I do not enjoy giving out my Mundane information but many people ask,
for some unknown reason. Therefore I have given the below information.
If you do not believe I am who I say, that really is your own problem, isn’t it?

[ Yeah those are me. I know.. not pretty. Oh well. ]

Name | Age | Sex | Location | Love: Megan | 19 | Female | Ohio, USA | Taken

Bloody Words

Interests: RPing, Video Games, Music, Movies, Reading, Politics [very opinuated], Crime, History [not american], Psychology, Satanism, Erotic lit.

What Music: Marilyn Manson, Trick daddy, DMX, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Alicia Keys...ask if ya want more, I like tons . . .

What Movies: Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Seven, Kiss the girls, Along Came a Spider, Girl Interupted, Final Fantasy, Copycat, Rocky Horror Picture Show, HedWig, Fried Green Tomatos, Matrix, Faces of Death movies, Disney movies...ask if ya want more.

What Books: Blood and Chocolate, Secret Garden by Nancy Friday, Outsiders by S.E.Hinton, Uncle Vampire, Bruises, A child called it, The lost boy, A Man named dave . . . and more.

RPing how long? 6 years. u_u *shame*

How many chars since starting AOL RPing? Too many . . . I’ve rounded it out to about 50+ major chars. Plus 99 minor chars.

Recently Ended Chars: 14 over the last year
"Lil Aly" and Angel Fallen, have been murdered.
Mia & Kinker have passed on into her next life.
lilgurl was freeded and no longer is a slave.
vicky, rotted away in her Master's dungen.
Sabby, traveling with the dark carnival.
inocencia/prefrance, returned to Gor.
Anna Smitmore is in bording school.
Scarlet, moved out of RhyDin.
Que died of natural causes.
Lauren, raped and killed.
"Mother" has died
Umeki - lost.

Current Count: 146 Characters
Jinxy Winxy, Nezumi "Mouse" McCloud, Hanako Ako Blood-like-water, Vinny Zachary Blood-like-water, Mistress Magenta, Shelly McCloud, Manson Macbeth LaVey, Traci Golden, Faith Urica Killmore Darkside, Andrew Marcus Vulgamore, The Four [Koinu, Hebi, Koneko, Usagi], Lilly Trinity McCloud, Heather Lain McCloud, Meghan C. Thompson, Sky McCloud, May & June McCloud [twins], Vivian Katarina Thurzo Betlemfalvy Nadasdy-Bathory, Koibito Ninfu Hauku, Molly Shotwell, ukimi, The Asian Bueatys (Aki&Ako[twins], Arisa Mochida, Erica Ishida, Kaori Sai, Kimmy Matsumoto, Kris Chen, Libby Wu, Luna Yuki, Mari Matsumoto, Megumi Su, Moi Asakura, Okami Imai, Reika Takagi, Rita Star-Ito, Sakira Ito, Toko Kiuchi, Vivica Kaneko), Xin Mikhavilou, Andrea D'Angelo-McCloud, Naida Ki Loren, Max Dawson, Lolita Notaro, Mary, Twitch The 99 minor Chars.