Twilight Sound Church of Christian Science
Deep on this isle, almost in the very center but just off it, a small white building huddles in the dark. But not just a building, it has a certain carried shape that identifies instantly. Something about it tugs at the national group consciousness and with the four simple white-siding walls and simple, utilitarian spire at the very front says "church". The front door is always open, even all through the night well after the evening services have ended. Come in, through the grand double doors (always unlocked), through the foyer and into the clandestine aisles, pews stretching in perfect symmetry towards where the moon's light falls through the grand window behind the pulpit in twinkling perfection upon those who may come to pray, or seek solace, or confess...
And one never noticed in the first place that all the lights were off inside.
Beware of false prophets...