Thank You for vivsting our site please keep in touch for infomation on the growing of this guild .....................................................................................................Hope to see you in the chat room don't forget to check out the Newbie section if you are new to ICL .................................................................................................................Remeber if you have any questions then tell us and we could answer ...................................................................................................................................Don't be afraid of the dark, be afraid of what in it. ....................................................................................................If you have nothing to fight for then why are you fighting ..................................................................................................................Wondering on what the world would be like if you played god, trust me it not as much fun as you think ............................................................................................If you are watching this then you must be bord ......................................................................................................................Looking for a chance to win $50 then enter into TWGMAT and see if you are the best ....................................................................................................Don't you have something better to do then sit here watching these messages just kidding .............................................................................................:) ...................................................................................Hey need training then talkto one of us and let se if we can help you .......................................................................................La La la la la LAA la laaaa

Application for the Tournament

Welcome to the Application section to the tournament. Remember there is only so much time left before the tournament, so apply quickly and get a chance to win the grand prize.

Due to the amount of time it would take to get the tournament under going there will be a suspension of when the tournament will be. Please check back at some other time to find out when the next time there will be a Tournament.  Thanks for checking here.

To: TWGMAT Administrator 
Information for participating: