On Wings of Protection Soundtrack

Well, here's the Soundtrack to the second in the Wings Trilogy. This music is what started the taking shape of all three fics, in fact. Each of these songs are by Evanescence. It's based on tune, not lyrics (well, for the most part). The format is something like this..

Track #Song Title
Chapter Name
What CD it was from (since most people only had heard "Fallen" at the time I wrote it)
Setting and a short description on what was happening at the time.

Well, that's everything, now on with the soundtrack.

1.Listen to the Rain
A Long Sleep Broken
The only version of this song exists on the CD "Origin"
The song starts with some chords, heads towards chanting of the word "listen" over and over again. This part is sort of an overview of Virginia's existence in the tube. Right before the singing starts, she'll break out, and when Amy Lee begins with listen to each drop of rain, she opens her eyes and begins to eye her settings. I chose the song because of its tone of innocence and wonder. When Virginia last was awake, she was in Yggdrasil dying on the floor. Now, she not only finds herself miraculously alive, and several years older, but in a strange new place.

2.Everybody's Fool
A Long Sleep Broken
The alternate version on the 2001-2002 Demos
It's the first battle Virginia takes part in, when she discovers her wings. This might still be possible to achieve with the version on "Fallen," but I'd only heard this one when I wrote the fic. Basically, the words no flaws when you're pretending, are changed to too bad we didn't know she... and jumps right into the chorus after that. Then, the bridge, (Without the mask...I don't love you anymore) is omitted and replaced by a technical muttering. During that muttering I see it as the part where she's been knocked out and suddenly explodes with her power when the Chorus returns.

3.Before the Dawn
New Friendship
On the 2001-2002 Demos
It covers Jet's awakening. I see the beginning as being Virginia sitting around and noticing it's starting. Then, right after the first chorus, during what sounds like a tribal chant, the cracking intensifies and he spills out onto the floor. When the second verse begins, she is by his side to give him his clothes and they sort of interact throughout the rest of it.

New Friendship
Any version will do, either on Fallen or the 2001-2002 Demos (no big differences between it)
Well, the song was chosen for its feeling of desperation. Jet's just awoke, and he's thrust into battle without any training. Virginia is feeling her intensity to protect him, while Jet's intensity is simply to get through this unscathed.

New Friendship
On the CD Origin
Right after his first battle, when Tourniquet ends, it goes right into this number. They're preparing to leave Leyline and go to Boot Hill. However, the lyrics are spiritually fitting because what they don't know is they're not staying in Boot Hill, but beginning a journey to find a place where they belong.

6.Away From Me
New Friendship
On the CD Origin
After packing to go, they leave and see the Wastelands for the first time. It shows their tentative steps in an unfamiliar world. Then, Virginia takes to the wing and they fly to show you an overview of the world while they search for Boot Hill. The lyrics, Lost in a dying world I reach for something more, symbolize the fact that they are spiritually lost, Jet isn't human and Virginia no longer knows what she is, and Filgaia is slowly losing its life. This also was used for a Werner basis songfic, but FF.net no longer allows them.

7.Even in Death
Shadow Demon
On the CD Origin
It's played when they arrive in Boot Hill and see the funeral. Seeing as it's a song about the death of a loved one, it fits the somber mood of the story at this point.

Shadow Demon
The Version on the CD Origin
The bridge (Swallowed up in the sound...goddess of imaginary light) begins the song instead of the first verse. It is followed by the chorus and first verse, then an alternate chorus, and the instrumental onward is the same as on "Fallen." It covers the expedition into Gob's Hideout to take out the Shadow Demon. Seeing as the place has been twisted by the Demon, it might conjure up images of a more twisted place than the game showed.

9.Field of Innocence
What You Didn't Want to Know
On the CD Origin
The song is about losing innocence, sort of a theme for Virginia in this series. She saw her first ever friend die, watched the damn facility blow and was nearly killed, woke up and was thrown into a "kill or be killed" world, nearly got taken out by a Shadow Demon, and now learned that her mother is dead and her father might be as well. Tone wise, it fits the somber mood of the scenes when Virginia goes to her mother's grave to pay her respects.

10.Going Under
What You Didn't Want to Know
On the CD Fallen
They're leaving once more and flying away. I see the heavier tone of this song as fitting their moving onwards, probably into more battles, and then flying off again.

11.Forgive Me
On the Sound Asleep EP
It's shown during the S'mores scene and goes into when Virginia is musing, cutting off before her flashback with Leehalt and Werner. Though it was chosen for its calm tone, the lyrics are sort of ironic. People who play Wild ARMs 3 know that Jet and Virginia are always fighting and acting just like the characters in the song. However, this fic shows a softer side to Jet and his relationship with Virginia. Kind of letting you view him through two different slides.

12.Taking Over Me
It's the version on Fallen, not the second on the 2001-2002 Demos
It's the fight with the thieves. Though the song's tone reeks of the intensity Jet needs to protect Virginia, it also is lyrically significant. They need each other to get by in the Wastelands. And Virginia always believes in Jet, no matter what.

On the Bring Me to Life Single and 2001-2002 Demos
It's shown during Virginia's healing of Jet after the battle. The somber tone of this song reflects her worry for his health. Lyrically, it refers back to WA3, well in the eyes of us J/V fans, as Virginia thinks he'll never be able to care about her.

The Master's Invitation
On the CD Origin
It's played during the attack of the second Shadow Demon. The tune portrays urgency and fear, perfect for a battle.

15.My Last Breath
The New Techniques
On both the CD Fallen, and the 2001-2002 Demos
It's always mystified me how the tune of this song seemed to depict freedom, yet it is about death. But the tune is perfect for their flight towards Serpent's Coils because they're free in the sky. However, they are also heading to possible death, their possible "last breaths," which gives a slight justification lyrically as well.

16.So Close
The New Techniques
On the Evanescence EP
It's played during their traversing of Serpent's Coils. Since the tune is quite somber, it reflects their fears of the unknown and the forces ahead of them.

The New Techniques
On Origin, Sound Asleep EP, and the 2001-2002 Demos, it differs from the one on Fallen
The Final Battle theme. The music of the song is quite intense and good for a fight (I'm not the only one who thinks that, I saw a AMV of the final battle with Phibrizzo in Slayers NEXT that used this song). It mostly stays the same as the one on "Fallen," until after the instrumental. In the "Fallen" version, the chorus is repeated several times after the first with chanting in the background. But this version cuts right out after the words never sleep, never die are sung. Just imagine the bridge (fallen angels at my feet...I rise to meet my end) showing them knocked around but getting up and beginning to charge during the instrumental. The chorus shows them chanting their skill, and just as the word "die" is sung, the Airget-Cannon fires and the creature is hit and slowly disintegrates during the fade out of music.

On the 1997-1998 Demos
The calming feel of this song reflects the laid back tone of this chapter. Jet and Virginia are finished killing the Shadow Demon and can find peace for a time. After all, the only things they do are be honored and fed by Mileux as well as go to Halle to interpret Virginia's dream. The last chorus is 11 year old Shane reflecting on them as they leave the village, and rushing to tell Gallows as the last chord is struck.

Link to On Wings of Protection