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This is the place where you can see what badges you can win if you are and what badges are up for grabs if you want to get them.  Some of them are available if you are able to prove that you have done what it take to get them.  Some can only be gotten if you are proven of it's worth.

Title Badge of Courage Badge of Web Site Making Badge of E-mail
What this badge represents... This is only given to those that are proven to be of courage even if the odds are against them. This is given to those that are able to make a web site that catches my eye and is more than just a good back ground. This is given to people that are able to answer their e-mails fast and have no problem in keeping in contact with me or others.
How to get this badge... Usually saving lives, being nice, and trying to do things that are hard to do by normal standards. Usually given to those that are able to create a site that has good amount of pictures, animated pictures, videos, links, etc.  Every thing to make a web site great. Just answer your e-mails, ASAP.
Title Badge of Writing Badge of Original Art Badge of Puzzle Wiz
What this badge represents... This is given to those that want to be recognized for writing anything from poetry to short stories. This is given to those that are artist at heart.  They draw their own art and are really great at it. This is given to those that are really good at the puzzle zone.  Solving things is their ultimate goal instead of giving up on the problem. 
How to get this badge... Write me something and I will see if it is good enough.  Your work must be free of errors, grammar errors, fragments, spelling errors, etc.  Draw me a pictures and I will give you this badge.  I have been all over the net and have thousands upon thousands of pictures as well as a vast amount of pictures in my own personal archive of pictures.  I will know if you trace.  Please try to be original. Do the puzzles at the puzzle zone and give the results to me really fast.  If you do this then you get this badge.
Title Badge of Test Master Badge for the Best Member Badge for Cooking
What this badge represents... This badge is given to those that are able to answer the test in the test area with around 75% correct. Be a great member. Do things to help out the site and constantly have tons of time to just be a great friend to any one. Get recognized for being a great cook by sending in recipes for cooking.
How to get this badge... Do the test and send in the answers to see if you know your stuff as well as you think you do.  Must do all of one section or one test of each section I will just know by observing what you do and have done. Send in recipes and we will see if it works.
Title Badge for Fighting Badge of Video Games Badge of Pictures
What this badge represents... This is given to those that are really great at fighting and are willing to show that they are. This is given to those that have a vast knowledge in the field of video games. This is given to those that are artist at heart and make great pictures with combining other pictures from other areas. 
How to get this badge... If you are proven to be a great fighter and not have rumors that you are.  Then I will give it to you. I will ask around and research to find out if you are what you say you are. Send me an e-mail of list of games you have played and can still play.  Next complete the test on video games in the test area with 100%. Making pictures that are awesome to see and look like they have taken a lot of time.