Tales of Destiny Bloopers & Deleted Scenes

Quick Chapter Find

Here are the deleted scenes for the game, Tales of Destiny. Taping didn't go half as smoothly as the director had hoped, mainly due to some argumentative characters...

-Draconis- [DRA]

He Took That...Rather Well
(in Dymlos' storage room)
Stahn: Whoa, what a piece of junk...I guess I can't complain.
Dymlos: What did you just call me!?
Stahn: (throws the sword away) Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ghosts!!!!
(runs right into the monster and it beats him up)
Dymlos: (sweatdrops) I think I'd be better off with the monsters...
Reason for Excluding...characters messed up.

Soup's On Us!
(in the kitchen)
Stahn: Hey! They left some beastmeat stew in the pot. Chow time!
Dymlos: You fool...we need to be getting out of here.
Stahn: After lunch...(ignores Dymlos further)
Dymlos: Of all the partners I could have...
Reason for Excluding...decided to make it into a short, simple comment where Stahn heals himself eating stew.

Never Explain the Facts
(in a safe bedroom)
Stahn: So, why did the monsters attack?
Dymlos: They're after me. I have slept for a thousand years in that secluded cave, but was recently dug up by the people who own this ship. My power was probably too much for monsters to resist.
Stahn: So if I get rid of you, then they won't attack me?
Dymlos: How can you be so naive!? Look at all the crewmen they killed. You're even less safe with me out of your hands than if you wield me.
Stahn: Okay...you don't have to shout!
Reason for Excluding...let's just say they needed to cut down so you can get to the dang Save Point.

-Rescuing Chelsea- [CHE]

In the Snow
(Stahn steps out of the cabin for the first time)
Stahn:Wow! It's not supposed to snow yet where I'm from.
Garr: Naturally. Phandaria is the coldest country in the world.
Stahn: (ignoring, falls down on the ground) Wheee! Snow Angels!
Garr: I'd hate to interrupt, but we do have to find Chelsea first.
Stahn: (gets up) Oh yeah...I forgot.
Reason for excluding...Stahn isn't Lloyd; he doesn't get distracted over every little thing. They just filmed it for kicks during one take.

Chelsea in Battle
(a fight breaks out with a Beast Bear right after finding Chelsea)
Chelsea: (smiles) Sorry Mr. Bear...you have to go now! (shoots a hail of arrows, killing him instantly)
Stahn: (looks shocked) Wow! She's definitely not an ordinary girl.
Chelsea: See, Garr. I can protect you all by myself. One day, I know you'll let me be your qu...(Garr muffles her with his hand)
Garr: (sweatdrops) Kids say the darnedest things...don't they? Let's just go back; your grandfather is worried.
Stahn: Is there something you're not telling me?
Garr: (still embarrassed) No...nothing. Nothing at all!
Reason for Excluding...too revealing; anyone who didn't read the manual isn't supposed to know Garr's identity yet. Plus, Garr isn't the type to get that embarrassed and lose his composure.

Janos & Snow Temple [SNO]

(in the cave to the Snow Temple)
Mary: We're supposed to turn north here.
Stahn: (not paying attention) Whoah! Look at this monument over here.
Mary: Huh?
Stahn: Hey, Mary. What's a Channeling?
Mary: I don't really know.
Stahn: It looks like a ring. You want it?
Mary: Okay! (wears the ring) Now then...
Stahn: Looks like a monster up ahead; I'll take care of it.
Mary: Leave it to me! (beats it to a bloody pulp). Man, I feel like I want to fight even more now!
Stahn: (thinking) That ring...what is it and what did it do to Mary?
Reason for Excluding...Just a poke at the AI's unwillingness to fight, and how when manually controlled a character is more into the fight. Not really necessary.

(Stahn is suspended after fooling around)
Mary: Stahn, I'll get you down. (pushes button, but nothing) Huh? (tries again) What the...?
Stahn: What is it?
Mary: (laughs) It seems the button is broken or something.
Rutee: What!!!!!!!!!! How could you screw something like that up, you moron!
Stahn: All I did was touch it.
Rutee: When Mary specifically told you not to!
Guard: (from offscreen) Is it our cue to come in yet?
Mary: Only if you're going to help them down. And if you won't, I'll beat you within an inch of your life to do so!
Guard: I take it we can't come in yet, then.
Reason for Excluding...An error with the equipment, which was fixed between takes.

-The First Encounter With Leon- [ENC]

Temper Problems
(Walt's Mansion, after Stahn is beat up)
Rutee: Hey! Leave my future husband alone! (casts Icicle on the bodyguards)
Bodyguard: Ouch! She hits pretty good for a girl...
Rutee: (eyes flash a moment) DO...NOT...INSULT...ME! (uses Tidal Wave and wrecks the set)
Stahn: Rutee...what are you doing? And why did you call me...?
Rutee: Darn it! This is what I get for reading the sequel's script too...(blushes)
Reason for Excluding...Rutee took her future part way too seriously.

A Little Too Early, Leon
(The team has been cornered by Leon)
Rutee: When did they let you out of preschool?
Leon: You little...how can someone like you be my older sister?
Rutee: Wh-what!? I don't have a brother?
Leon: Do you want me to tell you everything? From the very moment you were abandoned?
Rutee: Just shut up!
(scene was cut at this point, before they killed each other)
Reason for Excluding...That was not supposed to come up until later on.