
August 23rd-September 22nd

Those born under Virgo are neat, organized, industrious, and efficient. They also tend to work for good causes. Like their symbol, the virgin, Virgos are generally shy, and nervous, yet practical and logical at the same time, able to see all sides of a situation and come to a logical conclusion. Because of this, they also may seem petty, fussy, nipicky and meticulous. When someone else isn't as descriminating as they are, however, Virgos may become critical. As for possessions, they don't just grab all willy nilly, but rather understand the meaning behind the acquisition.

Virgos in RPGs & Anime

Leon Magnus (Tales of Destiny) 8/26: Just one look at his picture will tell you how neat and organized he is, nothing out of place at all on his hair or clothes. Although his cause was considered wicked, he did everything to protect the person he cared most about in the world. Though you might not think of him as shy, being in the face of everyone he meets, he is actually afraid of showing his real self to the others. Leon is the type to think rationally about the situation; they need that with Stahn's impulsiveness and Rutee's tempermental blindness. It's easy to see how critical he can be of his allies, especially Stahn and Rutee again (he has it in for her cuz she's his sister and Stahn perhaps because of his closeness to doesn't really know with Leon). There is meaning behind his most important possession, a Swordian named Chaltier, as he is the only person Leon trusts.

Alouette (La Pucelle Tactics) 8/27: She, like Culotte tries to keep things in La Pucelle neat and organized, counterracting Prier and her "don't care" attitude. Not only does she fight for the innocents in Paprica as a member of La Pucelle, but she also accepted the destiny as Maiden of Light 50 years ago (before sealing herself and the Dark Prince away). Alouette can get nervous when situations get out of the norm, leading to Prier busting through it like the ram she is. Whenever there is a problem, she tends to calmly think it through before rushing into trouble. Due to Prier's carefree nature, she can be critical or otherwise fussy over her actions. Her most important possession is the copy of the Holy Book of Poitreene that she was clutching when Father Salade found her.