This Biography is of: Toshiro Nakayami
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 187 lbs
Family: He has only one remaining relative, Yukio Nakayami, his twin brother.
Race: Human, by far, but it can be assumed that he has traces of youkai in his blood by his violent tendancies and above-average abilites.
Brief history: He was raised up until the age of ten with his brother Yukio by their parents, whose names remain untold for now. Bandits raided their house one night, and killed their parents. Toshiro and Yukio then departed their homes, each going seperate ways. Yukio went to the north, and Toshiro went to the south. Toshiro happened to cross by an old man who was having trouble fishing, Toshiro proceeded to aid the man in catching two net fulls of fish, and by the end of the day, the old man had decided to let Toshiro stay with him. Later events proved that the old man's name was Pichi-pichi. (( lmao, translate that.. XD )) Pichi-pichi saw skill in Toshiro, and let him in on a secret that changed Toshiro's life. He told him the basic rule of dark arts, and then taught Toshiro to master fire, water, earth, and air, in the form of spells.
Later on, after leaving Pichi-pichi's teachings at the age of eighteen, he happened to run into his brother. At first, they thought the other was an enemy, and they began to battle. Toshiro's black magic proved to be a powerful ally against Yukio, but Yukio had been trained in white magic, so he just as easily countered Toshiro's spells. After that encounter, they told their names to one another, realizing who they had just attcked. At this time, they ventured into an old gravesite at Yukio's suggestion. They entered the tomb of an old Japanese shogun, and raided the treasures. Among the things they looted were armor, golden trinkets, and three REALLY long swords. These swords were three of the legendary No-Dachi swords. Toshiro claimed two of them, and named his two the No-Dachi-Chan and the No-Dachi-Sensei, and Yukio claimed the one he called No-Dachi-Sempai.
After this, they left each other's company, and fate brought them together many times over to fight one another. They remain constant rivals, but yet best friends, although they are destined to kill one another.
Weapons: the No-Dachi-Chan and No-Dachi-Sensei swords, assorted throwing daggers, and the kendo stick he has had with him since he can remember ( this remains his weapon of choice )
Abilities: He is able cast spells concerning fire, water, air, and earth, in the form of spheres, or other forms that suit his liking. He also learning the "ultimate" form of the dark arts, that pertain to darkness itself.
General looks: He has silver hair, in the grown-out chilibowl style. His eyes are blue, and he wears a pair of glasses much like Enishi of Rurouni Kenshin. He wears whatever suits his mood at the moment, generally a black yukata.
About the No-Dachi swords: These are ancient relics from a feudal war in Japan, crafted by the most powerful mikos of the time. They contain a constant source of chi to feed off in desperate times, and are extremely sharp.
***note: the picture is still in the process of being made.***