| Weight:
275 lbs.
| Home Town:
Red Hook, Brooklyn, New York
| Alignment:
| Wrestling Style:
Brawler Cheater Powerhouse
| Weapon of Choice:
Lead Pipe
| Entrance Music:
"You Can't Hide"
"Dead End"
Double Underhook Stalling Jump Piledriver
| "Powerbomb"
| "Elevated Texas Cloverleaf"
A Liontaimber but has them in a Texas Cloverlead position.
| "Superkick"
A legendary fighter who uses legendary fighting techniques to fight bloody battles. This lone warrior has now went into the wrestling business and has had major success every federation he has been to. Every fed he has went in (except CWF) He became their undisputed champion. TWF was his biggest success by defeated mostly everyone in that federation and becoming a grandslam champion winning their world title 6 times and winning their tag team 3 times which he never really lost those titles either Mike now serches for great opponents through out the world for worthy challenges...
Cocky, Arrogant, tough guy type gimmick.
I am the depths from which greatness comes!
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