T.W.G.M.A.T. Awards
Rating 6 5
  TWGMAT Award of Excellence TWGMAT Award of Cuteness
  Must have a great site that has nothing but total devotion to it.  You are constantly updating it.  Having interactive things in it make you win this award much easier An award that is totally devoted to having a site that is cute in envy way.  From Chibi images and a great looks as well as a feel of cuteness
Rating 6 8
  TWGMAT Great Layout Award TWGMAT Choice Award
  You site must have a great loading time and have a great way move around.  Errors and color are a factor in winning this award. This site is an award that is given to those that are unique and have something that is different from other sites. Keeping on top of the site and having fun always get you this award.
Rating 6 6
  TWGMAT awesome RP site Award  TWGMAT Original Site Award 
  Great site. must have nothing but RPing for one area of the site.  Must be able to join quickly, must be able to contact the webmaster easily and web master must respond quickly.  This is given out only to those site that are completely original there are a picture and there are not there but the rest is.  They do not use templates nor do they us default stuff.  It is all original and they work very very hard to make it look its best. I feel this is the best award given since being original take a lot of time and effort than anything else.
Rating 3 4
  TWGMAT Discovery Award  TWGMAT Award Kick ASS award
  This is given out to those site that have been out there for only a little bit or have just recently moved and are getting back on their feet.  This award is given to those that are great at first site and you need to see them. Your site must have a great look and just an all around site that is easy to go through and fun to be in.
Rating 9 5
  TWGMAT Masters Award T.W.G.M.A.T. Great Site
  Your site surpasses anything that I have ever seen that means you have tons of everything. you are the best site that I have ever seen and will ever be.  Every thing must be perfect. and have at least a good amount of pages such as 40-100.  You are total devoted to the site and update it constantly.  Very Very Very hard to get. This award is like the Great layout award but you do not need to have pics, music, color, or extras such as Chat rooms or message boards.  

This award goes to those who have made a great attempt to make their site but is more interested in getting their info out than their beauty.  This award is to those sites that do not have much but are well worth in time to see.

Rating 7 5
  TWGMAT Award For a Great Anime Site  TWGMAT Award of Elegance 
  This is for anime site only and they must be based only on anime that means the person who made the site does not have personal info.  There are many things to do such as Chartrooms, Pics, Awards, etc. Your site must have a great appeal and it must be easy to move around.  This award can only be given of your site has a certain appeal of elegance, a look of sweet and love.  Your site must be able to make me say wow I like this site it has the owners touch of love and dedication in it.
Rating 2 6
  TWGMAT Beginner Award TWGMAT Award of great pics
  You are off to a great start but need some time to make more room.  Must have at least 1 page and be able to have this award.  Must have a good layout something that won't hurt the eyes to try and track down you sites meaning. must have a site that has great pictures that are your owner are given to their respected places.  Must be unique and have a easy way to move around. As well as a loading speed that is moderate.  Images of shrine and such are played into this is you want to know.
Rating 3  
  TWGMAT Beginner Award Lv2  
  This is for those sites that are like the Beginners level but have shown a bit more than a beginner.  If you feel that you have done a great job but there are still many things that are needed to finish it.

Here most important thing that I look for is the heart of what the webmaster has done.  Is there all the requirements above and then some.