Everyone has questions, and here I have attempted to anticipate what some of the most frequent questions may be and provide answers to them. If you do not find an answer here, please contact a GM or other staff member. 1. How do I join a game? You must have a Yahoo account (generally speaking, some GM's may choose a different email service) to participate in the PBeM games. Contact the GM of the game you are interested in and he will send you a letter of invitation to join his game. 2. I am not sure I want to play a game, may I "lurk" on the email string for awhile before I actually play? Vertical Games official policy on this is yes. The GM may set up different rules, so be sure to contact them first to get permission. All games will be archived on an EZBoard web based message board for reading. 3. I don't know how to play this type of game, will someone teach me? Check the individual game description. The GM will specify whether or not new players are welcome. We will eventual have an extensive help page for new players. 4. Are play by emails the only types of games you offer? For the moment, yes. We will be branching out into play by chat, and play by messageboards. 5. What about multi-player war type games? No. For one, I have not clue one as to how to code one. For another, they require a great deal of investment in time and money, neither of which I have. I will, on our links page, include links to some pretty awesome multi-player games, and I do hope you will check them out. 6. Do you get a "kick back" for recommending these games? Nope. Well .. truthfully, I do hope they will choose to link back to us, but beyond that, no. 7. A lot of other games are going pay to play, will you be charging for this site? No. Never. At least not unless they stop having free sites like Dreamwater to host them on and free email groups like Yahoo to use. Until I have to pay for something, you won't have to pay for it. I am not in this to make money. Just to provide a gaming place. 8. Why do you only use free sites? Can't you afford your own? I provide this service for free. I update the pages for free. I help GM's find players for free. I have no intention of paying cash on top of time. So, we deal with the ad banners, and we just move past it on to the game. Read our Privacy Policy and TOS |