Live Action Roleplaying
So, how can you LARP with POLY? In general, their are 3 major differences between LARPs and table-top games, and since one of these is that there's no readily available playing surface, will only focus on adapting the dice-less sytems to LARPING. The other 2 points are addressed below.
1. Memory Required
Since LARPing generally require that the characters be able to memorize their character sheets, it's important to use smaller points and lists. To do this, the point factors, for converting ranks to points should be lower, about a tenth of the normal traits, and they should return after the end of every scene and at the end of the game session.
2. No GM Available
With no GM available, specialties should not be used. The degree of success should always be set at zero, and raised from their. The GM can always still be called into to abjucate, but otherwise the players will do fine if left to their own devices.