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Getting and Making Your Character For...

For picking your character...

Character creation

In this there are 5 different 'Occupations' you can posibly be. Also you dont get to make your story or choose your starting place, i write you up a story and you play from there. Depending on what you are depends on your starting Items/Weapons.


Citizen- A Citizen is an average every day person. A citizen could be anybody just working in the city(That isnt a cop), or a gangster or fire man or something that is your average normal every day material though a person can have skills others dont.

Citizens start off with 6 Character/Stat points and 5 Advantage points.

HUNK- HUNK are people in the army/service. But just because you are in the service doesnt mean you have acess to weapons.

HUNK start off with 6 character/stat points and 5 advantage points.

STARS- STARS are Raccoon City cops that work at the RPD. These people where one of the first to report the incidents at Raccoon city, but who'd believe a story like that? BUT, remember, just because you're a cop doesn't mean you have your weapon on you at the time.

STARS start off with 7 character/stat points and 6 advantage points.

UCC- UCC, or Umbrella's Cleanup Crew are solders hired and trained to take care of any mishaps that may happen. Some of UCC know what Umbrella's real plans are, but some are just people that work for them.

UCC start off with 7 character/stat points and 5 advantage points.

Mercenary- These Mercs where hired by Umbrella or other people for these skills in killing/demilition and rescue, they have nothing to do with Umbrella, they may only work to rid Raccon city and other places from disasters and hostile situations.

Mercs start off with 8 character/stat points and 8 advantage points.


You have a cirtain amount of Cp and Advantages points to put into:

Hp, Str, St, Sp, IQ, Dex , and stike and dodge

Your stats start off at HP:20, Str:4, St:10, Sp:3, IQ:10, Dex:4, and Strike / dodge that veries depending on your occupation.

You dont have to put any CP into Strike / Dodge thoughs are optional...It costs 1 CP to add a point in a stat... Hp has a automatic 10, and it raises by 5, Str auto 4, it goes up by 1, Dex auto 4, it goes up by 1, St auto 10, goes up by +2, IQ auto 10, it goes up by 1 {optional Strike or dodge, it goes up by +1}

What Each Stat Does

Hp-Hp or Health Points, are how much life you have, when your HP is 0, you are dead, and oh yes, negative numbers are past 0 what a shock!!!!

Str-Str or Strength, is how strong you are, whitch gives you the ability to do physical things like Lifting objects, pushing objects, or attacking people/things....

Dex-Dex or Dextarity, is how moveable or flexable you are, it determains if you can do a flip or do a summersalt.

St-St or Stamina... Stamina is Energy you can put into tasks to make you better at them at the time, Stamina is also how much energy you hav,e so as you lose energy you slow down, to heal stamina you have to eat and drink.

IQ-IQ, or Intelligence... This is a dead give away but still, this is your brain powers and mental abilities.

Strike/Dodge-Strike/Dodge or Attack/Dodge is what i roll it see if you hit/dodge... i say this is optional because it just adds +1.... and i don't think you really need it.... but its up to you sssooooo......

Thats basically it.... if you have any questions.... ASK THEM!!!


Note:If you want, you can spend 5 advantage points to make another stat point.



5:Absolute Direstion You always know wich way is north, you can always retrace a path you have followed no matter how faint or confusing it may be.

2 per:Acute Hearing (You get a bonus on your hearing roll) You get a bonus when ever you must hear something. (Each Level adds 1 to roll)(I roll againt your IQ to see if you knowtis)

2 per:Acute Tate & Smell You get a bonus on any taste or smell roll. (Each level adds 1 to roll) (I roll against your IQ to see if you knowtis)

2 per:Acute Vision You get a bonus to any vision roll. If you're looking for something or whatever I roll against your IQ to see if you can notice. (Each level adds 1 to your roll to see if you knowtis)

10:Ambidexterity You can use both hands with equal skill. Should some incident/accident befall one of your arms or hands, the other doesn't lessen skill.

15:Combat Reflexes You have extra ordinary reactions and very rarely suprised for more then a moment. You get a bonus in defense in combat. You also get a bonus on 'Fat-Draw' and a bonus to any 'fright check' and you never 'freeze'.

10:Common Sense any time you start to do anything I feel is STUPID, I roll againt your IQ. A sucessful roll means I must warn you.

10:High Pain ThresholdYou are as suscptible to injury as anyone else, but you don't 'feel' it as much.

10:Night Vision Your eyes adapt rapidly to the darkness.

10:Toughness Your skin and flesh are tougher then the average humans.

4 per:Strong Will You have much more 'Will Power' then the average person. (Each level adds 1 to roll)


-10:Bad Sight you may be either nearsighted or farsighted- thats your choice. If you are nearsighted you cannot read small print, ect... When using a hand weapon, you're at a -2 from skills. If you are farsighted you cannot read a book exept with great difficulty (About three times the normal time) Also, you get a -2 from thrown or missile weapon skills.

-5:Over Weight You are not truely fat- just somewhat heavy. Being Overweight brings you at a -1 from all reaction rolls, but you get +1 from resisting slam attacks or getting someone off of you.

-5:Hard of Hearing You are not deaf, but you have some hearing loss, you have a -3 to IQ on any hearing roll. (You may misunderstand someone.)

-15:Hemophilia You are a 'bleeder' Even a small wound, unless well bandaged, will not heal- you may bleed to death. Any untreated wound will bleed at a rate doing damage to you depending on how bad the wound is.

-5:Low Pain Threshold You are sensitive to pain of all kinds. If the damage is a good amount that has been dealt to you, then you wine/cry/get testy/and or something else that will give away where you are and attrac enimies.

-5:Anosmia This is a rare affiction... You can smell and tate nothing. Thus, you are unable to detect certain hazards that ordinary people spot quickly.

-5:One EyeYou only have one eye, I roll against your IQ to see if you knowtis somethign in a room, so your vision and acuracy is down.

-Veries:Disability/Cripple This veries depending on what you'd like.

-10:Prone To Sickness You get sick easier then most people.

-5:Weak Will You get subtrations to 'Will Rolls'.

-10:Easily FrightenedThe 'fright checks' effect you more.