Ironies in RPGs. . .When Music is Playing

Sometimes, when I'm playing games, I put on a CD or the radio (ok, most times, but let's not get technical). This is because you can only stand certain themes for a limited time. There are some that I will listen too (Doom Castle: Mystic Quest, the whole Arcana soundtrack, Lunar games, and some various ones I can't think of), but most are too repetitive. And with all the repeats, even my favs get boring.

But when I do put on my music, sometimes little ironies occur. I've sorted these into chronological order, from the first irony I found, to the most recent. Makes adding more much easier.

Final Fantasy VIII: I was leveling up in a field somewhere (I think it was by Edea's house), when the song "Jumpin Jumpin" by Destiny's Child came on. Suddenly, Odin appeared to use Zanetzuken, and he jumped every time the song said "jumpin".

Wild ARMs 3: Heard the song "Meet Virginia" by Train at least once on the radio when playing this. Pun. . .the female lead's name is Virginia. Another instance would be the song "In Too Deep" by Genesis. I wrote a songfic using that song once, a Jet/Virginia romance. Oh, and I also had a parody of "Meet Virginia" written up, making that one doubly ironic.

Legaia 2: Duel Saga: After royally thrashing Elliott and Marinne in the volcano--and they lay dying on the floor, pouring their hearts out to each other--the song "Last Kiss" by Pearl Jam came on the radio.

Final Fantasy I: AKA The Ultimate Level Up in FFI. I was by Elfheim, trying to get the cash to buy all the weapons/armor/spells, when I was attacked by a band of Wolves and Warg Wolves. Guess what? "Hungry Like the Wolves" by Duran Duran came on.

Wild ARMs 3 Ok, this isn't while playing and this isn't about music. But this semi-spoiler (well, about a name that you probably figured out the first time you saw it) irony doesn't have anywhere else to go. On an episode of Wheel of Fortune, there were three college students. The girl in the middle was Virginia, and the boy next to her was Adam. Point...Jet's technical name is Adam Kadmon. Looks like he decided to earn some Gella the easy way, and took her to double chances. Ok, I'm weird.