
Not really much a prize for winning the tournament there is a first grand prize of $50 from a pick of any where you would wish to spend it may it be on the net or in real life:

Grand Prize:

$50 in cash, gift certificate, or internet gift certificate, etc. (if you know of a site that can take a gift certificate then tell me then if you wish for to buy from a store not on the list)

Choose from these stores:

Internet Gift card:,,,,,,,,

IRL Gift Card

Walmart, target, Millers Outpost, J.C. Penny, Radio Shack, Funcoland, Staples, Blockbuster, Hollywood video, Sams Goody, etc. (if I can get it then it is yours, but only in gift certificates>)

Cold Hard Cash:


NOTE In order for me to get you the gift cards IRL or cash you must send me your real address I will be willing to send it to you but you must be willing to send me your home address.

If you are international then there might be a problem I have not sent money to outside of the U.S.A. If I get you a gift card for target here in the U.S. I don't know if it would work in England. It is a better chance if you are international that you take the money cold hard or buy a interent gift card


First Place:

An Automatic entry into the next tournament. (hey better than trying to get in right)

Second Place:

A Trophy of making it to second place in TWGMAT

(might not be much but at least you are recognized for participating)