Wild ARMs 3 Hidden Scenarios


You know that Square helped with the Wild ARMs 3 translation. As an addition, they made the game compatible with their Final Fantasy Tactics. If you follow the strategy written in this FAQ, you can input the Wild ARMs 3 characters into your Final Fantasy Tactics file. To save time, the games will be referred to as FFT and WA3.

A.How to Get the Hidden Scenes
1. Play FFT from start to Ft. Ziekden by April 1st. That is, the battle at the fort takes place on April 1st at the most.
2. Answer all questions selflessly (i.e. save Algus instead of destroy Death Corps).
3. Kill all targeted enemies like Miluda and Wiegraff first, even if it involves knocking out Delita and Algus to stop them from doing it.
4. Save right before Ziekden on a PS2 Memory Card.
5. Load up a WA3 file, and beat the last boss.
6. When prompted to save your EX File, try to save over the FFT file. You will be unable to do so, but some data will transfer to the WA3 file, just like when a person tries to save over their Final Fantasy VIII file with Legend of Mana, in order to get a Chocobo as your fist monster.
7. Save Ex File over a blank space, and continue. The Character Status space becomes Bonus Game.
8. Expend the one Ex File Key needed to unlock Bonus Game.
9. Select Bonus Game. A message will appear, warning you that if you save over the Ex File, you will not be able to start an Ex New Game.
10. Play a new scenario, involving escaping from some people looking for the bounty on the Drifters' heads. They find a portal to Ivalice, and go inside.
11. Final warning about saving is given before you are prompted to save the game.
12. Continue. You're now back in your FFT file, right where you saved.
13. Play Ft. Ziekden level. Afterwards, Ramza's monologue is replaced with a scene where he leaves his generic party members, and meets Gafgarion and Rad.
14. Nearly a year later, Ramza is running an errand for Gafgarion. He runs into Virginia & Co.
15. Fight a battle against a band of monsters. WA3 crew's levels are now equal to Ramza's, and they have only a random Action skill from their job learned.
16. When battle ends, you can chose to add the WA3 crew to your team.
17. Secret scenes are opened as well, which will be covered in the "Virginia x Jet" section.
18. As an added bonus, you can chose which characters fall in love with whom upon them permanently joining you. This is much more fun for veteran players, as you know exactly how you want to hook people up, and aren't just guessing. These scenes will be covered in the "Romance" sections.

B.Analysis of Unique WA3 Jobs
One of the things that attracted people to FFT was the fact that all characters were customizable using the Jobs and Skills in the game. Now, every special character had a unique job in place of Squire. The WA3 cast is no different. But the abilities of each of these Jobs differ from game to game, as they are based on how you set the WA3 cast up.
Each job has 18 skills. The first twelve are the spells that a person has equipped. The next three are the abilities to Summon your equipped Guardians. And the final three are a character's tools. So if I equip Virginia with Aqua Wisp, Moon Spark, and Love Charm, I would have different spells from that of someone who uses a setup like Terra Roar, Flash Hit, and Love Charm. See my Guardian Setup FAQ for the combination I used.
In addition, certain new Reaction, Support, and Movement skills are added to the usual base Squire list. Each of their unique Force skills have become an ability they can learn. In addition, certain Personal Skills have also become abilities.
All of the characters can use Guns. Yes, even Jet can use these, as they're not made from Dragons, and no synchronization is necessary. Their default equips are their own ARMs from the game.

C.The Jobs

Virginia (Quick Gun): Like the name implies, it's a fast Job, quicker than a Thief, but not as Quick as a Ninja. She can be equipped with the same armor and weapons as one of the Mage classes, in addition to using Guns. Her Action skill is Crest.

Jet (Mercenary): He's also pretty fast, on par with a Thief. He can be equipped with lighter armors, kind of like Archer and Ninja, but not the heavy duty armors of a Knight or Samurai. The weapons he uses are Guns and Swords. His Action skill is Journey.

Gallows (Baskar Priest): A bit slower than the others, but still not too bad. Probably the best equivalent is an Archer. He can be equipped with the same armor and weapons as one of the mage classes, in addition to using Guns. His Action skill is Invoke.

Clive (Sniper): Even slower than Gallows, he could be considered a Lancer by the standards of speed. He can be equipped with all of the heaviest armors found in the game, as well as Guns and Swords. If you de-equip his Gun, and give him a one handed sword, you can even equip Clive with a Shield. His Action skill is Ambush.

D.Spell Uses

~The Physical Attacking Spells~
Pressure:(10 MP) Water attack on a single target up to 5 hexes away on any side. Especially effective against Bomb class monsters.
Refrigerate: (10 MP) Ice attack on a single target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Cremate: (10 MP) Fire attack on a single target up to 5 hexes away on any side. Especially effective against undead, heals Bomb class monsters.
Petrify: (10 MP) Earth attack on a single target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Vortex: (10 MP) Wind attack on a single target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Inspire: (10 MP) Wind attack on a single target up to 5 hexes away on any side. Especially effective against fish-like monsters.
Spectre: (10 MP) Light attack on a single target up to 5 hexes away on any side. Especially effective against undead.
Dark Matter: (10 MP) Dark attack on a single target up to 5 hexes away on any side. Heals undead.
Tinder Crest: (10 MP) Fire attack on a single target that is lined up with Virginia. Same benefits as Cremate.
Devastate: (20 MP) Normal attack on a single target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Arc Impulse: (32 MP) Normal attack, based on how many fighters are in your party (only those still conscious count).
Boomerang: (0 MP) Physical attack on one enemy up to 25 hexes away on all sides.
Magnarize: (32 MP) Normal attack, based on current level, on a target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Bomb: (10 MP) Lays a trap, which explodes after 2 of Clive's turns, damaging 4 hexes on each side.
Grappling Hook: (0 MP) Physical attack that hits a target lined up with Clive.
Familiar: (64 MP) Random elemental attack for an enemy up to 8 hexes away on any side.
Life Drain: (16 MP) Steals HP from a target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Dark Lucied: (32 MP) Normal attack on a target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Freezer Doll: (10 MP) Ice attack on one target lined up with Gallows.

~The Healing/Defensive Spells~
Heal: (12 MP) Heals a single target up to 5 hexes away. Can also harm undead.
Status Lock: (38 MP) Keeps a target up to 5 hexes away in whatever condition they're in (i.e. poison, normal, sleep) until battle's end.
Revive: (8 MP) Brings a dead target up to 5 hexes away on any side back to life.
Clearance: (32 MP) Cancels all status ailments for a target up to 5 hexes away.
Reflect: (36 MP) Puts up a shield for a target up to 5 hexes away on any side, that sends all magic cast back to the person who used it on the person.
Valiant: (24 MP) Increases energy for a target up to 5 hexes away on any side, causing their strength to rise as their HP goes down.
Attachment: (24 MP) Adds an elemental defense to a target up to 5 hexes away on any side, based on one of the elements equipped on the caster.
Permeance: (48 MP) Makes the status boost of a target up to 5 hexes away on any side(i.e. defense up, attack up) last the rest of the battle.
Turbulence: (12 MP) Raises the evasion of one target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Quicken: (8 MP) Raises the speed of one target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Distortion: (24 MP) A barrier absorbing damage up to 1/4 of total HP surrounds a target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Hyper: (48 MP) Raises attack power of one target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Shield: (8 MP) Raises defense of one target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Protect: (8 MP) Raises magic defense of one target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Hox Pox: (18 MP) Raises the luck of one target up to 5 hexes away on any side.

~The Weakening/Status Spells~
Feeble Mind: (16 MP) Lowers resistance to magic for a target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Sleep: (32 MP) Puts a target up to 5 hexes away on any side to sleep.
Erasure: (24 MP) Negates the status boosts for a target up to 5 hexes away on any side.
Weaken: (32 MP) Forces a weakness to one of the elements the user can cast onto a target up to 5 hexes away on all sides. Works with Black Magic and Geomancy too.
Fragile: (6 MP) Lowers defense for a target up to 5 hexes away on all sides.
Decelerate: (8 MP) Drops speed for a target up to 5 hexes away on all sides.
Curse: (48 MP) Reduces status resistance for a target up to 5 hexes away on all sides.

~Misc. Spells~
Grav: (16 MP) Cuts HP of a target up to 5 hexes away in half.
Copy Ability: (64 MP) Steals a random ability from a target up to 5 hexes away on all sides. Monster skills vanish after battle, but human skills in a job accessible by the caster will be automatically learned, regardless of whether or not the job is unlocked.
Requiem: (24 MP) Kills an undead up to 5 hexes away on all sides.
Gale Crest: (50 MP) Virginia flies across the screen in the direction she's facing, until hitting an obstacle or character.
Change Crest: (25 MP) Turns treasure chests in line with Virginia into crystals, and vice versa.
Exploder: (64 MP) Turns target up to 5 hexes away on all sides into a living bomb, he/she/it'll explode next turn, damaging an area of 4 hexes.
Radar: (0 MP) Makes target up to 5 hexes away on all sides transform into a chest when killed.
R. Sneakers: (0 MP) Jumps 1 hex to the side, regardless of height.
Banish: (48 MP) Instantly kills a target up to 5 hexes away on all sides.
Replay: (100 MP) Copies the last attack you used, with same results.
Escape: (5 MP) Escapes battle.
Reset: (100 MP) Starts battle over from beginning.
Synchronize: (48 MP) Changes your status to reflect a target up to 5 hexes away on all sides.
M.Glove: (0 MP) Clive can break rocks and other obstacles right in front of him.
Pickpocket: (32 MP) Randomly steals an item or piece of equipment from a target up to 5 hexes away on all sides.
Randomizer: (0 MP) Casts a spell, regardless of MP cost, on closest target (not counting caster). Harmful spells go to enemies, while helpful spells go to allies.
Steady Doll: (0 MP) Takes faraway chests up to 30 hexes away on all sides.
Kramer Doll: (0 MP) All enemies chase Gallows for their next turn.

~Summoning Spells~
Schturdark: (50 MP) Water attack on all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user.
Moor Gault: (50 MP) Fire attack on all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user.
Grudiev: (50 MP) Earth attack on all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user.
Fengalon: (50 MP) Wind attack on all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user.
Celsidue: (50 MP) Cuts HP in half for all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user.
Stare Roe: (50 MP) Light attack on all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user.
Chapapanga: (50 MP) Causes all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user to drop chests after death.
Dan Darium: (50 MP) All but user are stopped for 3 of the user's turns.
Raftina: (50 MP) Heals all allies.
Luceid: (50 MP) Dark attack on all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user.
Justine: (50 MP) May cause instant death to all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user.
Zephyr: (50 MP) None elemental attack on all enemies in a 5 hex radius around user.

E.Special Skills

Here are all the special skills that transfered over due to the equipment of Guardians and PS. As well as some from the character's Force Skills. It will tell you if the skill is Reaction (R), Support (S), or Movement (M). As well as if automatically equipped if in the base job (A), or if the equipping must be done automatically (E). Keep in mind, all skills are (E) in any other job but their base one.

Mystic (Quick Gun): Items effect all allies on field. (S,A)
Accelerator (Mercenary): Always Haste (M,E)
Extension (Baskar): Magic effects all allies or enemies on field, mattering the spell (S,A)
Lock On (Sniper): Attack with a gun is twice as strong, and always hits target (S,E)
Gattling (All 4): A third command, like Defend and Equip Change. The attack is more powerful the more MP that you put into it.
Defender (Grudiev, Lion Shield): May reduce the force of a physical attack (R,E)
ATT. Blocker (Schturdark, Vambrace): May cancel an attack altogether (R,E)
Critical (Moor Gault): Ups Critical rate (S,E)
Green Thumb (Dried Flower): Doubles the effectiveness of items (S,A)
Regeneration (Justine): Regains HP if an enemy misses (R,A)

*Note*: Ones with Guardian or Gear names change mattering who is equipped with them.


In FFT, each character has an age, and a birthday. Well, except for those that aren't human, the generics (they only have a Zodiac Sign), and Cloud (whose sign, I might add, is different from the one he has in FF7). Well, the WA3 crew has birthdays and ages, that change in real time like that of the FFT cast. Their starting age is the one in the game manual. Even Jet gets an age, not a mental one (too much of a headache due to various circumstances that can be used, such as when he was "born", or the age of Filgaia), but one that is based on his looks.

Virginia: 18, July 6, Cancer
Jet: 20, April 27, Taurus
Gallows: 24, August 8, Leo
Clive: 30, June 5, Gemini

G.The Jet/Virginia Story

The moment we've all been waiting for, this is the scenes that unfold about my favorite couple in WA3. As you might know, this is my fav. part of the whole FFT/WA3 joining. Here, without delay, is the things that happen during the course of their relationship. Introduction and aftermath scenes included.

1 Week Before Ch. 2: Ramza meets the WA3 team in the field, while looking for his allies after he went shopping. Monsters attack, but they all kill them. He offers them to join, and they do. Due to her justice loving ways, which are similar to Ramza's, he develops a crush on Virginia. Jet, however, is jealous.
Beginning of Ch. 2: While Ramza and Gafgarion are talking with Agrias, Virginia and her team return from shopping. Once briefed on the situation, Virginia agrees with Ramza, while Jet sides with Gafgarion. Clive has to break up a fight.
April 1st: Ramza and Virginia talk about justice, and chivalry. Jet spies, and feels jealous at all the attention she spends on him.
April 15th: Clive confronts Jet on how he feels about Virginia and Ramza. Although he tries to hide his feelings, Clive can tell Jet isn't happy about it.
April 27: Virginia tries to find Jet a Birthday. He tells her that this is the 6 year anniversary of the day her father found him. Thinking he must have been "born" on that same day, she decides that this is his Birthday. Jet doesn't care, but is secretly happy she's thinking of him.
May 9th: Ramza asks Virginia if she is in love with him, she tells him that she's not interested. He asks her if there's someone else, and then if it's Jet. She blushes.
May 18th: Rogues try to pick on Virginia, and Jet saves her life. A battle will commence between Jet and three male thieves.
June 5th: Celebrate Clive's birthday.
July 6th: On Virginia's birthday, Jet works up the courage to tell her how he feels, after debating with himself for months. An engagement ring is her birthday present. She tells him it's the best present she could ever hope for.
August 8th: Celebrate Gallows's birthday.
August 20th: Tentative wedding date. If you are not in a town, you will see this scene in the next town you come to.
November 30th: Virginia realizes she's pregnant. She can't fight anymore until the kids are born.
August 12th: Virginia gives birth to Ashley and Lilka.
After Credits: Scene where the four and the twins go home using the Forwarding Device. If Cloud subquest is not completed, Clive and Bersrodio decide to do research on a way to send them home.

1. If a scene takes place in the time passing after either Chapter's 2 or 3, it is shown before the next chapter starts.
2. Any scene is shown before the battle.
3. Every second year birthday is shown as well. If you stay long enough in Ivalice, you can see the characters age and the twins grow up, just like the other FFT characters.

H.Scenes Changed by Events

Let's face it, with these added scenes, things are bound to change. I made a list of dramatic changes, and things you can skip by timing things just right.
Rogue Attack Fights Omitted: If Virginia is attacked by the thieves during any of these battles, the fight between them and Jet is shown instead of the actual fight. They are...
(1.) Araguay Woods (Boco will help Jet fight if on this day)
(2.) Bariaus Hill
(3.) Zigolis Swamp
Birth of the Twins Fights Omitted: If Virginia goes into labor during any of these battles, they too are omitted. I've always found it a good idea to finish Chapter 3 in late July or early August, so you miss most or all of her pregnancy, especially if she is a normal member of the party. Or, you could time it to omit the battles at...
(1.) Dogoula Pass (the guards see you as a group of travelers trying to get to a doctor for the pregnant woman, and help)
(2.) Bevenia Free City (Meliadoul sees it as her duty to help a pregnant woman in labor, and cools her temper enough to listen. As icing on the cake, she even joins you at that point, and her romance scenes change)
(3.) Finnath River
These events stop any random battle as well. They are a story battle after all.

I.Romance: Overview

For those of us who played FFT before, we all know that no one was specifically hooked up with anyone. Little character interaction was used, due to the diverse choices in characters that you could fight with or allow to join. Although Star Ocean games do the same thing with their characters, they also added in things called Private Actions, which allowed for character interaction. Well, we've got something similar. Although not interactive like a Private Action, certain choices now give you new scenes to view between characters.
When a new character joins the party, you have the option of (1.)Hooking them up with a second character you have in the group, (2.)Hooking them up with a generic that is in your group, or (3.)Waiting for another person to join. This leads to getting whatever couples you want. Note, that generics are not given the same options, they must join before a certain character in order to be allowed to participate in a romance with them.
Guests are not able to be part of the romance, unless they join permanently. The only exception would be Alma, but she is only able to be in scenes with people who meet her before the final battle. So she would have to be hooked up with either Mustadio or a generic if you wish for her to be included in scenes. Her choice comes right before the battle with Zalmo in Lesalia.
Here are the possible couples one can make, depending on where and when people come in. Due to the fact that people tend to freak out on "unconventional" ideas, all gay, lesbian, and incestual couples are impossible to do (darn censorship).

Ramza: Agrias, Rafa, Meliadoul, generic
Mustadio: Agrias, Alma, Rafa, Meliadoul, generic
Malak: Agrias, Meliadoul, generic
Gallows: Agrias, Meliadoul, generic (he finds Rafa and Alma a little too young for him).
Agrias: Ramza, Mustadio, Malak, Gallows, generic
Alma: Mustadio, generic
Rafa: Ramza, Mustadio, generic
Meliadoul: Ramza, Mustadio, Malak, Gallows, generic.

Clive, Beowulf, and Reis are already hooked up at the start, and have no intentions of loving another. Orlandu is too old for the other girls. And Cloud has no interested in girls from a foreign world, heck he has enough girl trouble at home.
I tend to have a preference towards Ramza/Meliadoul, and a slight one for Mustadio/Alma (after seeing it mentioned on a site once). Meaning, in pure FFT files, I use Malak/Agrias (I don't intermix with generics if it can't be helped), and Rafa/Fernando (this generic Lancer I created for a fanfic I may or may not ever get to write). I did those couples, along with Gallows/generic. If you want me to see the scenes of a certain couple, e-mail me with the topic "Wild Tactics Couplings".

J.Ramza/Meliadoul (early entrance version)

*NOTE* These scenes are only shown if you get Meliadoul at Bervenia, by arriving there on August 12. The Beowulf and Reis ones will happen only if you go on the Cloud Subquest, and whenever you get there. This is just the order I did it in.

Bervenia, August 12: Virginia collapses in the town, knowing the baby is about to be born. As they are looking for a doctor or midwife, Meliadoul attacks Ramza like in story, but then sees Jet trying to help his wife move. Knowing it is temple duty to protect the unborn, she helps birth the twins. Is wiling to listen fully to the story (her temper cooled), and decides to follow Ramza to see which side is right. Is a Guest.
Zeltenia: Meliadoul runs into the church to warn of Zalmo's approach. Tries to reason with the heresy examiner before fight.
Bed Desert: Meliadoul is disgusted by the tactics Balk used. Talks to Ramza about how dirty the war is. He agrees. Meliadoul finds more trust in Ramza, becomes non-guest.
Lesalia Bar: Meliadoul talks to Beowulf after he joins b/c she recognizes him. He notices that she is with Ramza Beoulve, & she talks of her trust of him. Then Beowulf mentions her having a crush on Ramza.
Nelveska: Meliadoul walks in on a conversation between Virginia and Reis about how a man will do anything for the one they love. They tell her all about their experiences with Jet and Beowulf.
Igros: Meliadoul comforts Ramza after Adramelk kills Zalbag. Talks about how much it hurt her to lose Izlude. They find comfort in one another.
Murond Temple: Meliadoul uses her influence as a Temple Knight to enter easily (pretending she took Ramza prisoner). Skip first fight. Confronts her father in the hall, like in the story, and unties Ramza. He asks her what in the heck she is doing, and she admits that she loves Ramza. He returns her feelings.
Ending: Meliadoul is with Ramza and Alma at the funeral. Both visit Izlude's grave at Riovanes. Then, they sit and watch the sunset.


Lesalia: Mustadio agrees with Ramza about Alma coming. Flatters her a little, and she blushes.
Orbone: Mustadio volunteers to stay behind with Alma, both siblings say no (Ramza needs him, Alma says she can take care of self). Tries to chase Izlude when he runs away on Chocobo.
Yardow: Asks Rafa directions to Riovanes. Yells at Malak the frog for hurting Alma, although he assures them she is fine.
Riovanes: Alma prays for Mustadio and Ramza before escaping. Worries about them when she sees the carnage in the hall. Mustadio sees a piece of her dress in the room where Izlude was killed.
Bervenia, August 12: Talks of Izlude with Meliadoul while Virginia is giving birth. I suspect there will be some sort of scene if you don't get Meliadoul at this point.
Limberry: Interrupts the discussion on where to go next with a question about why Alma was taken?
Murond: Argues with Vormav before fight.
Ending: Is on Chocobo back with Alma and Ramza at funeral. They discuss future together.