Stereotypical Characters in RPGs

Ok, now I've played so many RPGs, and I've found some characters that are repeated in many games. Here, I'll discuss some of the ones I see in abundance.

The Altruistic Hero

A main character who always helps other people, even if it causes them trouble. Usually, it is the main focus of the game, or the second main character. Their whole adventure starts out as a justice quest, or a quest to help others, before having to save the world. Several examples would be...

Stahn Aileron (Tales of Destiny): He gets involved in the quest because he can't resist helping out Rutee when she is in trouble. Then, he follows her, only to get arrested for the Temple break in. Which leads to him getting sent on the quest to find the Eye of Atamoni.

Virginia Maxwell (Wild ARMs 3): She wants to become a Drifter in order to help those people in need. But, that ends up with her meeting the other three on the train, because she can't leave well enough alone. Some of the quest she takes on involve helping others and no Gella earning, which makes Jet get annoyed (and we get to see a cute argument scene involving the two of them).

Ancient Tribe

This is usually attributed to female leads, except for Breath of Fire games (and maybe one or two more, but I can't be sure). A character is the last or one of the last of an ancient race that had powers you and I could only dream of. This usually includes strong magic, mystical powers, and the enemies wanting to acquire them in order to rule the world. Most of them are the main love interest of the hero, if female, or have the heroine chasing them, if male. Several examples would be...

Ryu (Breath of Fire): In every game, Ryu is a boy descended of the nearly dead Dragon Clan. Except for the Fourth, where he was a God, or the Fifth, which was totally outside of the BoF style anyway and had no clans whatsoever. He can become different Dragons, as well as fight with a sword. Some of his powers (*cough*, *cough*, Infinity, *cough*, *cough*) are pretty cheep for winning.

Feena & Leen (Grandia): Long ago, the Icarians ruled the world. But they all died to protect it from Gaia. Miraculously, twin girls were born with the power of the Icarians. Leen, the older twin, is a member of the Garlyle Forces, wanting to use her powers to revive the utopia of the ancient world. Feena, however, decides to become an adventurer, and meets up with Justin early on (she doesn't find her powers until Disk 2 though). They can use powerful spells by calling on the power of their wings, as well as fly in the air. Feena saves Justin's life with her powers after falling from the Grandeur, when he comes to rescue her. And Leen actually is able to carry the group out of the underground base when Gaia is reviving.

Tough Woman

My favorite character in most games. A female character who is tough, doesn't take any crud from others, and just kicks butt in battle. See my Shrines on the main page for more details on this cliche.

Rebellious Princess

Born into royalty, they tend to be really kind, altruistic, but naive to the ways of the world. But they want to change that, so they run away from the castle, or get their father's permission to join the hero (note, there are rarely any queens or princes, mostly kings and princesses in RPGs). Several examples would be...

Nina Winlan/Windia/Wyndia (Breath of Fire): Couldn't they stick with one spelling? Ryu's main love interest in every Breath of Fire, her only competition being Katt in the second game (but I still believe in Ryu/Nina for that game). For whatever reason, she leaves her comfortable life in the castle behind, and follows Ryu on his quest (well in 2 she was sent away from the castle to save her from being killed due to a curse, but still). Usually, she's strong willed and determined, but still has a kind heart.

Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde (Wild ARMs): Trained to become a sorceress at Curran Abbey, she returns home on her 17th birthday. But then demons attack, and she gives them the Tear Drop, which connects to the Guardians, in order to spare her people's lives. But they still attack, and she must fight. In order to save the world and fulfill her duty as Guardian Shaman, she joins up with Rudy and Jack on their journey. Although she seems to have a one track mind towards her mission, she eventually learns about what truely matters, and grows up dramatically.

That's all I can think of for now. If you have another character cliche, e-mail me with it. Make sure you can give some examples that I would know. You can find my game list in the Fan Art Trading Post.