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Blast Off!
Sunday, November 6th, 2005

New Keys Awarded This Week...

Abyssmaster's Key: None
Key Of Power: None
Key Of Secrets: Naavle, Neerg
Current Keyholders...
Abyssmaster Keybearers: Agnis(10/30)
Keybearers Of Power: None
Keybearers Of Secrets: Gradelights(10/30), Naavle(11/6), Neerg(11/6)

Well Blizzard did their best to destroy and ruin our carefully planned fireworks display. However, throughout severe server lag, and a short on our volunteers, we pulled off a display that had Orgrimmar talking about us for days after-the-fact, sending in letters of appreciation, and even donations towards our next display! The rehearsal was worth it!

As was all the work, time, and frustration. The screen shots don't quite do it justice.

If you'd like to see the whole collage of pictures, courtesy of Mordon, then click here.

Other than the fireworks display, the Gatekeepers have had a lot of extra fun. We decided to revisit a lot of our old friends and put our smack down. It was certainly a fun ride. No need to put in the details, the pictures say it all.

And I won't stretch out this news section with a bunch of fluff and blather, this time. So I'll leave you with this last pic. Enjoy.

What A Blast!
Sunday, October 2nd, 2005

New Keys Awarded This Week...

Abyssmaster's Key: None
Key Of Power: Dakkonblack
Key Of Secrets: Cuitlahuac, Skeleton, Tigeress - Three cheers for the new Keybearers!
Current Keyholders...
Abyssmaster Keybearers: Blaklyte
Keybearers Of Power: Dakkonblack
Keybearers Of Secrets: Zoltann, Rabie, Naavle, Cuitlahuac, Skeleton, Tigeress

Lottery Winners: Narsis! Won a whopping 67.92 gold form this lottery! Thanks to Vicar Grunzoc for donating 23 gold to the pot! What a sweet lil' orc!

Members awakening from Neophyte To Acolyte: Ryknown, Gradelights!
Promotions Unto Reaver: Wodahs, Rabie, Mordon, Dulmar!
Promotion Unto Sentinel: Yunkel, Neerg, Dakkonblack, Arzheen
NewGuild Tailor: Prelate DrOrpheus! - Three Cheers to the boner with a hot gal! (Got Souldshards?)
NewGuild Alchemist: Reaver Dulmar! - Three Cheers to the boxing troll!

Whew doggie, what an active and exciting week. Of course, we had our usual raids to here and there, slaughtering, mayham, carnage, strife -- all that good stuff. But more than that, this week was the debut of Chapter Two of The Odyssey. The participation level increased greatly, and we're still trying to finish up some people who missed out and ahd to leave before the ending. Apparently Zardinger had run away from home, the big lug, and Flakes was paying for an Emergency Rescue Expedition to track him down and bring him home. However, during their journey, they began to discover that not all was what it seemed. Their objective, somewhere along the line, switched onto something much larger than originally expected. But then again, if you didn't play, you don't get the details. Congradulations to Cuitlahuac, Yunkel, Dulmar, Naavle and Grunzoc for managing chapter two of the Odyssey! And a Special Congradulations to Ishish, for winning the grand prize for great performance, ingenuity, and success! Below are some clips of what happened throughout the amazing and long event.

Then we had our October-fest party. There was free booze courtesy of Flakes, and interesting events. First off were some light sport and silliness, and then it degenerated into complete idiocy. Flakes and Dulmar got into a nekkid, weapondless, hand-to-hand duel contest, and I tell you know. The longest duel in WoW history. Imagine two Priests duking it out, with no spells except for heals, fears, dispels, and shields. When the health finally begins to drop, they have full mana to heal again! Then it was the Great Race! Everyone had to get naked, and get completely smashed! Then, using no mounts, abilities, shape-shifted forms, or potions - they raced, piss-drunk, from the Orgrimmar gates and to that annoying goblin at the end along the road towards Razor Hill, and then back. The catch is, on the way back, they had to run backwards(no turning around!). I won, I believe, and Zoltann cheated! (Booooo) Actually I cheated too, the official winner was Raaba. Then we had a hide-n-seek contest, where Zoltann hid in Durotar and the one who found him without using track, won 8 gold. (I won, woot). And then, I hid, and put up 25 gold of my hard earned cash to the winner who could find me. Congrats Mordon on accomplishing that one!

And then, at the end of our great Octoberfest, we engineered a small fireworks display for all of Orgrimmar to witness. It went over with flying colors(excuse the pun)! We got applauds and cheers. Because of that, a grand and massive Gatekeeper fireworks party is scheduled for Halloween, volunteers are greatly needed!

Unfortunately, the pictures I took did not do the fireworks display justice. If someone has better screen shots, please let me know. Anyway, you can get an idea.

Fun! Fun!
Sunday, September 25th, 2005

Well we've bene having a lot of fun it seems. Well, everyone else has been. I've been sick as a dog that ate bad kitty. I'm not the only one it seems. Alison went to the hospital and has been in there for about a week now, and Naavle is sick with the flu as well. Whatever it is, it's catching. Send rarius your e-cards and get-wells at Send me and Naavle some too.....

Anyway, The Odyssey went off with flying colors and good reviews. Zardinger, our well-aged and spunky quarter-master was on a rampage and terrorizing Orgrimmar with his delusions. Luckily, the Gatekeepers rescued the town quickly and shuttled the old warlord away into seclusion. It took them awhile to figure out what was wrong with him, he kept raving about Dioxis being a young child, and that he was babysitting him, and that he had lost him while getting drunk and flirting with the Matron of the Horde Orphanage. No one was really sure what he was talking about, since Dioxis is a full-growned and capable troll, but they did their best to ease has mad suffering. They thought it was going to be easy, but the old goat took them on a chase all over Durotar - from Orgrimmar to Razor Hill to Sen'jin, to Valley of Trials, and then, to Ratchet and Hinterlands and then finally back to Orgrimmar. But the majority of them handled themselves with dignity and respect, and managed to soothe his savage breast. The journey in and of itself was nothing short of, interesting...

Congradulations to Ashwee, Cuitlahuac, Yunkel, and Miniscroni for successfully completing The Odyssey. For anyone else who missed out...well, your an idiot. There is a mystery revolving around Zardinger, the family of Flakes and Dioxis, and the rise of The Gatekeepers - and only those who participate regularly in The Odyssey will unravel that lore. Eventually, there will be events and competitions, such as trivia and riddle contests, and information from this lore will be in those contests, I guarantee it. So those who participated and saw it through, congrats - you got a one-up on everyone else. You also have Flakes' and Dioxis' admiration and respect for taking good care of their loved and cherished nanny.

New Keys Awarded This Week...

Abyssmaster's Key: Blaklyte - Congrats Darin!
Key Of Power: No One
Key Of Secrets: Zoltann, Rabie, Naavle! - Three cheers for the new Keybearers!
Current Keyholders...
Abyssmaster Keybearers: Blaklyte
Keybearers Of Power: None
Keybearers Of Secrets: Zoltann, Rabie, Naavle

Lottery Winners: Blaklyte! Won a whopping 59 gold form this lottery! I would also like to thank Blaklyte, and Grunzoc, two of our great Vicars, who found it in their heart(and their wallet) to buy each and every one of their own class-members two tickets for the lottery. Next drawing is this coming sunday, don't miss out!

Members awakening from Neophyte To Acolyte: Wodahs, Thoughtcrime, Raoul, Rabie, Of, Pastorbob, Narsis, Mordon, Mentok, KeilRodi, Jigerata, Ignignot, Gandrann, Dulmar, Drogo!
Promotions Unto Reaver: Hatedread, Bricen, Tigeress, Rokoshima, Liferoot!
Promotion Unto Sentinel: Cuitlahuac and Ishish!! -- Congradulations to you both!
NewGuild Engineer: Sentinel Ishish! - Three Cheers for the green little nerd-boy with goggles!

Now with all that fun stuff out of the way..let's see...what else happened during this highly infested and contagious week? Oh yes, the banking session went over with sparkling colors and fluffy bunny tails and all that jazz. With over 250+ items available free to all guildies, there was 98 requests from 22 different people, and 79 of those requests were successfuly completed and filled as ordered. Not only that, but we also had a dazzling dance off like never before! And Molly(Docsgirl) was kind enough to memsorize all of us hornballs with her hypnotic hip-thrusts. Luckily, Doc was away playing with his sucubus so he didn't stop it. Three Cheers for our resident hottie who hypnotized all of Orgrimmar and gave the Gatekeeper a shining brilliance that I just couldn't duplicate! I think we even had a marriage proposal occur during the Banking session, but I quickly got rid of them. Doc already promised that if something unfortunate happens to him then Dioxis gets to lock molly down in his harem and take care of her - so I get first dibs. Now, if you wanna know how to become a prelate? Just take Doc's actions as an example - donating your wives and girlfriends and sisters is definately a way to get on my good side. But anyway, I'm daydreaming again. Just take a peek at what transpired, it was a real blast!

And then, just for some entertainment, we decided to revisit Scarlet Monastery and deliver another smackling of pain onto their faux leaders.

So, that's about all that happened during this plague-filled week. Remember to check the calendar frequently for upcoming events - new things can be added at anytime! And there are plenty planned to be added real soon!

Sunday, September 11th, 2005

t's been more than a week since my last update, so sue me. Anyway, I'm back to annoy you some more with my unhumorous humor and unwitty satire. Do you know what happened last time? If not, burn in hell, I don't type this crap for nothing (oh, yea, you can scroll down and peruse all our old articles). The Gatekeeper name is spreading fear across the realm. Last we left off, we had an emergency transmission from our GEEF team, calling for aid deep within the bowels of Uldaman. But that's boring informaiton, lets get on to the good stuff!

Current Keyholders...

Abyssmaster Keybearers: None
Keybearers Of Power: DrOrpheus
Keybearers Of Secrets: Mosan -AND- Naavle

New Keys Awarded This Week...
Abyssmaster's Key: No One
Key Of Power: No One
Key Of Secrets: No One

Lottery Winners: No one! BTW, the guild lottery has now become bi-weekly, the next drawing being on the 18th, i think, too lazy to check. Check out the Treasury page to find out when the drawings are. BTW, this lottery has a 10g donation from moi once again. Promotions this week are...

Members awakening from Neophyte To Acolyte: Liferoot, Tigeress, Rokoshima, Skat, Rothan, Xenzia, Taurano, Reenia, Namuh, Mosan, and Animor!
Promotions Unto Reaver: Dakkonblack, Cuitlhuac, Kosnora, Neerg, Skeleton, Scrog, Slu, Riken, Mooky, McGurk, Chrishna, Belal, Azerothian!
Promotion Unto Sentinel: Zoltann! -- Congradulations on being our first Sentinel!
New Vicar Of Warriors: Luminary Naavle - Three Cheers for "orc Smash!" guy!
New Vicar Of Rogues: Luminary Hindr - Three Cheers for the thief!

Whew, ok all the exciting and interesting stuff is out of the way, now onto the boring news. On a long and mysterious hunting trip through the perilous Durotar, Dioxis found a long lost friend - Zardinger. Zardinger was Dioxis' nanny when Dioxis was still pulling off his diapers and streaking Sen'jin. It was a happy day when the two finally got reunited, and Zardinger was more than happy to servce in our new army. He's a little old and has arthritis, but Zardinger has modestly accepted the position as the guild's Quartermaster - and he'll be holding our combat supplies until we need them. Keep your eye open, you just might see Dioxis's old long lost and half crazy nanny somewhere within Eonar.

On our way to relieve the GEEF team, we made a few side-stops to slaughter a few more people and bathe in their blood. (Hey, it's a perfectly good pass-time!) First was a quick stop to the native homeland of the gnomes, Gnomeregan. Let me tell you now, those damn gnomes are crazy sonofa-bitches. I mean, even before they went coocoo, they are weird - now they are just really weird. Anyway, a small task force whipped some munchkin-ass in there.

Now i'll be honest, (Unlike Hindr!) took us awhile to to get outta that accursed hellhole, but luckily, that whole slanderous rumor that men won't ask for directions is totally bogus.

Yup, we always know where we're going. In fact, once we got outta there, we followed Doc straight to Uldaman...well, we thought we were going to Uldaman. Unfortunately we got a little lost, but I think that's because of Lady Sylvanas, women are piss-poor at directions. No worries Doc, we know it was Sylvanas' fault.

So we slaughtered a few ogre's on our way, screw it, the GEEF team can wait until we're good and ready to save them. I mean, we're rescuing them, so what do they have to bitch about? Beggars can't be choosey. We may be late, but we got there. First ones on the scene drove into their forward line and setup an offensive base deep in their lair, and then waited for more reinforcements to show up(I think they got lost too). But while we were there, roasting our marshie-mellows some Amazon-woman thought she'd waltz right up and smack us around a bit, so, yea, we molested her and taught her that women's liberation had yet been to Azeroth. Crazy bitch, i mean, who messes with us?

But then the reinforcements arrived and it was non-stop slaughter to save our glorious GEEF team! How did it go you ask...?

Yea, we even killed the prick more than once. Crazy fool, thumping on the Gatekeepers like that. Geez. We're elitezez and all that lamah hackz0rz crap. Except...well...except for that one little incident....

ANYWAY....(that picture still gives me chills). What does the GEEF team do after being daringly rescued from a life-harrowing adventure and narrow escape? Well, I'm not sure what everyone else did, but Dioxis went straight for some Grade A, Alliance, Bootay! No seriously, he did, gotta love them alliance chicks.

Our First Lottery Drawing!!!
Sunday, August 21st, 2005

...and the winner is........ Zoltann, Congradulations! He won a total of 16 gold & 80 silver! Spend it wisely my young padawan! That's right, and the lottery happens every week. Remember to check out the details in the Treasury section - you could be a winner too!

Well we had an exciting week, yet again. The Gatekeepers has taken our name to greater heights! Not only have we continued to molest Scarlet Monastery, but our GEEF (Gatekeeper Elite Expeditionary Force) team pulled through in leaps and bounds, bringing our name to the cold, dead, and bloody lips of new and powerful enemies. And congradulations to all those who got the nice blue dropped items-- and for those who didn't; don't worry, there will be plenty of slaughter and carnage to come.

Our first stop was far amidst the overgrown pits of Razorfen Downs, where rumor spoke of strong adversaries of varying degree. But did that hinder the Gatekeepers? Hell no! We've had demons bow at our feet, do you really think we're gonna fear a few pig-faced rodents? Look at the courage plastered all over their faces!

Okay well a few of them looked stoned, but then again, I blame that on all the damn herbalists we got stuck in our party. Even though intoxicating visages may lie, one thing does not - and that is, death! And what exactly does the aftermath of mass-slaughter and pig-faced genocide look like?

It looks like a bunch of exhausted warriors returning home for a bubble bath and a rub down from our resident nightelf girl-slaves! Well, I got nightelf girl-slaves, some aren't so lucky. They are expensive

Anyway, onward and upward. After we finished making ham-roasts out of the pigmen, (sorry Baycun), we decided to venture deep into the bowels of....


But again, no fear at all. Our GEEF team was up to the test and brought the pain to our enemies! Well, that is, after we picked up our corpses from an unfortunate geological miscalculation by our resident demon-master who took a nasty plunge three floors below into a pit-full of unfriendly elementals. I won't mention any names, but we rescued DrOrpheus without pause or delay, and enlightened those elementals on the folley of gangbanging one of our own!

And as for the undead Kahns of the ill-fated Mauradon Cenataurs? Well, let's just say we helped them through the Gates of Styx...

And after that, it was away to face the true challenges of Mauradon!

The GEEF team entered the slimy pits of Mauradon with ambition, but was engaged with unexpected resistance. I'm sure the denizens of Mauradon thought they had seen the last of us when Princess Theradras herself smited us. The fools, did they not know that behind each Keeper stands three more? Quickly reinforcements were summoned and with our bolstered ranks we waged fullscale war onto the blashemous fiends! Our first victim....


...and then...

...Tinkerer Gizlock

And with the two of them out of the way, nothing stood between us and the one who dared thrash a Keeper. The one and only Princess Theradras! She would be ours, we would not be stopped, could not be we thought. A miscalculation on my part, sadly. Yes, we were caught of guard by the awesome power of... herbalists? Apparently our two resident healers both decided to pick flowers together while the rest of our forces engaged hostile residents. The outcome was, well, disconcerting...

But we recovered soon as the gardening session was done, and THEN, there was nothing that stood a chance against us. You could smell the sweet aroma of exasporated sweat wafting off the heaving bosom of Princess Theradras as we pressed her onward towards the Gates of Styx. Fighting a princess in a thong made my tusks quiver, I admit. And it was a most delicious moment to finally have our way with the spoiled Princess, and it was a slight challenge squeezing her bulging curves through the gateway of death, but we succeeded nonetheless!

In other news, we've had a series of promotions this week.

Members awakening from Neophyte To Acolyte: Belal, Yuo, Sihcoruk, Riken, Morbidicus, Mooky, Lucrent, Dreyan and Chrishna!
Promotions Unto Reaver: Zoltann, Zarzoo, Shizz, Sanjon, Raaba, Muggz, Morgaroth, Isiss, Ishish, Edal, Ashwee and Arzheen!
New Vicar Of Priests: Luminary Blaklyte - Three Cheers for the man in shadow!
New Vicar Of Shamans: Luminary Grunzoc - Three Cheers for the man in green!
And another three cheers for both of their promotions into Luminary - Congradulations to our resident gardeners!

Current Keyholders...
Abyssmaster Keybearers: Adaron
Keybearers Of Power: None
Keybearers Of Secrets:

New Keys Awarded This Week...
Abyssmaster's Key: No One
Key Of Power: DrOrpheus!
Key Of Secrets: Mosan -AND- Naavle!
Congradulations to all three new keyholders, and a big thank you and appreciation to everyone else who donated to the bank this week!

And that about sums it up for this week! Now don't whine, it was a lot of hard work for everyone to accomplish what they did this week. It's not easy being on the GEEF team, and their lumps and bruises show for it. Just ask Luminary Blacklyte how he felt about the strenuous week...

The funnest of it all was the Princess, of course. She learned her lesson the hard way, as many do when confronting the Gatekeepers. She was a...what?!? What's this? Ladies and gentlemen...Hot off the press! A distress call from out GEEF team from amidst the mines of...Uldaman? Apparently they have uncovered the shrine to a powerful spirit of ancient proportions! Hold on, we're trying to get further information from them now... it's fuzzy, apparently whoever this creature is has the ability to scramble telepathic scrying - but our warlocks are summoning an Eye of Kilrog to try and see what exactly their problem is. It should be there soon....any moment....

It's Gone? I'm sorry fellow keepers, the eye was destroyed in a few mere moments, all we got was a small glimpse of some archaeic being sheathed in a stone form. The GEEF team is in trouble, we mustn't let them go unaided! Quickly! Reinforcements must be dispatched to the barren lands of the Badlands as quickly as possible...

Sunday, August 21st, 2005

Bank-Day is here, Hurah! Boy this week has been so exciting, that killing alliance skum seems almost boring. Anyway, the title says it all. Actually, it only says about 1/5th of it all, but it's a good starting point. Bank-Day has come! Boy, and we had a good turn out, too. We got new members throughout it, and our turnout was great. I'm glad everyone decided to come (those who did), and the rest of you are cursed forever to shame and misfortune. We had a blast at the bank, too. Ishish brought the kegs, Primebeef brought dinner("Eat Mor Chikin"), I brought...gummy bears. I like gummy bears. We had a dance off like never before, and of course my handy-dandy snot-nosed-engineers-who-are-pampered-by-blizzard-more-and-more-made-camera for some cool pics.

Things Started Great!

...But soon after...

...things got out of hand. WTG Fetanya!

But we did manage to find a new guild recruiting method out of it all. Fetanya seemed to draw the attraction of practically everyone in the bank. They weren't interested in me... I don't know why, I think I'm unresistable!
Now who could resist that?

So the banking thing went great. But that only happened in one day! What else happened all week you ask? Well I'll tell you. The guild decided that we hadn't had our full share of killing alliance this week, so we decided to go and kill some more pale-skinned misfits. The sycophants of Scarlet Monastery will think again before messing with us, we cleared that place three ways from Sunday. And Then, we went back for more. Three Cheers for the Keeper's and their scouring of the human infestation in Hillsbrad! In fact, we've been all over Norrath and making our presence known. Talk about the guild starting with a bang, they are seeing our name everywhere and running for cover, praying for daylight, praying for security, praying for a way out of the agonizing torture that fate has assigned to be their inevitable doom. That just makes me feel all warm and gooey inside.

First Was Herod!

Then The Cathedral!
And Then everywhere else, including a quick side-stop to whip up on my favorite demon!

We slaughtered everywhere practically time and time again. Unfortunately, I wasn't there to record many of the events with my snap-shotter. However, ya never know what I'll dig up!

On a more serious note: Recruit-week ended with flying colors, we are now boasting a staggering 70+ members, most of which are active daily. Too many to list each one individually, so I'll just say "Glad To Have You Aboards!" to all new Neophytes. And with the conclusion of Recruit-Week, a slew of people recieved promotions from Neophyte To Acolyte.

Promotions This Week:

  • Neophyte-to-Acolyte: Vone, Yuo, Slu, DBX, Azerothian, Ishish, Mooky, Raaba, Ashwee, Arzheen, Rackham, Zachattacks, Tameshi, Blaklyte, Sanjon, Zarzoo, Edal, Xorlarrin, Neerg, Zoltann, Shizz, Morgaroth, McGurk, Isiss, and Gramu. Whew! Congradulations to you all!

    Abyssmaster's Keybearers: Adaron Congradulations, and a big thank you for all you've donated to the guild this week!

    And don't forget, the Guild Lottery starts up this week for the first time with a most generous 5 gold donation from a great and noble, wise, sexy and perfect benefactor....purrrrrr.....

    And Now that we have mastered Scarlet Monastery, I think raid-runs into Razorfen Downs is in order! Maybe even Gnomeregan if my arm is REALLY twisted. Plus, we can always go back to Scarlet Monastery for a little pleasure. What's in store for the future? Uldaman Baby! Oh yea, that's right. Grunzoc and Dio went exploring the other day, and found one thing out. We aren't ready for it yet. The first part we could handle, it's about on par with The Cathedral in Scarlet Monastery. But then it quickly shifts into mobs level 40-45, which are scripted to come in multiples of 3-6 at a pop regardless of how you pull - that's without adds. But with my training pages coming along, and the way everyone is polishing up into a smooth working machine, I think we'll be able to hit it with our deadline date on the calendar. To give you a preview:

    And, during our odyssey, I devised a new strategy for us to use to combat our enemies! It works great!
    But I remind you, it took Grunzoc and I 4 hours to run this place! Though, I will reveal a few secrets about our exploration run.......

    Yes, the secret is out! There is always an eye where you least expect it, for I, Shadowmaster Flakes, see all. I hear the wind before it blows, feel the rain before the clouds, and wake before I dream. Yet I still..can not... understand how this picture happened....

  • Recruit-Week Is Upon Us!!
    Saturday, August 13th, 2005

    Well here we are, the Guild News page has it's first issue...HURAH! And it couldn't have happened at a better time, we've got plenty of things cooking. The most important thing I suppose is that The Gatekeepers is up and running, the web site is building, and our tabards are sizzling. Reckless And Deadly has transformed from a caterpillar into a butterfly if I do say so myself, which I do... Anyway!

    The Charter, Forum, Glossary, Members, Guild News(obviously), Ranks, and Calendar sections of the web site are up and running(mostly). So make sure to check those out -- and the Training, Pics, and Roster section are on the way. Which reminds me: anyone who doesn't have a paranoia problem, or isn't overly secure about themselves in real life, feel free to share pics, name, hometown, hobbies, age, gender, and any other info you'd like for me to put up on the Pics section - which is going to be sort of like a catalogue or index of all members. The roster will probably be the last thing to fly up since we have recruit week this week, and I wanna wait until all of that settles.

    Which brings me to another point I want to mention - all members who are with us today and prior to this day, please, if for some unfortunate and unforeseeable reason there would be problems with any of the new recruits this week, or if any of them are nuisances, chaotic, or plain ol' PITAs, please do not feel like you must leave. We will be filtering out all of the bad seeds, and we are already a family, we don't want to lose anyone we have. "No one left behind!!!" So be patient, be tough, and recruit, recruit, recruit! (Which I'll take this time again to say, when you recruit someone please try to send an in-game letter to Flakes and tell him the persons name -- for recordkeeping)

    Don't forget to be active on our guild Forums! We need everyone's interaction there if we want it to be a nice social sanctuary away from the game. So please, chitter-chatter away. The password to The Pit is the same password to get into the member's section of the web site. Feel free to post in either side, we will respond!

    Also, I would like to take this time to mention the names of some members who found it in their hearts to donate to the guild bank so that other Keepers could strive forward in their journey to greatness. These people that understand there is two types of profit...short-term and long-term - and the guild succeeding is long-term. It's people like this that make Bank-days possible, so when you see them in-game remember to give them a thanks! Thanks: DrOrpheus, Naavle, Montu, Rarius, Kahiki, Dracolich, Xnare, Gramu, Hindr, and Adaron!
    Unfortunately my records weren't ready for this news update, and this time I couldn't list all new members to the guild, next time.

    Congradulations to Dreyan for winning this week's free guild tabard, with a roll of: 96!

    ALSO! The most important thing of all! I, Shadowmaster Flakes, have devised a new unstoppable plan that will allow us to slaughter Alliance, en masse! I know the instructions may be a little vague, but my mind was on overtime after achieving such a miraculous discovery, so please, bear with me and try your best to understand my strategy.

    With this, nothing will hold us back! Nothing!

    And lastly, I would like to give a great congradulatons to Adaron! The wisest, most knowledgeable mage I have ever met(and there ain't many, I mean, otherwise they'd be a hunter, or priest, or AT LEAST a troll). He also feels he is capable and willing to put the time and effort necessary into being the Vicar Of Mages. And I tried to hold him back, but after he polymorphed me a couple dozen times, be honest, I sorta gave in. Nah! He is a wise-ol' corpse and fully prepared to help you in all your mage needs. In fact, I interviewed Adaron and asked him how he felt about his new promotion and his response was astounding, I wish you were there to see it. In fact, you can see it, with my handydandy engineers-can-make-anything-because-they-are-pampered-by-Blizzard-camera that I just so happened to have on me at the time. So this is Flakes, leaving you with Adaron and saying...Good'night!