
Quick Reference

Racial Statistics


Number of 6 sided Dice:

Species I.Q. M.E. M.A. P.S. P.P. P.E. P.B. SPD PER LUCK
Dkou`rine 1d4+3 2d6+12 1d6 4dd+20 3d6+12 3d6+20 1d6 6d6+10 3d6 3d6

Alignment: Normal: Neutral (High Animal Intelligence)
Hit Points: 8-64
S.D.C. Base: 6D6+100
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror/Awe Factor: 14
O.C.C.'s Available: None
Special/Natural Abilities: Swim 80%, Night Vision 90 ft.
# Of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: Horn 6d6+PS bonus, Ram 4D6+60
Bonuses: +3 to strike, +1 to dodge
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Lifespan: 1-100 years.
Value: 100,000 to 500-,000 Silver trained.
Languages:No language of their own but Understand Ork
Habitat: Tundra
Frequency: Extremely rare
Organization: Herds
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Herbavores
Enemies: None.
Allies: High Orks Use them as mounts.
Height: 7 to 12 feet at the shoulder.
Weight: 1800 to 22000 lbs.
Treasure: None
# Appearing: 1-20
Favourite Weapons: N/A
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Description: Called the "Wooly Rhino" by the humans, the Dkou`rine appear as an extremely large, silver, black or white-furred, somewhat primitive looking version of the Rhinoceros, with glowing red eyes. Dkou`rine are almost always in the company of High Orks,or other large races serving as mounts. The Dkou`rine has the speed of a cheetah and the endurance of a wolf. Unlike their smaller cousins the Rhinoceros, these creatures are not prone to jumpiness. Having a very high animal intelligence, they plan attacks and use rudimentary strategy in facilitaing these attacks. It is this intelligence which make them such desired and excellent mounts for the High Orks and other large races such as Ogres and Trolls.

Combat: In combat, the Dkou`rine is a fearsome opponent. Its Incredible size and long spiked horns are enough to frighten any normal person; coupled with its fierce demeanor, the Dkou`rine is a very effective fighting machine. The Dkou`rine can become a creature from a nightmare for its opponents.

Charge: Once an hour, a Dkou`rine can move ten times its normal speed.

