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Tournament Rules

These are rules set out aside from the one that are basic. These rules are only used in T.W.G.M.A.T. so this does not effect you if you are not in it.

Click on picture to enlarge Ring for better view.

1. The arena is a 100x100x5 ft squared ring made completely out of stone with four columns on either corner of the ring. Here is a picture of the ring that you will be fighting in. This is the best I can do since I have limited programs to make this picture.----->

2. Your objective in this area is to knock your opponent out of the ring with the phrase "~...Towards the ground~" such as "~Hit Josh down towards the ground~". To complete the attack you must put in "~hit the ground landing out side of the ring~"

3. You are given a certain amount of time to make your opponent land outside of the ring (time will be announced when tournament announcement comes out usually time will be from 5-10 minutes for each fight).

4. The fighter who make their opponent land outside of the ring the most time wins the match.

5. If there is a tie or no point is made then there will be a sudden death match for an additional 3 minutes

6. If there is still no winner by the end of that time then the winner will be announced by the choice of me and two other people of my choosing who have also been watching the fight.

7. Have fun

To enter the Tournament please click here for the Application.


In the event that I cannot get at least 8 people to contend then the tournament will not go on and it will be placed at another time and or date.