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How 2 Play and Rules


Moving and Actions

Well... First off... I might put you in a... uuuhhh... lets say a street... I might say like... Your in a ally, you can remember just how you got in the ally but you know that your in it, to your right there is a door, to your left there is a way into the street. You could say something like, "I look around to see if there is anything useful around." or "I go left." or "I go right and then through the door." or something like that... just think of it like your actually in the world... in other words... ROLE PLAY!!! (Act out the character as if it was you.)

Well uuhh... Actions... well... lets paint but yet another situation... your still in the ally... you tried to go right, but the door is locked, there is a little crack between the door and the wall though, you can't wedge it open with just your bare hands though... as you begin going left you see a group of 3 zombie coming towards you... you are alone with no weapons... there is no way you can take them and you know it... just say something like "I look around the room for some thing... like a ladder or a object I could open the door with..." or "I look at the ground for a sewer or something..." or "I look to see if the door has any windows near it..." BUT REMEMBER every action has a consequence... like say if you would have found a window and the zombies where chasing you... And you busted through the window... That’s a free entrance for the zombies... ALSO not all consequences are bad... you might get away from the zombies and find a weapon or a way out of the back allie or something...

Playing the game

You don't want to play this game alone, it's going to be very hard, and I'm expecting alto of deaths and stuff. Int his when your going around places you might want to search things in the room alot for something (You must tell me what you are looking for) Also help other people out, and think of random things to do and i'll tell you if you can or can't.

Also wile playing, in detail, tell me what you do, because if you stick to just "I go left." or what ever, you can end up falling in a hole, or getting attacked or running into a zombie or something in dakr ness, you have to play this as if you where actually doing this. For instance, if its dark in a hallway your in and your walking down in, you could say, "I kaap my right hand on my gun ready to draw, and my left hand infront of me to feel for things." or what ever. Be creative, think, I'm god and you are just your self.


Dodge Strike?

Well my dodge strike system is kind of easy... Well let’s just put it this way... when you’re attacking, you’re striking, and when you’re being attacked you should be dodging unless you want to be hit... Which I think shouldn’t be likely... but that’s just me...every ones start off dodge strike is 1 roll of a 20 sided dice "1d20" as you level up, it doesn’t change... BUT as your "INFECTION LEVEL" goes up your dodge and strike as well as other stats might be affected. If you have any other questions... which you shouldn’t... Ask me...


WELL SMART ASS LET ME EXPLAIN!!! A infection level is how much your infected by zombies and other monsters, if your level becomes 100% you turn in to a zombie, or in other words you die... and no you don’t get to be a zombie and play... I am sorry... it doesn’t work that way...If you die you start all over again... the infection levels are:

When getting bit, it give a little bit of Infection level, wile standing you get +10%, wile on the ground its +15%... after you get 60% every FULL turn you get +2% to infection... But they don’t bite you and its over, no, you have to push them off, if you don’t get them off then you have to still stop them from biting you, also, if you dont ge them off in 2 turns then you fall the to the ground. When Getting a zombie off of you, you can spend St(Stamina) to up your chance of not letting them bite you or stay on you. Also if you have some one with you, after you try three times to get the zombie off of you they can help. Any other questions, ask me


This isn’t going to have a lot of attacks... because its not a big fighting thing... its more of a go on a quest for fun and stuff... well how do you attack well... its easy... "I shoot at the zombie." hard huh... Also, every 5 attacks you get a "Called shot" its when you call to aim atsome part of a monsters body, so you can get from a head shot, to a shot in the foot...


For this you have 5 physical attacks which are:Punch, Kick, Knee, Elbow and head butt. You can usually just attack one time per turn, but you can add stamina so you can hit more times in one turn.

If you have any other questions, ASK ME!

How 2 play summerized

Most of that stuff up^there I wrote a long time ago and I dont know what 1/2 the shit says anymore. But here is everythign in a nutshell for you.

