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T Rules
Weapons & Items



This is a mean name that people in ICL use to describe some one that is not too good at fighting or is new to the chat room. I get annoying after the first few thousand time you hear it.


Use your attacks without having to say hit or connect in anyway shape or form.


Fighting in a style that requires you to type in connect or hits after each action of an attack.

*T Rules*

These are rules enforced by everyone in the chat rooms. This mean that there is a certain way of fighting and that every body follows them. There are three sets of fighting T1, T2, T3.


Must type in at least 10 words at least to have an action count towards your opponent, this means attacking and not attacking actions.

Example: " ~Flies towards Josh's looking at his powerless body barely standing on his feet~ "


Must type in at least 7 words for an attack to count, this mean attack and not attack actions.

Example: " * jumps out of the way of Josh's attack* "

" *Goes to hit Josh's head* "


Must type in at least 1-4 words to count as an attack, this mean attacking and non attack actions.

Example: " *dodges* "

" *jumps up* "


The is a words used to describe on when you use an attack then say what happens to the person. Making a person fly backwards and telling them they went into a mountain are two different things.

Example: " ~dodges Josh's attack with ease~ "

" ~send Steve into a mountain~ "

Using this style of fighting is the same as autoing. How can the person respond to an attack that tell them that something has already happened. They would have no way to defend themselves. that is why this rule is hated my most and neglected by many.


Is when you use dematerialization but you don't want to say this long ass word (who does) so disappearing is a better way to say it. Please note that while your in disappear mode you are not allowed to attack your opponent unless you say that you reappear back into sight. Your opponent can hit you as well but only he he can say the phrase " *Sense Josh while standing still* " or something close to that. As soon as your opponent sense you then you have to try something to get away from hi/her.


Is the same as disappearing but is used to describe when your character move at an incredibly high speed. Please note that while your in Phase mode you are not allowed to attack your opponent unless you say that you phase back into sight. Your opponent can hit you as well but only he he can say the phrase " *Sense Josh while standing still* " or something close to that. As soon as your opponent sense you then you have to try something to get away from hi/her.

*ICL & IRL?*

If you do not know the difference then you truly are behind in knowing how to fight. ICL is In Chat Life meaning anything that happens can be made up or thought up of in an instant. IRL is In Real Life this mean it pertains to things that are truly happen for real and your not making it up.

*Weapons & Items*

Weapons and Items are things you can use in the ICL to any way you want. How one use them is what is up to the person.

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