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Awards Page

Welcome to the award section list, this is a area of the award for the awards list.  It is an easier way for you to check out how many awards I have and if you want to see them then please go to them.  If you want to just go to the site then you may click on the award name below and it will take you there.  All awards are in chronological order so they are set up on the order they were received.

Note: If the award is named but is orange then that means that the award was given but the address was lost. If the site does not show up because the address is wrong then the site has been taken down or moved with out my knowledge.  Sorry if that happens.

L A Y O U T  #  1

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1 Forever Realm

Critical Mass Award

3 Golden Web Award

Blue Jay Web Award


Southern Nytes Award of Elegance

6 Oz Youth Award
7 Forever Realm Award of Creativity
8 Adele's Cool Site Award

Web Works Designs Award

10 A+ award @

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11 The Awesome Site Award
12 Artistic Cool Reality Award
13 The link to the past HQ Award
14 Anime Club Site
15 Awesum Site Award
16 Award of Excellency
17 Bronze Award (JAZ)
18 Best site Award
19 Golden Award
L A Y O U T # 2

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21 Award of Brilliance
22 Well Organized Site Award
23 Simply Wonderful Award
24 Good Working Site
25 Unique Site Award
26 The Silver Award
28 Fun Site Award
29 Powerful Site Award
30 Super Genius Award
31 Silver Grievance, grace, elegance, site award

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32 Outstanding Services to the Site
34 Val's too Kawaii for words Award
35 Award of Dedication
36 Great Start Award
37 Cool Site Award
38 Sailor Mercury's Cool Site Award
39 First Gem
40 Cool Site Award
41 Zelgadis' One-Of-a-Kind Award
42 Silver Site Award
43 The award of Elegance

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44 It's Fun Time
45 A Picture Perfect Site
46 Angelic Excellence Award
47 Gundam Wing Seal of Approval
48 Ryoko's Awesome Site Award
49 Mad Networks Bronze Award
50 Silver Heart Award
51 Coolness Award
52 TMC's Award for an excellence Site

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53 Seibutsu Platinum Award
54 Awesome Site Award
55 Lovely Site Award
56 Awesome Site Award
57 Bronze Award
58 Platinum Award (JAZ)
59 Silver Award
61 Gotens Color Award

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63 Hot Award
64 Silver Award
65 S.S. Award
67 Kawii Site Award
68 Videl Approved Award
69 Great Site Award
70 Obvious Effort Award
71 Triumph Award

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72 Spiffy Site Patch Award
73 Outstanding Anime Site Award
74 Best RPG Site Award
75 All Out Anime Site
76 Luvly Site Award
77 Shocking Great Site Award
78 Truly Mad Award
79 Site of the Month Award
80 Spectacular Site Award
81 Ultimate Layout Award
82 Trauqd Award
83 500 Hits Award: Great Start
84 Totally Unique Site Award
85 Poetic Justice Award

L a  y  o u  t  # 3

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88 Kick Ass Site Award
89 Cool Site Award
90 Great Site Award
91 Divine Approval
92 Kick Ass Site Award
93 ---

Test Awards

20 The Saiyan Might Supreme Knowledge Award
27 Perfect Gummi's Anime Challenge
33 I scored A+ on Darkness Easy Quiz
60 DBZ Love Test
62 SSJGirl Quiz
66 I Aced Vegeta's Quiz
86 I found the Link
87 I got an A+ on Otaku's SD Quiz
- ---