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Name: Imperial General Dimitri Enerjak

Height: 6'2"

Age: 37

Weight: 180lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Race: Romulan

Primary Career: General and Commandant of Klingon Forces of the Empire

Secondary Career: Head of Diplomatic Affairs and Coordinator of the Empire's Defense Along the Federation/Neutral Zone boarder.

Win/Loss Ratio: 7/1

Specializing Race: Klingon

Skill With Specializing Race: 9/10

Length of Service in [TRE]:
3 months

Length of Time in Armada: 1 1/2 years

Military Background:

The General has served in the Romulan Imperial Navy for over 23 years and has been decorated dozens of times for his actions in virtually every significant armed conflict in the Empire since his service began in 1647 Klingon IR.

Enerjak served gallantly aboard the I.K.S. NaQ'jej (a captured Klingon Vor'Cha Attack Cruiser) durring the first of the Empire's numerous conflicts with the Federation after their initial invasion of our space in 1648 Klingon IR, eventually becomming First Officer of the Naq'jej under command of Darkman.

In 1650 Klingon IR, elements of the Tal'Shiar Intelligence Sect encountered forces of the Borg Collective for the first time, near what is now known as the N'derial system. It was not long afterwards that open hostilities were declared with the infinitely powerful Borg. Enerjak, now commanding his own warship in Darkman's vaunted Remus Strike Fleet, fought brilliantly earning several commendations for his string of victories in the N'derial Campaign.

For the next 3 years, Captain Enerjak served in securing the borders of the Empire against further Borg agression, eventually commanding the Remus Strike Fleet when Darkman gained a possition on the Romulan Senate. In 1655 Klingon IR, trouble began surfacing on the Federation boarder but Berewlf, commander of the Tol'Lera Defense Fleet, bungled the initial engagements, placing the Empire's interests in the sector in jeopardy. Enerjak and the Remus Strike Fleet were moved to the trouble area and in a coordinated effort with the remnants of the Tol'Lera Defense Fleet, now under the command of Colonel Dark Dragon, fought the Federation to a standstill with the final battle taking place near Sherman's Planet in 1656 Klingon IR.

Enerjak and Dark Dragon, at the recommendation of Senate Member Darkman, were promoted to the rank of General. Dark Dragon went on to a brilliant career of his own and Enerjak was placed in charge of the defense of the Empire's boarder with the Federation. For the next 6 years, the boarder maintained its stability and the Empire went through a period of quiet. In 1662 Klingon IR, Darkman became Praetor of the Romulan Empire, appointing General Dimitri Enerjak as his head of diplomatic affairs and General Dark Dragon as his military advisor. In 1664 Klingon IR, Darkman ordered a program of expansion on the Federation boarder, dramatically heightening the tensions with the Federation and bringing the Empire the closest to total war with Starfleet it has ever been. Enerjak amassed a sizeable amount of the Imperial Navy on the boarder and drew up plans to begin a massive thrust into Federation territory. The General was on the verge of launching the offensive when the hated ISA sect imposed a bungled attempt to thwart the naval plans of Dark Dragon along the Klingon boarder.

In 1665 Klingon IR, in the Tal'Non Offensive, a series of large skirmishes along the Klingon boarder, resulted in the spectacular losses and the secession of several contested worlds to the Klingons. Seeing this as a sign of a larger problem Praetor Darkman launched an investigation into the situation and concluded that a lack of quality fleet commanders resulted in the humiliating defeats at the hands of the Klingons. At the behest of Chief of Staff Borgmint, the Praetor proposed the cration of a centralized facility in the [TRE] HQ to train the most talented and capable officers as fleet commanders. No Romulan in the Empire was more qualified to bring this Academy than General Dimitri Enerjak, but the General refused citing his need to remain an active part of maintaining the defenses of the Federation boarder.

Acknowleging this belief, the Praetor relented for the time being, and just in time as in the following year, Starfleet began to group several large forces into many key strategic points over the boarder and neutral zone... the General, responding to this threat, advanced his fleet across the boarder, a direct violation of the Neutral Zone Treaty. General Enerjak crushed the Federation forces gathered in an offensive known as the Blitz Reig, or 'Lightning War', named after Adolf Hitler's assault across Europe in the early 20th century. Pounding the Federation fleet and surrounding stations and outposts in exceedingly brutal, relentless, lightning quick attacks, without warning, without mercy, General Enerjak made quick work of Starfleet's Armada, more collectively known as the ISA.

Returning to the [TRE] HQ with an infinite role of victories against the vaunted Starfleet, Enerjak bluntly stated to the Praetor, "Threat is taken care of, now how about that Academy possition?" Finally, in 1666 Klingon IR, General Enerjak founded the Elite Command Academy and began using it to train the next generation of warfleet commanders and Admirals in the tradition of the finest warriors of the Empire. Enerjak has been instructing at the Academy at the [TRE] HQ in orbit around the homeworld of Romulus and maintaining his possition of Imperial General in command of the defense of the boarder with the Federation and head of diplomatic affairs as well for the past three years from the 1666 Klingon IR to the preasent 1669 Klingon IR.

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