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Many of you, I am sure, have noticed changes within the guild as of late. You may or may not know what caused these changes. I will go over everything and keep them honest, plain, and simple - for both of our benefits. If you know what happened or have spoken to me about it, then this will be repeatative nonsense. This is for those who are still unaware of what transpired. The upheaval is gone and dead by now, but I am putting this here for anyone who would still like to know what happened.

Very simply put, Naavle, Blaklyte, Zoltann, and Adaron committed treason against me personally and the guild in whole awhile ago. When I Logged online they contacted me via /tells and ordered me to surrender the command of the guild to Naavle within 1 hour or they were all leaving the guild. There were no compromises possible or offered. No talks or negotiations. None of the Prelates, other members, nor other officers were considered.

What did they want? More attention and benefits for themselves. They wanted more high-level activity and more attention for the level 60's of the guild. This way they could get more loot, better gear, and the like. This, they believed, was the only way we should help our lower levels. (To adorn ourselves in fancy gear, raid nightly, and show them how great we are and how great we can make them once they catch up.) They wanted to push for the brass ring, and everyone else either keeps up or doesn't.

They backpedaled on previous agreements with me about our guild's website. (Payment for server and domain name was about to be made for the transfer of the authority. However I refused to pay until authority of both server and domain were transferred into my control. Promises were made that the website would never be affected regardless of what happened between Naavle and I/the guild. Luckily, the money wasn't delivered before their little revolt. Naavle did not want any other help from other web designers on building our permanent website/database - and for months and months on end he promised the stars and delivered nothing - he couldn't even show progress.) They did not attempt to build their own guild, nor work for the things we have earned. Instead, their entire and sole goal was to usurp control of this guild, steal what they didn't earn, and control it for their own benefit - and that is it. When the members of this guild saw through their lies and deception and refused to join their new guild, they flopped. They did not work to build it up, to be original, nor to earn anything. When thuggery and intimidation failed they tried to steal through fraud and deception, when that failed they fell apart. The work Naavle had done on our database, our website, and our forums which never finished, and he never accepted other help on - was used as a bluffing tool in the usurpation. The night of the revolt, the mainpage of our website was removed and replaced with the(our) forums that he could never finish or show progress on.(though now dedicaed to his new guild)

This is not how I run my guild. If you prefer grinding, you'll be happier elsewhere. If you prefer benefitting yourself, boosting your own pride and online ego, or raiding daily - then you should seek contentment elsewhere. This is not the best environment for you. I see us, very simply, as a family guild of support and friends. This is my goal and plans for the future. We will continue to support each other, without obligations, demands, and pressure on anyone. Raiding is obviously not forbidden, but it is NOT the most important factor of this guild and will not be as long as I'm the Shadowmaster. There are many other more important things, such as friendship and community, which should be key. And yes, raiding does hinder and deterioriate these things, the actions of Naavle and the like prove this. Maybe it does not at first, but eventually it will place burdens on family and friendship, it is inevitable.

They spoke lies about the leaders of this guild being stubborn, uncaring, and/or tyrannical. This is the biggest joke I've ever heard. I and all of my officers have always offered repeatedly to hear any complaints, concerns, suggestions, changes, ideas, etc. This does not mean everyone always gets their way, but I always compromise and look out for all the members. Their statement was a hippocritical lie and nothing else. While they spoke of tyranny, they made demands for themselves without working with the rest of the guild or the other officers. They voted on who would replace me, without speaking to the guild or other officers. They cared about one thing: getting their way.

This is noy opinion, these are all factual accounts from actions and statements made by their "group." Needless to say, they are no longer a member of this guild. So now what? Nothing changes. As I have always said, this guild is not made of any one person - it is a family. We shall survive, thrive, and carry onward. For now we have to deal with free ads while we work on getting a new domain name and server for a permanent website(bad month for spending money). All the officers are active and we are working together better than before now than we got the bad seeds out of the leadership. Plans are on the horizon, and ironically, we are making headway even with raids much better than we were with them a part of us. So now you all know the truth. I am glad you are loyal and still with us. If you ever have any problems, concerns, or worries; regardless of rank, come speak to me right away. I do not get angry at sincere people, I would never yell or punish or disband anyone for genuine concerns. We are a family. I want us all to be true friends, not just a hollow idea of "friendship." If you want my e-mail address, my phone number, my name, my ear - just ask. If you need help or advice, in-game or out-of-game, just let me know. I may not be here to lead you every step fo the way to MC, but I wil be here when it counts.

Enough blather. They are gone. We are here. No damage.

Goodbye my friends, my enemies, or whatever you are. You will not be forgotten.

--Shadowmaster Flakes
--Luminary Dioxis, Vicar Of Hunters
"...the die is cast..."
My Friends.....

Friend, by enemy, I call you out.
You with a bad coin in your socket,
You my friend there with a winning air
Who palmed the lie on me when you looked
Brassily at my shyest secret,
Enticed with twinkling bits of the eye
Till the sweet tooth of my love bit dry,
Rasped at last, and I stumbled and sucked,
Whom I now conjure to stand as thief
In the memory worked by mirrors,
With unforgettably smiling act,
Quickness of hand in the velvet glove
And my whole heart under your hammer,
Were once such a creature, so gay and frank
A desireless familiar
I never thought to utter or think
While you displaced a truth in the air,
That though I loved them for their faults
As much as for their good,
My friends were enemies on stilts
With their heads in a cunning cloud.

-Dylan Thomas