
Quick Reference

Racial Statistics


Number of 6 sided Dice:

SpeciesI.Q. M.E. M.A. P.S. P.P. P.E. P.B. SPD PER LUCK
Dorn1D61D6+21d63D6+9 2D6+12 3D6+3 1d6 3D6+20
Glide: 6D6+10
4D6 3D6

Alignment: Normal: Miscreant (High Animal Intelligence)
Hit Points: P.E. + 50
S.D.C. Base: 3D6+100
Natural A.R.: 11
Horror/Awe Factor: 12
O.C.C.'s Available: None
Special/Natural Abilities: Superb vision and hearing, night vision 30 feet (9.1 m), track by scent at 82%, aggressive nature towards weaker creatures.
# Of Attacks: 4
Damage/Attack: 2D6 by bite, 1D8+4 by claw, or 3D6+8 by kick (counts as two attacks) or Tail Sspike 5d6+PS bonus.
Bonuses: +1 to strike, +3 to dodge, +6 to save vs Horror Factor. All are in addition to physical attribute bonuses.
Special Bonuses: These are special bonuses that the creature gains when used as a mount by an Orcish Knight specially trained to ride it. One additional attack per round (generally used for maneuvering), +1 to strike, +2 to damage, and fearless.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Lifespan: 35 years.
Value: 100,000 to 500-,000 Silver trained.
Languages:No language of their own but Understand Ork
Habitat: These creatures still exist in rare pockets in the disputed lands of Lorien. They are extremely resilient and take well to rough climates.
Frequency: Extremely rare
Organization: Herds
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: carnavores
Enemies: None.
Allies: None. The High Orcs were the only beings capable of domesticating these animals.
Height: 4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 m) tall, 5-6 feet (I .5-1.8 m) long.
Weight: 300-400 pounds (135-180 kg).
Treasure: None
# Appearing: 1-20
Favourite Weapons: N/A
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Description: The Dorn is a somewhat strange, mounted beast that was despised by all save for the High Orcs. A large, four-legged creature with its forarms winged somewhat like a bat. They have rough, grey to black skin and little hair, except for a black course main that runs down its back. They have long necks and heads that are somewhat cat-like, however the features are all distorted and somewhat demonic. Their is filled with large, sharp teeth. They have large, splayed claws like a cat and a large spiked tail.

Combat: In combat, the Dorn is a fearsome opponent. Its Incredible size razor sharp clawes and long spiked tail are enough to frighten any normal person; coupled with its fierce demeanor, the Dorn is a very effective fighting machine. The Dorn can become a creature from a nightmare for its opponents.
Glide: Although it's winged forearms will not support flight the Dorn can glide in much the same fashion as a flying Squirrel.

Habitat/Society: They used to roam the lands of Lorien in small, predatory packs. They were known for destroying crops and murdering livestock, and most considered them to be pests. The Orcs saw a powerful mounted creature just waiting to be tamed. In truth, these beasts share quite a bit in common with the Orcs. They have a natural aggressive tendency towards all weaker creatures and are known to attack lesser beings out of sheer aggression. They revel in the pain and suffering of war, and took very well to being trained as war mounts for the High Orcs. The relationship established between them was mutually beneficial, and a sort of bond was forged between them.

Ecology: Since the ending of the Elf-Orc War, and the decreased numbers of the High Orcs, these creatures have fallen strongly into decline. They are hunted as pests by most people, as their hides and meats are worth very little. At present there are a few herds left, which are facing extinction though some herds are still in use by the High Orcs of Lorien.