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This section of the web site is dedicated to those who do not know how to fight or are unclear about the rules of fighting. If you find a phrase that you do not know or want to know more of then click on it to find out about it.

Newbie's Guide To fighting in ICL


1. Can you Imagine:
2. Symbols Symbols Symbols Everyone loves Symbols:
3. Where are you at in the ICL room:
4. What type are you fighting in:
5. Ignoring attacks:
6. Countering and dodging your opponents attack:
7. Items...what the hell are those?
8. Status....What the hell is status?
9. Playing god is not as much fun as you think:
10. To use Weapons To not use Weapon that is the question:
11. What?   There are something that you can do by Autoing

1. Can you Imagine:

Must know how to ICL (In Chat Life) before trying to fight.

2. Symbols Symbols Symbols Everyone loves Symbols:

For every action there is a symbol of some sort. People tend to like to use the symbol " * " but there are many styles out there there are ~, :, [ ], !, A, \a, a\, +, etc... As long as there is a symbol out there before you write and after you write then your action are just fine. (P.S. only if you are making an action is when you use a symbol if you are just talking then you do not need them) There are some guilds that use the symbol a\ to where you only have to write it once and that is at the beginning, these guilds are rare but if you com across them this is just another form of fighting.

Example = *Goes to hit josh in the head*

a\sits on the ground waiting

[run up a wall and goes vertical]

3. Where are you at in the ICL room:

Regular actions are ok such as *walks over towards Josh slowly* or *sit down on the floor waiting for his attack* these are ok you can do what ever your mind can think of doing but remember on where you are. If you say you are in the air then you are in the air. DO NOT SAY YOUR IN THE AIR AND THEN ON THE NEXT LINE YOU ARE ON THE GROUND. You must say you went to the ground or heading to the ground for the action to count. There is only one action per line. that means you cannot say:

~Runs towards Josh and kicks towards his head hitting him in the head~


~Run up to Josh's and kick towards his head~

~hit his head sending him backwards as I grab Josh's foot~

These are not allowed for if you are able to do more than one action then the person you are fighting or the person fighting you can beat the hell out of you with just one line.

4. What type are you fighting in:

Attacking: there is no god on the internet if there is then I would defiantly like to meet him. most people do not know which fighting style is which fighting style in attacking. There are two kind of fighting style. There are Autos and non-autos. mostly people like to fight in non-autos but for people that are new to the ICL fighting they mostly use auto.

The difference is what is typed

Non-auto is when you say:

[jumps towards Josh's head to kick it]

[hit his head sending him backwards]

Autoing is when a person types:

[jumps towards Josh kicks his head sending him back]

As you can see in Non-auto you have a chance to react to the action, but in auto you do not. It is a reason why most people do not like to use auto because people do not get a chance to fight back and do not get the chance to even run away from their opponents.

5. Ignoring attacks:

As they say in the laws of Physics for every action there is a reaction. This is applied in ICL fighting as well. If some one hit you before you are able to say that you countered, dodged, or missed. Then you are to act upon that hit. The only way you can avoid having to react is that you have to stop them from hitting you first.

6. Countering and dodging your opponents attack:

In fighting once and a while you might find yourself on the other side of the fist. and you don't want to be there you can counter attack or dodge your opponents attacks so that you do not get hit. Her how to do it:

In a attack sequence your opponent will say something that is close or similar to this:

*Goes to hit Josh's head*

Before your opponent can type in that he hit you, you can say grabs, counters, Dodges his attack like this:

~grabs Steve's attack quickly~

If you are fast enough you can fight a person and beat the hell out of them without getting a scratch on you. But in order for you to dodge or counter attack you must type it in before your opponent can type that he hit you. (if you are fighting in autos then this is not used since there is no chance you have on countering or dodging the attack if they already say they hit you.)

7. Items...what the hell are those?

Items are things that you can use to help you in a fight such as in Dragon ball Z fighting you can use Senzu Bean that restore you back to perfect health or Boku leaves that can heal any wound just by rubbing the leaves on the wound. Using Items it the same way as doing an action (See action to know how to use items). How you obtain items is different some people give it to you some people just make it up and some just don't use items.

8. Status....What the hell is status?

There are some guilds out there that say they give there fighters status such as for DBZ is Super Saiyan, or in Sailor Moon RPG it become a ultra moon power. Whatever the thing is it does not really matter on fighting unless your in one of those guilds. They can say they are at SS level 300 and it wouldn't matter because there fighting is still the same.

9. Playing god is not as much fun as you think:

There are some people out there that love to do nothing but boast that they are the best and that there is no one that can beat them but when they fight they break the rules constantly. When you break the rules that means your playing god and being god is no fun. Most people do not like people that do this most of the time they shun them. Mostly people that are playing god are those that do not know how to fight the correct way and instead of trying to fight in the right way they make up their own rules and get mad when they fight against people that do not follow them, but of course this is their rules and how can anybody understand them if it is not the right ones.

10. To use Weapons To not use Weapon that is the question:

Weapons are just fine but only if you use them right. You may choose any weapon you wish to use and the only way to use them is the same way as items (see items for use). Some on the net will use weapon but to this I was very disappointed in how they use them. The very first thing they try to do is kill you with it. if you have a weapon use it to hurt your opponent not to kill, disembowel, or rip off limbs, weapons are only there to help you fight not win.

I feel that it is better not to use any kind of weapons, that way your fighting is purely skill and if you are good you will beat the hell out of your opponent without even thinking about using a weapon.

11. What, there are somethings that you can do by autoing?

Yes there are some things that you can do that are considered autoing but you can use them. Such as if you are just in the room walking around having fun NOT fighting. then you may get away with some things


*sits by the river sipping a cold glass of lemonade*

*jump up in a tree and hide from sight*

~flies off into the clouds disappearing~

If you are fighting there is one move that allows you to get away without breaking the rules, grabbing your opponent. Grabbing your opponent is an auto but you may use it. Of course you must use the chance to grab your opponent in one line. remember that only one action per line.


~Grabs Josh's head by the ears~

*Grabs Josh's arms by the wrist*

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