the starting line just like in the anime. Only this time, an official removes him from the track and begin to smack him around. Like in the show, Haru comes to the rescue on a sign. He beats up the officials until Georco arrives. The toxic gas is too much and Haru uses an explosion from Rave to escape. But Plue fell asleep and is taken prisoner again.
Haru hides under a desk and is accidentally squished between Elie's legs. She covers for him and tells about how they need to pay the huge fee to get out of town. But she says after the race she'll have enough cash for both of them. The race is a Battle Road one (meaning the dogs have to run over obstacles as well as one another). Turns out, she bet all on Plue; just like in the anime.
Although Elie doesn't want Haru to stop the race and lose her cash, she doesn't stop him once the traps begin to take out the dogs. After he rescues Plue from the mine chain that was set off, Georco drops a metal box around him to cut off his air supply and prevent explosions. Plue is trying to dig out, but to no avail. Suddenly, an enraged Elie blows up the box and half the stadium as punishment for everyone who interfered with her betting. Plue destroys the Dark Bring (it fell off Georco's neck in the explosion), and Haru knocks him down.
As Plue frees the dogs and Elie learns that he's not a bug, Haru tells her of his need to find Musica. Elie mentions having something to search for too. She also informs Haru of his shop on Punk Street. He asks what she's looking for and after a little hesitation she says it's her memory. Haru wants to help her out and invites her to come along. A happy and excited Elie destroys the rest of the stadium, and they have to escape on a cart driven by dogs.
As you can expect, Episode 2 was nonexistent in the Manga. Well, the only real importance was that the two talked about where they needed to go and Haru's sword broke. Since both things already happened in the Manga this wasn't done. The episode was added simply to fill in the blanks.

Punk Street: The Swords of Musica Meet
The scenes of them walking to Punk Street weren't like the ones in Episode 3 at all. It featured a small argument over who gets to keep Plue, which ended with Elie throwing him at Haru like a projectile. Before that, there was a short interlude where Poosya and Rueger spoke about Reina; one of the Oracion Six. Poosya was speaking about his mega crush on her with Ruegar trying to bring him back down to earth. Shuda also asked for tabs on Haru. There was nothing about Elie accidentally blowing up Hebi's watering can (but that was hilarious though).
Since Episode 1 added in the humor with Elie in the casino, this wasn't the first encounter Haru had with her obsession. But in the Manga, she dragged him to one with him thinking they were going to a restaurant. Just like in the Anime, she goes to make some cash for the "war effort". Haru, meanwhile, goes to the Pasta shop where he meets Old Musica. The scenes are practically unchanged between versions. Haru takes him home, splashes him with water, leaves the sword, and Bis comes to take it. He then leaves looking for Haru to get Rave.
Elie comes out of the casino and meets Young Musica at that point. He was originally broke after an all day affair with it. Just like in the Anime, Haru arrives and they have a full faced name confusion. But unlike the Anime, Bis doesn't get the drop on them. The fight takes place before they're hooked to the wall. When Bis doesn't find Rave, he goes off in a huff. Then Plue saves the team and they run off to the park.
Unlike Episode 4, the two guys find Lance abducting Elie at the Tonfa Shop. It was only then that Haru returned to Old Musica's shop to get the sword and Rave. Meanwhile, Young Musica went to Lance's Mansion to buy time. The entrance was identical to the one in the Anime. Meanwhile, Haru saved Old Musica from Bis and convinced him to fix the sword by telling him of the plight. He only consents upon hearing Lance's name. But he still comes through.
There are few changes in the fight with Lance; by both Musica and Haru (Episodes 5-7). Practically the only one is that Bis doesn't get back up after being slashed. So it is uncertain as to if he survived in the Manga. However, General Jeid's scenes on the cliff as he prepares for battle were added in (his name only comes up in the Manga, but is mistakingly referred to as Seig in Volume 3...Seig Hart is a different character altogether). Also, there were no scenes of Cattleya and Nakajima in the Manga; those were added most likely to give a base to Haru's sister since Volume 1 wasn't in the show. The aftermath of the fight, Musica defeating all the troops, the escape, and the scenes at the house were the same in the Manga.
Episode 8 is also an added episode. I guess the director wanted to put some more drama on the relationship between both Musica's. The Manga only had Young Musica walk out of the house and Haru question him. That led to Old Musica coming out and asking what was going on. This is virtually like the ending of Episode 8; except that in the Manga Haru was still in his bandages, and Plue was still in the house. They still did the family crest thing, except the next scene was different. Musica was simply walking away with Hebi and then pulled up his left sleeve. We were then treated to a flashback where he asked Riez to put the emblem on his arm as a reward for his achievements as a Silver Claimer. His hair was spiky as a kid in that flashback, not straight like the one where he was discovered. The manga scene then follows with Old Musica telling about his grandson and why he let him go. In the manga, his name was Hamrio (I really didn't hear what he said in the anime and if it was anything different). Both times, you see Old Musica telling Haru about the shooting star that might be a Rave.

Ska Village: The Curse of the Thunder Man
Although Episode 9 didn't take place in Ska Village, I'll cover it since it was on the way. I was surprised at how close it came. There were only a few big differences. First of all, Griff never had a flashback to finding Plue on the island; that was covered in depth in Volume 6 where a special mini-comic was added to tell the tale of how they met. Second, Elie never asked him how to help Plue get un-shriveled; she took Plue with her to find a vet on Punk Street. That mean that they didn't do the strawberry scenes. However, she still forgot her shoes and Tonfa Blaster, and the monster still found her. But in the Manga, the beast met her on open ground, didn't talk to her, and didn't chase her. Haru came at that time and killed it in a single shot. Plue got better before they returned to camp; which is why they never made it to the vet. Both ended the same way too.
When they originally went to Ska Village in Episode 10, Haru only had to push the Roof once before Griff covered them. He also didn't throw his gaming system. At Ska, they didn't take the grand tour before arriving at the hotel. When Haru first goes out, he doesn't nearly trip over a frog that Chino attacks. He runs into Chino and makes the kid fall into the mud. Afterwards, Chino doesn't run into the thugs, so naturally the fight scenes at the hotel didn't take place. Chino was back even before Haru, and both Lasagna (the mom) and Haru argued about his clothing. Lasagna didn't sit by Elie as she slept and suggest about taking a shower. Griff wasn't there either; he didn't return from his scouting until after the battle at Thunder Mansion. As Lasagna explained about the rain, there wasn't a pan of the damage, and Elie had a change of clothes for the rest of the section. Chino didn't look at the Ten Powers and muse in the Manga either. As Plue wasn't carrying a frog with him the whole time, naturally the scenes with Chino apologizing to the creature weren't there either. But Elie's memory was totally on the beat (man Sieg has a sexy voice. Ummmmmmmmm...wrong section for that).
At the beginning of Episode 11, Elie sees a Shadow Guard symbol on the mansion. She originally didn't see one. Go's last name wasn't given in the Manga, and the camera wasn't shown in the foreground on scenes. Following the script snafu, Go didn't have all of his men running around to recreate the scene, or give Elie a makeover. He never got a chance to dim the lights either. Haru wasn't shown running over the bridge; it cut right to the scene with Go banging in the door. The original name for Go's attacks were Fists of Fury, and Shin Goken. Haru was also not sputtering over Rosa in the Manga. Nor did they cut back to Chino and Lasagna afterwards. Although there weren't as many scenes of Elie's wonton destruction, the rest of the fight with Rosa was really accurate. But there were no additional scenes of Go getting his hammer, nor early mention of the Dark Bring.
Onto Episode 12. Originally, you didn't see Camera 2 fix on Haru, nor did you see a camera focus in on Go several times. Again, a shot of Chino and the old man wasn't shown. They also didn't make a slow motion joke. Elie's flashback was not originally at Resha's grave cutting to Sieg Hart, it was just a shot of Sieggy. The battle, however, were completely the same; complete with Elie's outburst throwing Plue to stop the thunder. Go's fainting scene was lengthened. Originally, they tried to wake Rosa up; but her scene with Go went the same until they began arguing, then it was also lengthened. Though Haru's original line was "Whose brilliant brainchild was that?" not "Ever hear of a label maker?"(I happen to like that line, that's the only reason I posted a scripting difference in this document). Since Go didn't overreact about the explosion, nobody was on the ground covering one another. Nor did they have a cheer fest afterwards. Although the picture scene was completely correct (Sieggy is real cute, love the purple eyes :3) there wasn't a short Go and Rosa conversation before the sun came out. Go was wearing bandages in the Manga when he and Rosa stood over the cliff. The Elder giving Haru the info and the bike was a flashback, not an actual scene in the Manga. Chino didn't call out to Haru as he left.

Tremolo Mountain: The Rave of Knowledge is Found
Although still in Episode 12, I'm putting this with the next section (as it is another whole storyline). You didn't originally see a flash of Shuda's Mobile Fortress Rhapsodia, accompanied by an arguing Poosya and Ruegar, before getting to the Tremolo Mt. In fact, Haru was shown first, before Shuda. The "figure" wasn't watching Shuda from the top of the mountain.
To clarify something, the bear's name is Kuma. Episode 13 gets back on track with Griff's scouting report. The only difference was that Haru & Elie had punk clothes on. This is where the Shuda scene took place. There wasn't a stop off at Shuda again after Plue runs off. The two didn't split up at this time to look for him, so the scenes with the guards missing Haru and running into Elie and Griff weren't shown. They were together when they found Plue and Kuma. Haru didn't play dead after meeting him. Originally, they trapped the guards together after meeting Kuma (there were three guards and Kuma broke his suit, that's the original reason he didn't go with them). Also, the meeting scene with Elie bugging Kuma and the old bear thinking weren't shown. The strange man stared at them from the mountain at this point. The scene of Shuda talking about the assassin was reversed with the one of Elie and Haru going deeper inside. There also wasn't a scene of Elie and Haru alerting security, as well as the additional Shuda scene. There wasn't an additional chase scene and cave in either. Haru kept his sword wrapped up until much later. Again, the figure didn't watch. Also Kuma wasn't shown at the waterfall. Their little jump scene, sadly, wasn't in the Manga (looked real sweet with him holding her), nor Griff's boat scene. It cut right to the sleeping scene. This is when he originally opened the sword. Originally, Schneider had a thick German accent benefiting his name. The original medicine was a shot and Haru made a fuss about taking it for that reason. Both episodes ended the same.
Note that they were in their punk clothes throughout the Manga section of Episode 14. Originally, in the break that would be symbolized as the part between Episodes 13 & 14, they simply restated that the assassin found Haru; not a new scene with Shuda & his Goons. As well as another shot of the "figure" in the background. In the Manga, the fact that they were lost wasn't hit upon as long. Haru didn't hold up Griff in response to Schneider's crack about Plue originally; thus the whole scenario with Haru freaking out wasn't there. And there wasn't a long showing of the cave before they rested; just a panel or two. It continued to be the same until Schneider attacked Haru and the "figure" stopped him; originally their forms were blurred before the gang awoke. Note that now Schneider's accent is just like it was in the Manga. He also didn't speak so much about the plan; just a few words to tell his intentions. Griff didn't introduce himself to Musica at that time, or run around whining (he wasn't noticed until Plue runs off). Elie didn't go around assigning roles to the animals. Plue didn't need to push on a hidden rock to find the door originally; nor did the boys freak out as much. Finally, the Guardian didn't speak until his identity was shown in the next episode.
Episode 15 now. Originally, it didn't rehash Kuma coming out of his cave. Nor did Griff jump up and annoy Musica. There wasn't supposed to be a fight between Kuma and Haru originally, they just went right into the room. Although he still says his name is Deerhound, he was still called Kuma earlier. The pan of the cast is an Anime edition. Off topic, weren't the Blue Sky Knights and Shiba real hotties (and for the guys reading this, Maltese was a real cutie). A picture of the Overdrive and the final strike wasn't shown here in the Manga. No big production of the wind coming from the door was seen originally; nor a scene with the door being opened and the gang standing around playing word games. Most of the flash back was added on to (notably the knights fighting, and their deaths shown in Shiba's eyes). Haru didn't pull out a knife, nor did Schneider talk about having pollen on it. And the graves didn't glow when the Rave began to transfer Knowledge to Haru. Nor did Schneider throw knives at Haru. The rest of the fight with him and the following conversation with Deerhound/Kuma was the same. The Anime did fix a glaring Manga translation where the words Knowledge and Wisdom kept being used to describe the same Rave (unlike how the Anime kept with Knowledge). Although a shot of Shiba wasn't originally shown when Haru swore his vow, the rest was accurate.

Rhapsodia: the Final Showdown with Shuda
Ok, first note, I missed the first four minutes of Episode 16 due to the fact that my buddy was over and I forgot to record. I came in when Shuda began to destroy the room. Originally, Griff didn't grab onto Elie in fear, Plue didn't run around, and Haru screamed at Shuda. Rugar originally voiced his question to himself on the choice of wording. A scene of Rugar's ponderings also wasn't shown; his next scene was after the glue hit Elie (Griff wasn't included). Nor did Elie's Tonfa Blasters get stuck (she didn't shoot). Haru didn't use Explosion and Sylpharion while he and Shuda fought on the ground (the scene was really little originally). Haru's speech about his father was more toned down; nor did Shuda mention his involvement in Demon Card (that didn't come up until Gale's direct involvement in Volume 7). I know I said I don't do translations, but this was really off of it and I don't know which was more accurate. Cattleya's scene and flashback wasn't there either. Griff didn't yell to Elie since he was missing for this whole time. Poosya didn't have a daydream in the Manga; thought about Reina instead. Shuda didn't argue over Gale with Haru; he just knocked the boy out.
To start off, Plue wasn't hanging off at this point (he jumped up after the second explosion), and the staredown wasn’t as long. Shuda wasn't cut by shrapnel after the second hit on Haru. Plue didn't walk forward, he just hung on, and there wasn't any other talking before they went back to the rest of the team. Rugar wasn't firing while Poosya was throwing the glue around, and he wasn't hit by Elie; she stayed out until the battle was finished. Musica was hitting both of them with the same attacks. This was about the point Griff suddenly was seen again. Although there was an injury on Shuda, it wasn't talked about. Elie and Musica only made their first comments; it didn't continue afterwards. Around this point, Plue was supposed to fall (he didn't get tossed off by Shuda) and the scenes after the commercial break with the argument and Poosya's turrets weren't in the Manga. Shuda wasn't showing his weakness and wondering about Haru's vitality. Also, his thinking about not beating Gale wasn't in the original. There was a little more fighting before the team entered the fortress (what was shown after Musica threw the silver as well as the ones following Musica on the cell) and Rugar didn't reappear. Haru didn't think about his plan to use Sylpharion in conjunction with the explosion; he just did it. Without Rugar and Poosya there, they didn't have the second battle inside the fortress. The scenes following the ones with the rest of the gang were shown before then in the Manga. No flashbacks were shown at this time. There was more swordfighting before Haru used his explosion. Shuda's sword wasn't broken in the Manga, and he used that and not an explosion on his arm (I wonder if the explosion still cut it off, I'll see later on).
At the start of Episode 18, there is supposed to only be five, not ten, minutes left. Musica didn't figure out that Rugar was behind it; he still wondered. Haru's flashback didn't originally encompass the first fight with Shuda; it was about Shuda's fall. Elie didn't have a rallying moment with Plue and Griff, nor did you see her find the plane. Griff didn't have food in the Manga and they were all in at the same time. They also didn't throw burgers overboard (they had the overweight scene though). Haru didn't grab the stick to help pull up, and they didn't skim trees before being caught. And for you horny males, Reina was still getting changed in the Manga. Jegan was also talking to Julia before going inside. King's face is much clearer than in the Manga.

Experiment: Elie's Secret
Since Episode 18 ended in this area, I'll just start with that. They didn't show Elie signing up for a membership card; and how the backwards letters equaled the 3173 (she won the card for playing a lot of games). Griff wasn't in the room with them as they made plans.
Episode 19 starts with the gang heading to the beach to set up. Originally, it was just Elie coming up to the guys and them being shocked at how she looked in a suit and a bunch of other males staring. Elie only threw one ball at Plue. Nor did she end up using Griff; and he didn't add his two cents in over the museum trip. As the man spoke of the situation at the museum, there were no flashes to the DC headquarters and Haru. They didn't have a conversation about Haru in front of Shiba's painting; nor did Haru flashback to Shiba on Garage Island. Sieggy didn't see clocks in the Manga; and this conversation went on instead of going right back to the museum. As anime can take more liberties with moving pictures, the scenes of Elie walking were more elaborately done. The scene shown after this commercial was the earlier skipped one; the Manga simply continued with Elie's storyline. They didn't originally go on with how Resha died and about the Raves. A shot of Overdrive wasn't shown as Sieggy spoke to Reina. Elie didn't walk out of the museum & scream before Sieg Hart noticed her power. Musica & Haru weren't walking away from the leader when Griff notices Elie missing; and scenes of her and Sieggy weren't shown. The guys weren't lost and found a fortune teller; they were joking around with her about predictions. The fortune teller was originally laughing like a madwoman when the gang laughed at her predictions about Elie. Originally, her background predictions were shown with shots of herself; and then of Haru.
Episode 20's recaps of Episode 19 wasn't in the Manga (although such things did happen at time there). It begins with Sieg Hart approaching Elie, no Haru screaming and a shot of the train preceding it. There were no city shots and Elie noticed Sieggy a little quicker (nor any of the other train/clock shots). Elie's flashback was much shorter in the Manga too. Elie didn't walk with Sieg Hart to another area; they stayed where they were. The scene of the others planning to go to the museum again wasn't there originally. Elie didn't flash back to the picture of Resha. Elie didn't flashback to the experiment during Sieggy's speech. Haru and Musica originally talk about the search before Hebi enters; without the girls. All Hebi did was yell that he had big news. Musica and Hebi weren't arguing and Haru originally flashed back before running off and he told Musica that he had to go. The whole scene of the Lightning attack wasn't as long and drawn out with breaking glass and Elie backing away. Nor was Haru running (here WAS a flashback to the last section). Haru didn't return to the fortune teller to ask about Elie (he ran all the way on his own in a little huff). Reina wasn't originally there at this time (she came in later unless she was there and just not shown in the Manga). There was also no gratuitous shot of Haru at the end of this segment.
As Episode 20 ended at an odd point (in the middle of two sections), there wasn't a recap originally. Elie's memories of her childhood weren't as prolonged, there were no back to back shots of her and Resha, and the memories of Haru & co. were simply shots (well, of Haru only). When Haru shows up, the fortune teller isn't shown (she doesn't arrive until meeting Musica later), nor were the scenes with Musica so early. Also, those scenes were different (she randomly appeared and thought Haru was still going to lose, and later on showed him the changed future of Haru stabbing Elie). Haru didn't have his own flashbacks to his time with Elie in the Manga. He didn't start fighting with the Explosion and Sylpharion (he did that later on once Elie had moved and Sieg Hart was ready to fight). Since Elie had moved earlier, Sieggy didn't move away once he'd "taught" Haru a lesson. Reina still wasn't shown at that point, and didn't flashback to the meeting and then their conversation on the walkway. The scenes with Musica, Griff, and Plue, weren't like this (they were of the Fortune Teller showing a changed future after the Rune Save is unveiled in the following episode).
On to Episode 22. Again, the previous episode ended in a middle of two sections. Elie didn't have a flashback originally. In the Manga, a shot of Kuma telling Haru something in a gibberish script was shown before he stopped the spell and a one panel memory of what he can do with the Rave of Knowledge after but before the sword is revealed; no flashback afterwards. He also didn't think of the reasons of how it happened. Haru & Sieggy had a conversation about "how" instead of the Time Guardian thinking. In the Anime, Sieg Hart being thrown back was extended for a more powerful effect, and they didn't have a conversation before the Reina scene. She didn't remember when King ordered her to spy or her musing afterwards. There was no "BBQ" scene with Sieggy's fire. Resha wasn't shown in the Manga; nor was Overdrive and a scene of the disaster of Atherion from Sieg Hart's vision of Elie losing control. Reina didn't comment on the question of Elie for the world or as Haru made his decision. The scene of Sieg Hart's question was much shorter originally; as was the Tempest Alterna (Alterith in the Manga) summoning (but that was b/c Anime could afford to have a much more visually impressive scene). Haru didn't have as much time to "look around" as the Manga ran right to the scene with Reina and then the one with Musica and the one with Elie.
Episode 23 marks the end of the fight with Sieg Hart. The Manga didn't begin with Elie awakening; it was simply of Sieg Hart and Reina. The next scene was of Haru; not of Musica running with the others and flashing back. Once we see Sieggy's face again, we're back to where we're supposed to be (though they didn't keep showing the outside throughout this scene, it just stayed with Haru and his visions). Haru didn't take that long floating over to his mother. Cattlya didn't turn to water in the manga; she cut her wrist. Shiba wasn't originally in the scene (Gemma appeared to give Haru something to eat). After that piece is where they did go to the outside so Reina could comment to Sieg Hart. Reina's knife was less orient in the Manga, and Elie didn't get seen here. Sieg Hart didn't look up to see Elie inside the sphere. Elie didn't walk up to Haru in such a long scene; Haru was sitting down and then she came into the scene. As usual, the Anime pyrotechnics were much better. Griff and Plue weren't shown throughout the entire scene, nor did Musica remember the old lady. Ok, the shot of Reina's dress nearly going up wasn't in the Manga (added for perverted fanboys no doubt). Rune Save isn't visible in the Manga until Haru holds it up. Sieggy didn't collapse at this point and Reina didn't get shown (that was a flashback later on).
Episode 24 is the end of Volume 6. This section was supposed to start with them sitting on the beach. Elie didn't originally see the ocean at the Manga and speak of it. Reina's scenes were in a flashback later on and weren't as drawn out. The piece originally had her speak and then Jegan came to pick her up. This means, she didn't even use her Dark Bring's power (her first fight in the Manga was Volume 11-12 where the entire Oracion 6 fought the gang). Of course, the Dragon's descent is more impressive in the Anime. Haru did not flashback to the fight with Shuda. There wasn't a flash of Luka/Lyric when Sieggy spoke. The part after this is where the Manga started; although Elie wasn't unconscious. In the Manga, Haja's name wasn't mentioned (Mashima said he hadn't decided on a name at that time), and Iulius was Julius. The Dragon didn't see flowers and get interested (knowing the history of the Dragon I wonder what it's about). The party after the scene with the 3 Oracion 6 members was supposed to be before it.

Blues City & the Trip to Lyric Continent
Episode 25 starts with the travel to Blues City and a flashback. In the Manga, the gang was already in Blues City. Musica spoke to his men about the trip inside the city limits. He rode towards the cart on a motorcycle. Originally, the train was missed because it was out of service; no robbery. The bandits were introduced later on when they were on the train. Elie did not see and point out a casino in the Manga, and there was no train scene with the boss and his men (they were the Jiggle Butt Bandits in the Manga; not the Big Butt Bandits, the leader was called Boss not Rear Admiral, and the Bandits were Lacky A & B). Musica didn't go back to the harbor nor look at graffiti originally. In the Manga, Haru and Elie were in the casino and not eating during the next scene; while Musica and Melodia stayed in the bar for their whole scene. There was no train scene after Melodia left or following the scene with Musica at the station. Musica's thinking scene was on a park bench and he didn't have coffee. He also didn't flip a coin and return to Melodia's house (he went to see her when the train was already there). She originally had her ring in her hands, not on a chain. The team didn't sit around so much at the station and Musica had gotten on before the train left while they were preparing and waiting; not accidentally missing it and having to use his silver. They didn't show Melodia running up, nor with the ring on her finger again. There were also no train scene of them eating and Haru's flashbacks and Elie looking out the window with the team getting a picture.