
Quick Reference

Racial Statistics


Number of 6 sided Dice:

SpeciesI.Q. M.E. M.A. P.S. P.P. P.E. P.B. SPD PER LUCK
Warg2D62D6+21d65D6 1D6+18 3D6+12 2d6 4D6+20 5D6 3D6

Alignment: Any Evil
Hit Points: P.E. + 50
S.D.C. Base: 4D6+20
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror/Awe Factor: 14
O.C.C.'s Available: None
Special/Natural Abilities: Superb vision and hearing, Nightvision 60 Ft., Prowl 50%, Track by smell 85%, Swim 60%.
# Of Attacks: 3
Damage/Attack: 3D6 by bite, 5D6 by claw +PS bonus.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +6 to damage, +2 to dodge. All are in addition to physical attribute bonuses.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Lifespan: 10-20 years.
Value: Wargs are often sought after by monster races as gaurd beasts and steads.
Languages:Wargs have a rudimentary language similar to Wolven, and can learn Orc, Goblin or even in some cases Common as well.
Habitat: Non Tropical Forests
Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Packs
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: carnavores
Enemies: non Monster Races
Allies: Monster Races
Height: 4-5 feet tall, 9-11 feet long.
Weight: 800-1100 pounds
Treasure: None
# Appearing: 1-20
Favourite Weapons: N/A
Racial Skills: N/A

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Description: Wargs are evil and cunning predators, closely related to Wolves, that delights in hunting and devouring creatures weaker than themselves. Vicious and malevolent, they roam across the remote Wilderness or are raised by Orcs, Goblins and Hobgoblins and other monster races. These creatures use Wargs as mounts, but beasts will turn on riders if they feel mistreated or malnourished. Wargs speak in their own language, a rudimentary form of Wolven, and can learn Orc, Goblin or even in some cases Common as well.

Though Similar to Wolves in basic body form, they are larger and have greater intelligence. They can grow over 10 feet long and weigh over 1000 pounds. Like normal Wolves, their pelts range in color from pitch black to gray, brown, and even snowy white, however they lack the beauty of their wolf cousins and their pelts are not considered valuable.

Wargs live for the hunt, both for the sheer joy of it and because their larger bodies require large amounts of meat. Some humanoid races value wargs as steeds due to their increased intellect, but a warg's foul disposition turns away many trainers.

Despite their higher intelligence and evil traits, Wargs tend to act, for the most part, like regular wolves. They often hunt in packs, but sometimes hunt alone. Lone Wargs tended to hunt creatures smaller than themselves, while mated pairs and packs hunted larger game. They prefer large, herbivorous animals, usually the young, sick, or weak, but aren't afraid to take humanoids, especially when other prey was scarce.

Combat: Instinctive pack hunters, Wargs prefer to attack in tandem, although in any number, Wargs employed similar tactics. They will stalk prey for a number of hours or even days, choosing the best of time of day and terrain for the attack. Then they surround the opponent, employ hit-and-run tactics to exhaust a victim, trip him up, and then attacking relentlessly as he tries to rise. If they outnumber a victim or are especially impatient, they might try to corner the prey, then attack. They attack with their teeth and claws and like a wolf, they will bite their prey and try to bear them down to the ground. They have the benefit of stealth, keen senses, and the ability to scent prey

A badly wounded Warg usually flees. In single combat, the Warg can be a fearsome opponent. Its sharp clawes and teeth are formadable weapons and coupled with its fierce demeanor and intelligence, the Warg is a very effective and brutal killer.

Habitat/Society: Wargs, like humans and demi-humans, are social animals. They live, hunt and play in families, though a Warg's idea of play is somewhat ghastly. There is a strict social structure in these family groups that is followed. Each pack is led by an alpha male; his mate is the alpha female. However this is where similarities to the wolf pack structure end as Wargs are vastly more intelligent then their wolf cousins. Wargs under the Alphas have no special breeding or mating customs and in fact pretty do as they please so long as the Alpha do not take exception to it. Offspring are raised by and cared for by the pack. Wargs will breed with other Canine races but the offspring of such parrings are seldom viable, and those that survive tend to be mutated, sickly, and have no true intelligence or value, and as such most Wargs breed only with their own kind. The exception to this is if a warg breeds with a Dire wolf. the offspring from such a paring always results in the pups being Wargs.

Worgs hunt in packs, running down and surrounding their prey like common wolves, but their intelligence and ability to speak make them better at coordinating their attacks. They sometimes use one packmate as a decoy, pretending to be a humanoid calling for help in order to lure intelligent prey into an ambush. They like to toy with their food and take great delight in causing as much fear in their prey as they can before killing it.

Ecology: A most dangerous species, the Warg is known for its great size and foul disposition. Being more intelligent than their wolf cousins and, in addition to being able to communicate, They are sometimes enslaved by orcs, goblins, and other such creatures to act as mounts, and as attack dogs; sometimes specifically being bred for these purposes