Vertical Games Rules: Our rules are simple, straight forward and uncomplicated, but will be strictly enforced. 1. Don't be an ass. We are all here to have a good time, and if you are disrupting the games and causing problems, you will be removed from our services. 2. Don't spam. You may have the greatest service/sales pitch/goods for sale in the world, but we do not want you selling them through our service. It violates our TOS and the TOS of Yahoo to do so. Not to mention annoys your fellow players. 3. The Game Master is in charge. period. His games, his rules. That is the way ALL role playing games work. If you find you can not abide by a particular GM's rules, change games. If you feel you are being unfairly treated, however, you may contact a Game Moderator for mediation. 4. We encourage you to get to know your fellow players, and to enjoy interacting with them. However, we take cyber stalking very seriously here. You may NOT harrass another player (see rule one) and if someone can prove you are illegally harrassing and/or stalking them, we at Vertical Games will do all we can to ensure the proper authorities are notified. please be respectful. remember, this is a GAME. Just because you have an issue with a CHARACTER do NOT make it an issue with a PLAYER. Keep the two seperate. 5. We believe in second chances. We even believe in third chances. Under most circumstances, you will be warned 3 times before being removed from our games. If however, you are removed, we ask that you do not attempt to access our email strings again. If you do continue to do so, we will report you to your ISP. Read our Privacy Policy and TOS |