(God of Pestilence/Treachery/Blood)

"In my dream I found myself walking the streets of a dark city, surrounded by throngs of shadowy folk, some of whom I knew to be dead, and others as alive as gods. There was a great palace, and a terrible figure was looking down, but I knew that I should not stare, so I looked back down, and around me. At every doorway I was welcomed and given a glimpse inside, and each glimpse revealed some delight, including treasures, women, halls of sport or gambling, or entertainments. Then a woman beckoned, and I looked inside at the most fabulous banquet I had ever seen. As I smelted succulent meat, I looked past the smiling maids, and saw that in the center of the room there was a great fire, over which there was a man, bound and turning on a spit. I suddenly glimpsed his face, the face of my employer, the face of the man I hated most in all the world, screaming in pain and terror. I awoke.
— Stories of Balgashang, Sermons of Agrik, The Book of Ma'at

In the realms of Hades, Agrik lives in a towering palace, overlooking the City of Balgashang. When his followers dream, they often find themselves in Balgashang, walking its streets, tasting its strange and twisted pleasures, and finding (just before waking) an open doorway leading to their most twisted fantasies. He embodies the inevitable decay and corruption that accompanies all self-serving, greedy, and power-hungry leaders and groups. Agrick's malevolence and cruelty are made all the worse by the veneer of civility and compassion he wears when first encountered. Agrik holds to the letter of any agreement, not the spirit, and relishes betraying anyone with whom he forges a pact by twisting the contract to serve his own ends. Agrik is a master strategist, and his sense of humor moderates his temper. He can be erudite, charming, and genteel, but his true nature always reveals itself eventually. In truth, Agrik is utterly depraved, the incarnation of evil most foul

Holy Symbol of Agrik

Constantly interfering in the affairs of mortals of the World, Agrik is an active force of evil who uses the weaknesses of lesser beings. With his treacherous tongue he will egg mortals into doing stupid, cruel or murderous deeds. He will appeal to anger, hatred and sorrow, in an attempt to inflame violence and vengeful deeds, spurring those who are enraged to extremes of murder and atrocities. Then, of course, Agrik will point at the crime he himself encouraged, and criticize mortals for their evil, describing them as unfit and vile, and telling the other gods that the World deserves no mercy.

The church of Agrik is a secretive faith, although there are some significant exceptions. Clerics work to increase their personal power, the power of the church, and by extension, the power of Agrik. Clerics are expected to be Agrik's eyes and ears throughout the world. They are to entice and corrupt powerful individuals and leaders in communities throughout the world and bind them into strict contracts favorable to Agrik's goals. They seek to seize positions of power whenever possible and integrate their positions into the secretive hierarchy of the faith. Agrik has directed his followers to undermine other evil faiths and steal their worshipers rather than waste energy in conflicts with good deities.

Agrik is considered the ultimate god of evil, darkness and the sworn enemy of gods and men. He symbolizes destruction, deceit, and betrayal. Agrik destroyed the balance and the peace and he mingles freely with demons, evil supernatural beings, and all those who are at once profane and powerful.

Clerics of Agrik pray for their spells at dusk, when night first begins to corrupt the day. The church of Agrik celebrates two holy days. The Unveiling occurs each Midwinter night. This horrific ceremony, believed to involve many gruesome sacrifices, heralds the imminent time when Agrik shall seize the world as his unholy kingdom. The Binding is celebrated on the eve of the Feast of the Moon. It is a personal ritual in which each cleric renews his eternal contract with Agrik, trading absolute fealty for increased power. This unholy ritual is believed to involve personal sacrifices of money, magic, and hoarded knowledge and the casting of many horrific spells. Agrik's clergy mark all agreements with signed contracts consecrated in the name of Agrik. Many clerics multiclass as divine disciples or sorcerers

Life is all based about the accumulation of power. Civilization is a thin veneer over the base desires that make up the core of every living being. Those who wish to survive and prosper must recognize this truth and concentrate all their resources on the pursuit of power. High moral principles are complete hypocrisy. All beings act in their own self-interest at all times; some just prefer to cloak their actions in sanctimonious philosophies. To achieve power one should use one's charms and honeyed words or a barbed and bloody dagger as appropriate for the situation. When in doubt, the ruthless exercise of power is the safest route to the further accumulation of power and the maintenance of one's position. It is more important to rule than to sit on the throne; often the being behind the king has the true power. All beings are regimented in a strict hierarchy governed by the politics of power. Those who try to avoid the rules of the game are destined for powerlessness, to be cast in the dust of history and ground beneath the heels of the powerful, but be prepared to twist any contract or stricture so as to maximize the benefit you receive.

Real Name: Agrik
Alignment: Diabolic evil.
Size: 25 feet (7.6 meters) tall.
Description: Agrik appears as a dark-skinned man with forbidding features and intense black eyes. He is often dressed in black robes or wearing black plate armour.
Attributes: I.Q.: 23, M.E.: 29, M.A.: 25, P.S.: 37, P.P.: 30, P.E.: 31, P.B.: 24, Spd.: 27 (18 1/2 mph, 29.7 km).
Natural A.R.: 12
Hit points: 10,150
S.D.C.: 8,850
Horror/Awe Factor: 17
Experience Levels: 25th level Wizard, 18th level Summoner, 12th level Warlock (fire and air), and 10th level Mind Mage.
Natural Abilities: Astral travel at will, nightvision 200 feet (61 meters), see the invisible, turn invisible at will (no time limit), knows all languages, teleport 98%, dimensional teleport 92%, metamorphosis: animal, metamorphosis: humanoid, metamorphosis: supernatural, impervious to heat, cold, and fire, and summon any sub-demons (3D6xlO), lesser demons (4D6), or greater demons (2D4), from the realm of Hades. Bio-regenerates !D6xlOO points of damage per minute and can regrow a new limb overnight.
Deific Powers: Agrik has the full range of power over his followers, and can perform all prototypical deific powers at regular cost, as well as the following special powers:

Priest/Healing Powers: Exorcism 80%, turn dead 90% (affecting 3D6xlOO dead at a time), animate/control 2D6xlOO dead 97%, healing touch (restores 3D6 S.D.C or hit points and can be used without limit).
Magic Powers: All Wizard spells, including Spells of Legend, as well as all fire and air elemental spells. Agrik also knows all symbols, wards, curses, circles of protection and summoning, plus the power circles: domination, command, force, pain and teleport.
Note: Opponents must roll an 18 or higher to save vs magic.
Psionic Powers: 2,950 I.S.P., with all physical and sensitive abilities, plus pyrokinesis, psi-sword, P.P.E. shield, and mind block auto-defense. 10th level proficiency.
Skills of Note: Basic and advanced math, navigation, intelligence, surveillance, interrogation, escape artist, disguise, all lores, and horsemanship: knight, all at 98%. Plus all Rogue skills at 75%. Attacks Per Melee Round: Eight physical or psionic, or four magic.
Special Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +4 on initiative, +3 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge, triple damage from behind (back stabbing), +6 to save vs psionic attack, impervious to possession and all forms of mind control, impervious to horror factor, and +2 on all saving throws.
Favorite Weapons: Agrik seldom uses any weapons other than his personal rune weapons, preferring to use his magic, psionics, and supernatural abilities.
  1. Hagget: A greatest flaming rune mace, indestructible. The Mace is incredibly ornate, with flared protrusions, etchings, symbols, sculpted figures, and a double-headed dragon. Agrik can summon it back to him no matter where it is, even from other dimensions, it teleports to him. Possesses the eight standard abilities plus the following.
    • Spell Magic: Can cast these spells as often as three times each, per 24 hours: Tum Dead, Heal Wounds, Fear, Globe of Daylight, Invisibility (Superior), Protection (Superior), Mystic Portal, and Close Rift. Equal to a 12th level sorcerer.
    • A drinker of souls/life essences.
    • 1D6xl0 from physical blows. Double damage to Demons, Devils and other supernatural creatures.
    • The mace can be thrown and fly 1000 feet (305m), then return to its owner.
    • The double dragon heads can breathe down the length of the Mace to fire one of the following (select one):
      • Fire Blast: 1D6x10, range 1000 feet (305m).
      • Force Blast: 2D4xl0, range 1000 feet (305 m).
      • Lightning Blast: 1D6x1O, range 2000 feet (610 m).
      • Note: Even the blasts inflict Double damage to Demons, Devils and other supernatural creatures.
  2. Vexx the Impaler: A great rune scimatar, also in a telepathic link with Agrik, it is diabolic as well, and has an I.Q. of 19. Indestructible, and black in color, and constantly drips ichor. If any creature of good alignment touches it, it inflicts 6D6 points of damage (3D6x10 to supernatural creatures or other gods), and will continue to do so each melee it is held. In combat it inflicts 1D6x10 damage. It possesses the eight standard abilities common to all rune weapons plus the following:
    • A drinker of souls/life essences.
    • Spell Magic: Can cast these spells as often as three times each, per 24 hours: Invulnerability, Negate Magic, Cause Illness, Purification, Stone to Flesh, and Curse.
    • Has four appendages that resemble spiked fingers. These spikes shoot out from the weapon to impale an opponent. Rate of fire: one or more can be fired as often as twice per melee round. Damage from the spikes is 2D4+2 each, so firing all four at a single target would inflict 1D4x10; +2 to strike.
    • The weapon can also become animated, with the finger-like spikes crawling along the floor and up walls like a spider. It can hop, run or drop from a height to impale an opponent. Likewise, it can grab, hold and carry small items. Movement speed is 12, climbing skill is 80%. Attacks per melee: two, or four non-combat actions.

Armour: Black plate armour, A.R. 19, S.D.C. 3,000.
Alliances & Allies: Agrik is on reasonably good terms with many of the other Gods of Darkness, and he often helps by offering suggestions and observations.
Enemies: All the Gods of Light.
  1. Holy weapons, weapons made from silver and some rune weapons, cause double damage.
  2. Vexation. Agrik does not do well in the face of delay and even worse in the face of failure. He will strike out, and if he cannot harm his enemies, he will harm the friends or worshippers of his enemies.

Minions: Agrik has vast numbers of minions on Hades.

V'hirs O.C.C.

Agrik has allowed the V'hirs to believe that they have lost his favor. This has worked wonderfully well (from Agrik's point of view), since it has made them bitter and more cruel than ever. When they are occasionally called upon, especially for combat, these brutal creatures feel they have something to prove and fight like relentless madmen. They are merciless and cruel in the extreme, especially toward Priests of Light, and all Gods of Light whom they feel are responsible for their fate.

The depths of hatred that brews within the V'hirs borders on obsession. They crave to destroy their most hated of enemies as well as any gods who dare to stand with their enemies. Consequently, they will gladly work with any dark force and plot to draw the forces of the Gods of Light into battle. Once the forces of good are embroiled in the conflict, the V'hirs will strike at them from the shadows, using hit and run tactics. Agrik and the other dark gods will find their initiative amusing and allow the V'hirs a free hand in pursuing their enemies.

Alignment: Mainly diabolic, miscreant evil, or anarchist. While there are a few unprincipled and good V'hirs, they are considered aberrations and outcasts by the others.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as designated. I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 6D6+6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 2D4, Spd. 6D6. Considered to be a supernatural being.
Size: 11 feet (3.35 m) tall.
Weight: 600 to 900 pounds (270 to 405 kg).
Natural A.R.: 15
Average Hit Points: 3D6x10, plus P.E. attribute number.
Average S.D.C.: 3D6x10 +100
Horror Factor: 12
O.C.C. Skills: Basic math (+10%), read and speak Dragonese(+20%), speak Gobblely and two other languages of choice (+20%), hand to hand: expert, prowl (+10%), track humanoids (+20%), track animals (+10%), intelligence (+10%), interrogation (+10%), wilderness survival (+20%), plus select two skills from each of the following categories: Espionage, Military, Physical, Rogue, all at +5%, and four W.P.s. Also select five secondary skills.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 70 feet (21 m), see the invisible, resistant to heat, fire and cold (takes half damage), metamorphosis into large poisonous snake, swim 98%, hold breath for 3D4 minutes, see well even in murky water, and heal twice as fast as humans.
O.C.C.s Available to V'hirs: Effectively mercenary fighters.
Combat: Six physical attacks per melee or two by magic. Stinging Scorpion Tail (Special): Adds one melee attack per round and inflicts 1D6x10 damage from the sting, as well as injecting poison venom into the victim. The poison causes 6D6 damage per melee round to supernatural or deific creatures, or lD6xlOO damage to humanoids and other mortals! The poison lasts in the system for 2D4 melee rounds, inflicting damage each melee. A successful save vs poison means the character suffers a mere 30% of the damage.
Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +3 to initiative, +1 on all saving throws, impervious to poisons and +2 to save vs drugs/poison, +8 to save vs horror factor.
Magic: All V'hirs are knowledgeable in Wizard magic. V'hirs begin with seven spells selected from levels 1-4. At second level, three more spells are selected. At levels four, seven, nine, twelve and fifteen, select three additional spells from levels 1-9.
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 200+ years.
Habitat: Prefer arid land, deserts and forests with a body of water nearby, but may be found anywhere. A few thousand are located near the City of Agrik.
Note: With the Game Master's permission, V'hirs can be available as an Optional R.C.C.
