
I was sitting in my room one day, when it hit me. Some of my stories would sound cool if they were to music. So, I wrote out soundtracks. Not much here yet, but I'm still thinking.

If you want to see any of the lyrics to the songs, then e-mail me with the words "Lyrics to [fic name] Soundtrack" in the subject so I won't delete it on accident.

Fanfic Soundtracks

Soundtrack to my WA3 fic Looking For Her
Soundtrack to my WA3 fic On Wings of Protection
Soundtrack to my Shamanic Princess fic Divine Sorceress
Soundtrack to my WA3 fic The Fighter that Brought me to Life
Soundtrack to my Tales of Destiny fic Trio Addicted to Trouble

Character/Couple Analysis Soundtracks

Jet n Virginia's Kawaii Romance (Wild ARMs 3)
My Hero: Stahn and Rutee (Tales of Destiny)

Full Game Analysis Soundtracks

Maiden's Handguard, Dark Slayer (La Pucelle)
Maiden's Handguard, Holy Child (La Pucelle)