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Holds - A hold is like a town or a city each having it's own Lord and/or Lady (for those that know the series, the traditional holds in the book don't exist

High Cliff Hold located in the mountains

Krishna Hold located in the plains

Oceana Hold located on the coast

Deiso Hold located near the Weyr and a few crafthalls

Crafthalls are located throughout Pern


Lord and Lady Holders - The current Lords and Ladies are temporary until we find someone who wants the position. The ones that are NOT temporary are in bold.

Lord Gallager and Lady Jina of High Cliff Hold

Lady Leitha of Krishna Hold

Lord Salant and Lady Yamine of Oceana Hold

Lord Liss and Lady Ermna of Deiso Hold

Master Craftsman - These are also temporary until someone wants the position. Right now, all the masters are male but the positions are open to females also. The ones that are NOT temporary are in bold.

Masterharper Zamir

Masterhealer Eriosu

Masterrunner Tupac

Masterfarmer Kevork

Mastersmith Ferrol

Masterfisher Fisk

Masterherder Ovidio

Masterminer Avi

Masterbaker Leavitt

Craftmasters are next in the foodchain. There can be more than one.

Journeymen are next. They are also more than one.

Apprentices are next. They can be more than one.

Weyr craftsmen and workers. There is a Weyrharper and a Weyrhealer and so on for each Weyr. There are also Journeymen and apprentices for each.