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Boredom and a Cure.


You know how sometimes you get bored.  Youve done everything you can think of in game that you can do without gettting aggravated, well I remembered something tonight.
Tonight I spent my power hour in Shame working for some Lumberjack and Anatomy gains I picked up a good chunk of cash and several more Fertile dirts.  When PH was done I was bored and ready to log for the night but I wandered towards Brit on my horse when I saw the cemetary and those memories came to me.
When I first started playing UO I started off in Britain and my favorite place to go and kill stuff was the Britain cemetary I spent hours and hours in that place and I saw this guild on a  regular basis it wasnt always the same people but there was everyday for a little while one or two people from this one guild (no I dont remember the guild name.) but anyway they would go around and heal people or kill the extra monsters that were attacking someone who was struggling to make a kill.  I didnt know why they did it I just knew that I was glad on more than one occasion that they did it.  
  I stopped off in the cemetary and killed a few skeletons I was carrying a couple of different types of Axes and decided to count how many swings it would take with each to off a skeleton.  Then I saw someone running from a skeleton they were nearly dead.  Thats when I decided to give it a shot.  I started healing and helping people. Most people simply said thnks and ran off, some said thanks can you spare me some gold  
I started helping this one person who was killing pigs with a hatchet  I gave her an axe that I had pulled off a spectre or something and said "here ya go that will probably work better." She said thanks but I'm trying not to kill it too quick I'm working on my skills" (that was a long time ago for me) Well to shorten an already long story that most of you havent bothered to read through an hour later and 160 or so bandies later with probably 20 or 30 undeads killed I gave her the web address for uostratics and keepers of dawn.
So even though it may sound boring to some of you I had a good night I made a possible new friend and hopefully helped someone enjoy the game for a bit.   Try it sometime you might find you enjoy yourself as well.