RPG and Anime Top 10s

Here, for your viewing pleasure, are Top Ten lists related to Anime and RPGs. Dorky...yes. Funny...if it hits your style of humor, yes. Fun...you betcha! Just for kicks...like everything else.

~*Top 10 Signs of Alundra Obsession*~

10. Even if you don't use it normally, you take the Spirit Wand and go around incinerating random monsters for therapy.

9. During the Torla Mountain Dungeon, you take the time to sing "Find a Peanut" during a certain loop in the song with similar chords.

8. You use a save located within one of the Nightmares in order to create the perfect freaky music for your haunted house and jump out at people while either dressed as an in-game spooky monster, a zombified member of the cast who dies in the game or a werewolf in either Giles or Kline's clothes.

7. There is a save on your memory card before your favorite dungeon so you can play it again and again.

6. When playing other games, you wonder why slimes are weaker than bees and monkeys...

5. Your excuse for being tired in class was that you were up all night because you were afraid of demons invading your dreams.

4. You try to walk through your sick little sister's dream.

3. After you ruined a pair of boots swimming with them, you ask how Alundra did it.

2. The bratty kid next door with a crush on you has now been dubbed "little weasel" in honor of Talis.

And the number one sign of Alundra obsession...
1. You spend the whole game screaming at Meia to tell Alundra how she feels, then yell at him for not realizing what her kiss meant!

~*Top 10 Interesting Pokemon/Human Partnerships (among RPG characters)*~

10. Any Fire Emblem Cavalier with a Rapidash...let's see an enemy fighter try to get past the horn and the flames.

9. Any Fire Emblem Dragon riding class with a Dragonite...Hyperbeams while hiding in the mountains to snipe the enemy.

8. Any Mother/Earthbound protagonist with an Alakazam...PSI and Psichics.

7. Alundra (Alundra) with any Fire Legendary...if you thought Fire weakened Melzas before...

6. Tag team of Ark J and Ivy F (CIMA: The Enemy) with an Arcanine and Ninetales...both version exclusives with a larger population of one gender, as well as kinda symbolic of the Vassals anime.

5. Lufia (Lufia & the Fortress of Doom) with a Pikachu or Raichu...Thunder Mage and Electric Mouse!

4. Pericci (Star Ocean 1) with a Skitty...they'll slay you with kitty adorableness.

3. Ilia (Star Ocean 1) with a Hitmonlee...she punches, he kicks, the enemy suffers.

2. Rutee (Tales of Destiny) with a Vaporeon...Tidal Wave + Surf = Dead monster!

And the number one partnership...
1. Xiaomu the Mystic Fox (Namco x Capcom) with a Ninetales...Kitsune power!

~*Top 10 Silly or Strange Touhou Cosplay Ideas*~

10. Any character wearing a fake jersey representing a team in Touhou Soccer. Bonus points for having a soccer ball and pretending to use Spellcards on it.

9. Yukari playing Pokemon. Make sure to have a Ninetales and Espeon in your party at a high enough level to crush whateverr Elite 4 you're at.

8. Any PC-98 character with a sign saying "Remember me? No...then let's Danmaku and I'll remind you!"

7. Reimu with a few cute, cuddly animal plushies. Alternately, Pokemon Trainer Reimu by doing this with Pokemon plushies and some balls.

6. Alice with her Grimoire...make sure to write some very scary sounding spells in it and sit around reading it when taking a break.

5. Reimu with a sign simply reading "Yukari did it!" Bonus points for having a friend go as Yukari to make trouble you can blame on her.

4. Suika with some random drink in your gourd (non alcoholi due to con rules). Pretend to be drunk and try to get people to try a glass of whatever you've got (bringing a big thing of plastic cups is recommended).

3. Any character (even an OC representing a particular youkai) with a sign saying "I did it because I was bored...then I got Fantasy Seal'ed!" (in the event you prefer Marisa, replace with "then I got Master Spark'ed!").

2. Reimu with a sign saying "Will Danmaku for Donations!"

And the number one idea...
1. A Yukari costume consisting of just a wig, her hat (parasol, fan, gloves optional) and a T-shirt that reads "Why yes I'm good in bed. I can stay in it for days!" For the love of Gensokyo...wear either a skirt, shorts or pants under it.

~*Top 10 Fire Emblem Awakening Screw Ups*~

10. Sending Sumia towards the side Kellam was on in Longfort so she could stay with Chrom to start gaining Support points...did not see those archers there.

9. Moving up to lure in the first wave in Arena Ferox...didn't know those mages were gonna start moving.

8. Going down a little too far south during Paralog 2, aggroing the boss and everything in the south, then losing Ricken when I tried to divert attention from Maribelle.

7. Not checking that archer's range in Border Pass when I flew Cordelia in to get exp on her underleveled self.

6. Playing too aggressive with Gaius during a Risen hunt.

5. Playing too aggressive with an unpromoted Maribelle during a Risen hunt.

4. Playing too aggressive with Donnel...period!

3. Not checking to see if the Warrior boss in Paralog 5 had a bow and arrow...before he shot Sumia down.

2. Forgetting to check the Griffon Rider's range during Paralog 6, as it flew around my army and picked off Henry.

And the number one screw up I've done so far...
1. Sending Donnel in to lure out that damn thief, not realizing that it could two shot him and got two hits per turn!