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Tournament Basic Rules


Breaking any of these rules will result in a warning. If you are warned again then you are disqualified from the tournament


If you do not wish to follow these rules then you are not entitled to fight in the tournament. I will not change or be lenient just to suit someone's needs or wants


1. No fighting in the room while there is a battle going on. If you are not fighting then do not type anything in the room. Please use a private IM to cheer or talk to other while waiting for your turn to fight.

2. Power levels do not matter in this tournament it is how talented and quick you can be to defeat your opponent. So don't tell me your on PL 3,000,000,000 because unless you can type at the speed of 500 WPM then I would believe you.

3. No killing ( this mean there is no Breaking bones, ripping off body parts, disembowelments, pulling muscles, etc.) There can be blood but only if the person who is being attacks say so not you.

4. No moding

5. No auto fighting

6. No profanity of any kind ( This mean that there is no put downs, no name calling, no harassing)

7. T1 and T2 rules are in effect

8. Must be enrolled with the tournament at least 1 week before the tournament is going to happen.

9. No weapon of any kind or Items can be used ( This mean that there is no swords, javelins, Senzu Beans, Moon crescent Jewels of life, nothing. this is skill on skill alone how can you be the best when you use a weapon to win)

10. In order for a attack to count you must say type in connect or hit such as "~Hit to Josh's head quickly~" then you must type in "~hits joshes head hard~". If you type in that you hit something you must say where you hit that person so that there is no confusion on where you hit them.

11. This goes to rule 10, you must react to your attack if you are attacked ( you will be counted on if you are able to react you will be warned if you ignore your opponents attack once. If you are warned again you will be disqualified with NO EXCEPTION)

12. If you Phase or Use dematerialize to go out of sight then there are some rules that you are to follow. "~phases out so sight from Josh~". During this time you are not able to attack your opponent unless you say, "~phases into sight .......of Josh~". This rule also applies for disappearing as well.

13. Details is a good thing but please do not try to go over board here.  Ten words is well enough to get your point across

14. You may use special powers such as Kai blast, Energy waves, Fire balls, etc.

15. If you are a vampire or a magician or a wizard or what ever special power suck as turning into stone, blowing up, freezing to death will not be allowed you will not stop the other person from fighting unless they do want to fight or the match is over.

16. Have Fun


In the event that I cannot get at least 8 people to contend then the tournament will not go on and it will be placed at another time and or date.