Sailor Moon Awards

Here are some Sailor Moon awards that you can win but you must be sure that you are worthy of them if you choose a certain type and not "You decided" when submitting.
This is to those sites that are great and have got a few things on it.  I see mostly these sites they have heart and have dedication since they are constantly updated and are growing.  May not be much but they are growing.
A Great Sailor Moon Site
This is for the best Sailor Moon site that i have seen that has the limitations of getting the site of the month award.  That means it has a a lot of pics, music, and info but missing other stuff though. Still  great award but one worthy to those destined for greatness
The Best Sailor Moon Site
I guess you can say that this award goes out there for those sites that are chibi.  I have to like this site (funny images and jokes usually help).  This is for those sites that don't really care about being great they just want to have fun.
Cute Sailor Moon Site Award
This is a. award for those sites that have worked hard to bring you the best of Sailor Moon in music.  You must have tons of music to download and must have an easy way to reach the webmaster for more info.  Style and grace go with this award as well so keep that in mind.
Awesome Sailor Moon Music Site
This goes out to those sites that have gone far beyond what I can understand and have tons up on tons of things to do as well as download.  You must be great in HTML and you must have a site that just makes me say DAAMM. Hard to win but even harder to create a site to win it.
Sailo Moon Site of the Month