Lil Bits Bout Me

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My Sexy Men

Garr (Woodrow) Kelvin
Squall Leonhart
Kiley Okayasu
Zidane Tribal
Dias Flac

Ashton Anchors
Himura Kenshin
Leon Magnus
Zechs Merquise/Miliardo Peacecraft
Leon Geeste
Prince Mars/Marth
Quatre Raberba Winner
Miscellaneous Bishies

My Own Manga Thing

Where are you?
Back in the Days
Mauka Expeditions
A Rainy Day
The Challenge
Super Bowl Party!
Gotta Get Out of Here
Love is in the Air
A Mr. Cutie Story

Garr (Woodrow) Kelvin

Garr Woodrow Kelvin

Garr is Mine to Glomp!

Garr is a 23 year old Prince of Phandaria. He is 6 feet tall and weighs 150 lbs. Garr is the first son of King Sark of the Kingdom of Phandaria. His understanding father gives him the freedom to seek his fortune in adventures, but that doesn't mean he takes life for granted. On the contrary, he can be extremely serious. He's cool, calm, and collected in a jam, and has a knack for seeing straight into the heart of complex matters. He's also a very good-looking fellow on top of all this.

Cute Garr. Garr is like WHOA! Meow! RWOOAA! He's such a HOTTIE!
My favorite pic of Garr!