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Training To be the best to beat the best

You think or you know that you are a little slow, would you like to have a little pick me up. Then you can train under my vigorous training program that would make you faster, smarter, and even more imaginative on what you do. If you are interested in finding out about this program you may e-mail me on the style of training you would like to have.  There are only certain times that they will be able to do these teachings, the times are located underneath the lesson.  If you are unable to met the times maybe we can find out a way of getting you the training.  These times here are the best times for you to train with them.  

Note: If you are training with Krillin then you will have off line training as well. This of course is optional but it is there to only help you in your lessons.  If you choose to do Krillin's Training then you can see how the  HT (home Training) is like by clicking here

Normal King Kai Krillin
Mon [00:00-00:00] Mon [00:00-00:00] Mon [00:00-00:00]
Tue [00:00-00:00] Tue [00:00-00:00] Tue [00:00-00:00]
Wed [00:00-00:00] Wed [00:00-00:00] Wed [00:00-00:00]
Thru [00:00-00:00] Thru [00:00-00:00]  Thru [00:00-00:00] 
Fri [00:00-00:00] Fri [00:00-00:00] Fri [00:00-00:00]
Sat [00:00-00:00] Sat [00:00-00:00] Sat [00:00-00:00]
Sun [00:00-00:00] Sun [00:00-00:00] Sun [00:00-00:00]




























Normal Training King Kai's Training Program Krillin's Training Program
Train under this and learn the basics as well as some new techniques that could help you in a battle Go through the training program and see how you can change from being a good fighter to a great fighter.  Go through the train process of  I am not a great fighter but I have been known to be a good fighter.  This is to teach you how to fight in the many different style of fighting in ICL 
Catch Bubbles
What are the types of Fighting
Actions of ICL




Counter Attacks

Catch Bubbles Five times and then you will be able to train underneath King Kai There are many different types out there here in this training you will learn on how to use all of the 3 types of fighting (T1, T2, and T3) how is it possible to fight and what style would be good to fight in for you.
Hit Gregory
This is like catching bubbles but you will be given a mallet and you have to hit Kai's friend Gregory.  If you can hit him five time then you will advance to the next lesson. Punching



Counter Attacks

Energy Channeling

Tennis Ball


Wood Blocks

Water Swim

Powers (Intro)

Learn how to channel your anger and you power to get the most out of it.  This is going to teach you to charge and to use powers faster
Gourmet Meals for the Strong
Wood Blocks

Powers (Intro)

One can learn fighting but also needs a steady meal to be the best.  Something that doesn't seem to be important, but it is.
Spar w/ Kai

Power Usage

Sparring w/ Items (not Weapons)

Water fun

Powers Usage

Types of Energy

Spar with Kai will see how you are progressing.  This is not the final test!
Floating Items
Sparring (w/items [not weapons])

Race II

Rock Dodge

Weapons (Intro)

This is a test that will test your speed on reacting but you need to fast enough in order to not get hit by the items coming at you. Weapons Intro

Rules (things to break and not break)


Use Your Head
The Final Test
Weapons Usage


Weapons (Other Uses)

This lesson will teach you to use different parts of your body and items to do things that you wouldn't normal think of.  There are many things that can help you out.  One just needs to know what to do to make the most of it. When you make it to this area you are able to fight against Krillin in the style that is most comfortable for you and if you are able to win in the style you want to fight in then you will receive the insignia from Krillin for training with him.
Final (fight teacher)

The Final Test

A test that will see if you are good enough to have the seal of TWGMAT for completing this train exercise. 

Think you can get it

Fight with King Kai and see if you are good enough to get his seal of approval for completing this course.  In an addition your will receive his insignia for you collection so that other members can see what you have accomplished