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Name: Emperor and High Admiral Darkman

Height: 6'2"

Age: 33

Weight: 13 Stone


Hair Colour: Mousy-Brown


Eye Colour: Blue




Race: Romulan

Primary Career: Emperor of THE ROMULAN EMPIRE

Secondary Career: High Admiral in charge of the Home Planet Fleet Defences

Win/Loss Ratio: 10/3

Specializing Race: Romulan

Skill With Specializing Race: 9/10


Length of Service in [TRE]:
2/Half Years




Military Background:

Darkman’s History in The Empire Started at a young Age which he lied about to get into the Romulan Academy which impressed the High Counsel when they finally did catch him out but because he had already shot up through most of the Rank’s before his real Age was Discovered they Decided to let him Continue making him one of the youngest Romulan Academy Trainee’s in the entire Empire.

While still in training War Broke out Against Romulus and a very Powerful Race called the Dominion this War lasted for many Year’s and Darkman Proved to be a Great and Powerful asset to the Romulan Fleet so it was no Surprise when still at a very youngish Age Darkman was offered the Command of his own Fleet the War with the Dominium finally came to the end with the Empire being Victories but alas with many High Casualty’s the Empire was now in a very bad situation most of the building were Destroyed and very many of the Empire’s Leader’s had been Killed what was left of the High Council quickly put Romulus under Marshal Law in the fear of the Civilian’s Revolting and pillaging There was only one man they could thing of to take up such a Dangerous Task and once again Darkman proved himself to be the best choose by handling the Civilian’s with kindness and helping them as well as policing them Darkman soon started to gain the Respect of the People as well as the Leader’s Respect Romulus was getting back onto it’s feet and Darkman returned to his Fleet the Tal’Shiar was now running the Civilian’s.

It did not take the Tal’Shiar long to discover Darkman’s popularity with the people they did not like this and decided to turn the High council against Darkman they decided to send Darkman to a remote base star in the Beta quadrant undetermined Darkman still be formed his task’s to the full running the best Star base in the Beta quadrant which he was quit happy doing for many year’s until the Borg came three big massive cubes appeared on the Starboard bow of the base before they even new what had hit them the base’s shield’s and weaponry were taken off line Darkman new it was Hopeless but he gathered what men he had left formed a circle and was preparing for the Borg landing party to come and finish the Job . Then a bigger Cube appeared out of no were on the port bow it was then that Darkman said for the very first time THERE WILL BE NO SURRENDERING NO QUITTING WE WILL FIGHT TO THE LAST.

But to the Shock and amazement of Darkman two Romulan Warbird’s appeared either side of the Borg cube the com started to bleep Fleet Admiral Darkman are you there come in Admiral please quickly picking up the com Darkman Replied I am here we have heavy casualties and Borg ready to board No problem came the reply we will beam you to one of the Warbird’s with your crew which they did no sooner had Darkman got on board that he took full command of the Warbird he was Beamed to and the first thing he wanted to know is who was it that just saved his live with a fearsome below he cried Hail that Vessel yes sir came the reply Greeting’s came the reply from the other ship Darkman Bellowed again on Screen yes sir came the reply and there standing on the screen was a big and strong looking Romulan Darkman’s voice lowered Greeting’s who are you . I am Fleet Admiral Shadow. Why are you so far from Romulus asked Darkman? WE were sent to get you there are 20 or more cubes headed towards Romulus the council need you now.mmmmmm Darkman pondered for a moment why has that Cube not attacked use he asked with a puzzled look. Because you now the Commander of it came the reply. Do I now questioned Darkman Hail that Borg Cube. Right away sir.

On Screen. Yes Sir But Darkman could not see the Commander of the Borg Ship for he had is back to the Screen Who are you identify yourself. A Hearty chuckle came across the intercom as it been that long that you don’t Recognize me. How can I Recognise any one with there back to me replied Darkman turn around. Ok came the Reply and as he did Darkman Fell to the floor one of the crewmembers quickly rushed to help him to his feet are you ok Sir he asked. Yes Yes Darkman Replied. So Bro you do Recognize me then. Of course I do Darkman replied for there standing before him was his Brother Borgmint. I know we haven’t seen each other for a while but don’t you think we should take care of those Borg cubes they have obviously fond there is no crew on the Base star and will be wondering why. Yes your quiet right. Fleet Admiral Shadow calling Admiral Darkman. Was heard on the Speaker’s. Yes-replied Darkman Your in full charge of the Fleet. Thank you he Replied.

It took a few Moment’s but then Darkman came up with a cunning plan and with the expertise of all the Fleet his plan was put into action the three Borg Cubes were demolished within Second’s. Now let’s head for home warp 9 YES SIR.

As the two Warbird’s and the Borg cube approached Romulus they could see 40 or more cube’s Attacking Romulus and Remus the com once again came to life this is Ship’s Captain Sniper reporting for duty sir we have a Fleet of 20 Warbird’s. What howled Darkman you have Warbird’s sitting doing nothing while Romulus and Remus are being pulverised. Yes Sir sorry sir but am just following order’s we were told to remain Cloaked and to wait for you to take Command of the Fleet. Those idiots’s Growled Darkman Hail Romulus. Yes Sir, Sir there is no Response. Keep Trying. Yes Sir while your doing that link me so that all the Fleet’s hear me at once. YES SIR.

What is the plan Shadow asked? Were going in full on replied Darkman. What are you mad? YES AM MAD AM MAD AT THE BORG said Darkman. But how we can’t go head on. Yes we can I want three ships to attack one cube with all the fire power they have me and Borgmint will take on one are self’s. Oh thanks bro came a reply. Well you have got a Borg cube your evenly matched and with one advantage over them .Oh what’s that. YOU HAVE ME TO HELP YOU said Darkman. But that Still Leaves two Cubes. Am sure we will have enough ship’s to take care of them when were finished now Let’s go Cried Darkman.

The Sounds of phasere and torpedo’s was deafening the Borg acted slow at first because they did not know what hit them but they soon retaliated ship’s blowing up all over the place Borg and Romulan ship’s. But Darkman’s plan had worked there were eight ship’s left all together to take on the last two remaining Cubes which they took out very quickly. My god Darkman you did it shouted Shadow you beat the Borg. Yes we all did cause we fought as a team and that’s why we won replied Darkman now let’s go home.

They all Returned to Romulus to find there was only a few civilians left the Leader’s and the council were no more they were the first thing the Borg had hit. No wonder there was no reply said Darkman so now what do we do he asked. We Rebuild replied Admiral Shadow who was to become a great Leader of THE ROMULAN EMPIRE choosing an old friend to be his Second in command called superman. But this did not last long as Superman had become power hungry he wanted to rule over [TRE] but the people hated him. But Superman was still able to get a few votes in his favour. Realizing that he would never get enough support he left Romulus in the fear someone might try to assassinate him.

Darkman was now appointed Second in command the people cheered and Romulus had many a Celebration’s the Reputation crew throughout the Galaxy and soon Federation and the Klingon’s were becoming Allies with THE ROMULAN EMPIRE Shadow had grown very tired and Down hearted it was a tough job being a Leader although Darkman tried to Relive the burden the people wanted thing’s to the Empire done like last year they were very inpatient considering the Battering THE EMPIRE had just taken. Before Darkman could blink Shadow had taken a small shuttlecraft and sped of into the night. Day’s Week’s then Month’s went by and still no sign of the Leader Darkman Held the Empire together and thing’s were running smoothly enough the people turned to Darkman and finally said we need a Leader who will be here for us not one who run’s out on us so being the Diplomatic person Darkman was and is said ok we will put it to the vote on who will be the new Leader the people laughed at this remark. So Darkman asked why, They said cause we already have a new Leader. Still none the wiser Darkman looked around the room who were he asked. And then all at once as if they were instinct with each other they all shouted you Darkman. I can’t lead you said Darkman I don’t now how to Lead a tall man appeared in the door way he looked like a monk the way he was dressed he Listened to what the people were shouting and to Darkman’s reply and said. But Darkman what do you think you have been doing for the last few month’s? Darkman looked puzzled and said looking after THE EMPIRE. The tall man said so you have been there Leader? I suppose so replied Darkman. I new this day would come the man said and with that he Lowered his hood Shadow. Your back Smiled Darkman. No replied Shadow THE EMPIRE is yours all I ask is one Favour. Anything you want replied Darkman. All I ask is that I may Return to Romulus anytime I want to as a Member. Darkman’s replied you would be welcome back to the Empire any time. And with that Darkman became the new Leader of THE ROMULAN EMPIRE,




Length of Time Running [TRE]:

1 Year