Number of 6 sided Dice:
Alignment: Any Hit Points: 8-48 S.D.C. Base: 4D6+20 Natural A.R.: 6 Horror/Awe Factor: Warg 14 O.C.C.'s Available: None Special/Natural Abilities: Nightvision 120', Prowl 80%, Track by smell 85%, Swim 60%, Telepathic. # Of Attacks: 3 Damage/Attack: Bite does 3-18 damage, claw does 5-30 damage. Bonuses: +4 to strike, +8 to damage, +4 to dodge Magic: N/A Psionics: Master Average Lifespan: 1,000-2,000 years Value: Sometimes hunted for their pelts by non-elves. Cooshee are often sought after by Elves as gaurds, companions and familiars. Languages: Elven, Cooshee comunicate through telepathy. Habitat: Elven Forests. Frequency: Rare Organization: Packs Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Carnavores Enemies: Enemies of the elves. Allies: Allies of the elves Height: 60 to 64 inches at the shoulder Weight: 300-600 lbs. Treasure: None # Appearing: 1-5 Favourite Weapons: N/A Racial Skills: N/A back to top Description: Legend tells that the Cooshee has the ability to heal sick or injured travelers and to calm a troubled heart. The best way to contact a Cooshee is to go to a forest with a known elven presence and contect the elves; the Cooshees will follow. One can call a Cooshee alone by requesting its presence politely and willing the meeting to occur. One should be in a forest when this is attempted, and it is strongly recommended that one have at least a fraction of elven blood. Cooshees will most likely attack anyone without elven blood who tries to call them, although they have been known to simply ignore the caller. Combat: In combat, the cooshee is a fearsome opponent. Its powerful jaws are enough to frighten any normal person; coupled with its fierce claws and demeanor, the cooshee is a very effective fighting machine. With a party of elves providing distraction with their arrows, the cooshee can become a creature from a nightmare for its prey. Elves say one cooshee is worth five orcs.
Habitat/Society: Cooshee mate for life. If one of the pair is killed, the other generally wastes away. Puppies bond strongly to their parents, and the parents are highly protective of their offspring. Only a fool comes between a parent and its children. Cooshee tend to avoid other "normal" dogs, seeming to find them inferior. In this regard, the cooshee echo their elf masters, refraining from much contact with other races. The cooshee have an incredibly loud bark that can be heard more than a mile away. However, they only bark to warn their masters or packmates. In almost no other circumstances will a cooshee emit a noise. Ecology: No one seems to know whether cooshee are a naturally occurring creature or if they are a creation of the elves. The cooshee seem almost too perfectly designed for their tasks to be anything but created beasts. However, their affinity with nature, closely mirroring that of the elves, leads one to believe that they are, in fact, entirely natural. Although elves have had much success in gaining the trust of the cooshee, few other races have been able to establish a rapport with the hound. Even experienced animal handlers of other races find it incredibly difficult to approach on of these magnificent creatures. Thus, unless a cooshee is magically charmed (it gains a +3 bonus vs. any charm spell), it will only be found in the company of elves, or very rarely, in the wild. |