
April 20th-May 20th

Those born under Taurus find possessions and physical touch to be important things. They are known as hardworking individuals and keep a project going no matter what. Persistant and stubborn, they well exemplify the bull. Somehow, they are incrediably practical with their possessions; despite seeming greedy. Culturally refined and lovers of romance, but hate being ordered around.

Taureans in RPGs & Anime

Jet Enduro (Wild ARMs 3) 4/27: A greedy young Drifter who keeps going forward no matter what; even his disasterous true identity. Seems like he really isn't out to buy anything extravegant; only get enough to survive in the Wastelands. He can be stubborn to the point of argumentation; especially when it comes to Virginia ordering him around.

Homard (La Pucelle Tactics) 5/5: He's an Air Pirate and goes off looking for treasures with his crew. Having a nice gentlemanly side to him, he works hard to help others in need though. Especially pretty ladies; he flirts a bit with Prier when they first meet but then falls for Eclair later on. His noble upbringing has given him a sense of chivalry and culture.