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Tenchi Shrine

This is a shrine completely dedicated to the Tenchi Muyo/Universe/Tokyo sagas.  There are many parts of T.W.G.M.A.T.  that deal with Tenchi such as music, wallpaper, sounds, biographies, images, games, and even some screen savers (SS). There are some links to other site but this is for easy access to other anime shrine if you wish.

Choose where you would like to go and enjoy your stay here.  I hope that you like the Tenchi shrine and that you find what you are looking for.If you want you can check out the new Tenchi Puzzle zone where you can put together your favorite characters, but can you do it fast enough?

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Tenchi Biographies

Tenchi Icons Screen Savers
Tenchi Mangas Tenchi Music Tenchi Episode Guide
Tenchi Clubs Tenchi Lryics Tenchi E-mail
Tenchi Store Tenchi Facts Tenchi Test/Quizzes
Tenchi Awards Tenchi Images Tenchi Adoption
Tenchi Puzzles Tenchi Links

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