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Guild Charter


We, The Gatekeepers, are the guardians of the Horde. We are the first to greet our grizzled brethren home from a long journey, and the last thing the alliance sees before all-consuming darkness. We are a band of brothers and sisters, from both continents, united under camaraderie and kinship - devoted to each other and our survival. We are allies to all guilds which pledge allegiance to the Horde, and enemy to any who would threaten our allies. We shall not fear trespass nor death, for we are the Gatekeepers and we safeguard the portal of all things to come: we hold back the fury of hells, we part the veil, split the seas, enlighten the ignorant, and deliver souls unto the reaper. We hold the key to all that transacts, transforms, transpires, or transports. All things that exist must have a passage leading to or from it, and we safeguard the Passageway to all passages. Yet more than all of this we are a place anyone may call home, here, on the front lines. Home, the Gates.


Being a member of this guild is declaring yourself a member of your own family. In essence, our goal is to serve as a massive familial environment content on supporting one another in our daily gaming endeavors. We do not, as a guild, feel the necessity to obligate nor push others to raid, group, quest, level, or grind - as we feel that we are all here to enjoy ourselves, avoid pressure, and to just relax. Though we do have aspirations and goals to one day stand toe-to-toe with the greatest of guilds to ever exist, we do not feel that it is as important as sacrificing something as dire as the core essence of this game: entertainment. A full set of purple items is a dream of anyone who ventures into the World Of Warcraft world, however, we do not feel that that is the most important thing. The means, is always more valuable than the end. That being said, we still attempt to be active as possible, offering camaraderie and aid to everyone in any endeavor possible. We are here to help each other, and with that unity in mind, I believe we can soar to heights unachievable by our own individual means. This will require some sacrifice on all of our parts, however it is our plan that no sacrifice shall be made without just rewards. Together, we shall succeed.
We are both a PvE and PvP guild, with plans to quest, group, and raid in both categories. It is important to defend the towns when possible from our enemies, but we do not diminish the value of leveling, questing, engaging the environment, or simply taking a break to "refuel." More than anything else, this is a guild of optimism, achievers, and compromise - and those virtues are at the core of our beliefs. Negative, nihilistic, or commercial personalities are best off joining with the more business and corporate guilds of Eonar. We are not a grinding, pressuring, or pushing guild; and we prefer community over questing, rapor over raiding, and quality over quantity.

Applying & Joining

To join The Gatekeepers, simply contact Flakes, Rarius, DrOrpheus, Hindr, or any other Keeper via in-game or through e-mails. If accepted into the guild, you shall be a member of a trial period which lasts for two weeks, during which I urge you spend as much time interacting with fellow Keepers as possible. During your trial period, expect to have occassional private dialogue with some officers as they attempt to get to know you. The only information that is expected to be disclosed to the high-ranking officers are: All past guild memberships; the class and level of your main character and which guild it is currently in(if this is not it); your age; any previous MMORPGs played; and how long you have played WoW. This information can be kept confidential.


Becoming a Keeper may be a rite of passage, but walking the footsteps of a Keeper is a way of life. There are no obligations, taxes, or demands on: time, raids, groups, leveling, finances or activity. We do require a certain level of conduct which must be maintained at all times, and failing to do so not only reflects poorly on the Gatekeeper name, but is punishable. These few core rules are essential if you wish to remain as a member of this guild.
  • You must always show respect and appropriate manners to all fellow guilds and groups of the Horde, especially those which have alliances with us. If you join a group, will adhere to the rules set forth by that group. Since we are role-models to the community, cheating or disrupting other Horde members is unacceptable as a Keeper.
  • You shall not unnecessarily harass, disrupt, or spam any chat channel that is public or visible to other Horde members. This also applies to guild chat.
  • You shall not be excessively vulgar in any chat channel. Bad Word filter aside, frequent usage of vulgar language is a sign of immaturity and is ill-mannered and reflects badly upon the guild. This also applies to guild chat to a lesser degree.
  • You must be willing to sell looted or rewarded items to other Keepers-in-need before non-Keepers, for standard AH price. We request that profit on self-crafted items be minimized as much as possible with fellow-Keepers.
  • Using mechanical or technical glitches for your own benefit, which is a violation of your WoW user agreement, is also a serious guild violation. "BoTs" or programs which control your character on your behalf are also unacceptable, unexcusable, and untolerable.
  • When groups are formed, whether with fellow Keepers or not, for dual goals or quests - it is strictly forbidden to abandon your partner or group after you have achieved your purpose and prior to fulfilling the rest of your commitment to them without very good reason.
  • During any grouping session, it is expected to give a fair roll on any item that is contested unless looting guidelines have been established prior to the dropped item in question.
  • Any dialogue that could be distressing to fellow Keepers, within reason, should be restricted from guild chat. Any commentary that is intended to inflict harm, insult, degrade, humiliate or is malicious at it's core is strictly forbidden from guild chat.
  • All other acts which could be detrimental, harmful or incriminating against: the guild, it's reputation, it's fellow members, or it's legacy, are also forbidden. Use common sense.

  • Trial Members

    All new recruits that join the Keepers must go through a 2 week trial period, regardless of level or service. During that time, they do not possess the full repertoire of privilidges that fully awakened Keepers possess. Consider Trial Members, Keepers, with the exceptions and notes below:

  • A Trial Member is not allowed to roll on any raid item that is rare (blue), or epic (purple).
  • A Trial Member is allowed to make requests for items from the guild bank, but may not contest or force a roll on any item that is requested by an awakened Keeper. Awakened Keepers have seniority on all items from the bank.
  • A Trial Member must be afforded the same price on all items and services, as would be offered to any other Keeper, from a Keeper.
  • If a Trial Member violates any section of the guild Charter, violates any in-game regulation, or exhibits undesirable behavior may be removed from the guild with no chance of redemption.

  • Medals

    Medals are badges of service, dedication, activity, and sacrifice. Medals are given to members who participate in specific events with the guild, which results in rewards. Each member has their own "pool" of medals which is accumulative over time. They are required to get promoted to higher ranks within the guild. They are rewarded for the following:
  • Official Instance Runs: Any guild group of 4-5 members which goes through a challenging instance on par with their average level, and successfully maneuvars it from beginning to end, garners 1 medal. An officer must be present within the run to make it official.
  • GEEF Run: If the run is officially announced as a GEEF run(by Flakes), then the reward for the run is 2 medals.
  • Official Raid: Any guild group of 8+ members which goes through a challenging instance on par with their average level, and successfully maneuvars it from beginning to end, garners 3 medals.
  • PvP Ranks: Each Horde Rank you achieve in PvP gives you 1 medal, and the rank grants a medal only once. Depreciating and repeating the same rank garners no extra medals. To gain a medal for this, you must notify Flakes and have it witnessed and recognized while you possess the PvP rank.
  • Official Events: Participating in special events which are listed on the guild's calendar, ran by, or sanctioned by Flakes, can garner medals for completion of that event. The amount can vary from event to event.
  • Keys: Earning Keys from the Treasury are accompanied with a reward of medals, which varies depending on which key you achieve.

  • Medals can be lost from Reprimand and Inactivity. All Keepers, however, to ensure continual activity, lose 10% of their total medals at the start of every month. With time, medals may be used to determine forms of recognition and prestige. To be used to meet the prerequisites of a rank, the Medals must be sustained to the day of guild promotions.

    The Guild Bank

    The Guild Bank is a collection of items and coin available to Keepers whenever it is open. The Bank opens it doors rarely however, and when they do they tend to try and sneak off quickly. Their appearances will usually be scheduled, with multiple appearances in the same day, to give Keepers of different time zones and work shifts fair shopping time. We will do our best to time it so that everyone may have a chance perusing the Guild Bank's wares, but this is not our responsibility - if you want something it's your responsibility to be there. With that being said, there are a few rules and conditions on requesting, contesting, and accepting items from the guild bank.

  • Any item recieved from the Guild Bank must be used. Items are not given away for resale. Do not take a bank item and replace it soon after.
  • To request an item you must be within 4 levels of using that item, or within 50 Tradeskill Points of using it. If the item is contested by another keeper, then you must be able to use the item within 5 days of recieving it.
  • It is requested that, to continue the idea of the Guild Bank and to help all of us, if you are a fortunate reciever of the Bank's charity, then please donate something at some point to keep it moving along.
  • Bank sessions are held inside the Orgrimmar Bank, at the back of the building, so that we do not impede traffic more than necessary.
  • When an item is contested, all contestants must come physically to the Bank's location and roll a /random 100 in the presence of the Banker. The highest roller wins that item.
  • A single Keeper may request an absolute maximum of 3 items +1/Per Alt (Overall Max: 6), per session. No more than 3 items for any single character.
  • It is the duty of the recipient to pay postage of any item mailed to them.
  • Requested items may be held for up to 36 hours to give other Keepers time to request or contest it.
  • Members who hold certain keys may have the results of their rolls subsequently modified in according to their key. To learn more about keys, visit the guild Treasury in the member's section.

  • Reprimand

    Any keeper, whether a trial member or fully awakened or officer, must follow the codes of conduct outlined outside of the game (here) and inside the game. I prefer not to punish anyone and will do my best to work around these measures, however I do not fear imposing these upon anyone. We are a guild and not made up of any one person. Any violation may result in one of the following:
  • Admonishment - The removal of medals earned and/or the removal of a Key if one is currently possessed.
  • Demotion - The loss of rank, whether temporary or permanent.
  • Prohibition - the banning of your right to request loot from raids, or the guild bank.
  • Guild Silence - this is a passive form of punishment. If a silence is called on one or more members, then those members must not speak within guild chat for a specified length of time. Failing to respect a call of silence will result in further reprimand.
  • Banning - being removed from the guild.
  • Blacklisted - being removed from the guild and forever marked as a blacklisted member.

  • The Blacklist

    While I prefer to keep the guild fairly open and independent, with everyone free to do as they wish, the blacklist is not negotiable. The Blacklist is not for just anyone who upsets us or is removed from the guild, it is for the extreme. It is, without question, prohibited to: aid, assist, help, group, raid, buy from, sell to, talk with; any member on the Blacklist and doing so will result in reprimand on yourself if noticed. Blacklisted members are members that have betrayed, cheated, or harmed your fellow Keeper in some way, usually taking advantage of or personally attacking them. To help them is to insult all your brethren that they victimized and will not be tolerated at all. By protecting each other as a unified front, we shall persevere. It is suggested to /ignore all blacklisted members.


    All officers are expected to sacrifice time, and play, for work. If you wish to be an officer, than you forfeit your right to liberated and free enjoyment, and it is replaced with duties. No one is forced to be an officer, but if you choose to be one, then you must be willing to make any and all sacrifices necessary - whether it time, effort, or finances. That being said, Officers are not on call at every Keeper's whim - and if they are busy all Keepers are expected to be patient and give them the time they need to finish whatever they are doing. All officers must be willing to share an e-mail address to be placed on the website, be willing to be active on the website forums, and must be knowledgable of their class, race, the horde, and general hallmark quests. High-ranking officers must also be willing to share some (trivial) personal information to help enforce the sense of community, such as First Name, State/Country, Gender, Age, and if posible, a personal picture. All officers are role models and must be exemplary with guild conduct, guidelines, and laws. All officers must be familiar with how the keys work, and be able to supervise and mediate the application of those keys. To learn more about keys, visit the Guild Treasury in the member's section. All officers are expected to be fair, unbiased, and honorable.

    All Keepers are expected to treat Officers with the respect and appreciation due them for the work they put into making your game more pleasurable and efficient. While only the Prelates and Shadowmaster may issue full Reprimands upon members, any officer may impose a silence upon a Keeper until a Prelate or the Shadowmaster come online to investigate the issue. All members will then be able to fully defend themselves to the Prelate/Shadowmaster in a mature manner. Any abuse of power made by an officer shall be dealt with quickly and without tolerance.