(God of Chaos and Change)

Holy Symbol of Set

Real Name: Vald-Thaidegor
Alignment: Diabolic Evil.
Size: 25 feet (7.6 meters) tall.
Description: Hidden behind dark armour, a Mask and black robes, the true appearance of this god is a mystery.
Attributes: I.Q.: 27, M.E.: 28, M.A.: 30, P.S.: 35, P.P.: 30, P.E.: 27, P.B.: 24, Spd.: 33 (22.5 mph/36 km), PER.: 30, Luck: 30, REF.: 31.
Natural A.R.: 10
Hit points: 14,000
S.D.C.: 12,000
P.P.E.: 2,000
Horror/Awe Factor: 17
Experience Levels: 15th level Necromancer, 15th level Priest, 15th level Diabolist, 15th Level Wizard and 15th level Mind Mage.
Natural Abilities: Astral travel, superior vision like that of a hawk, nightvision 4000 feet (1200 m), see the invisible, see the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums, smell blood two miles away (3.2 km), recognize the scent of human blood 90%, Reads, writes and speaks all languages, regeneration of 4D6 points of damage once every melee round, charm, love charm, mesmerism (all three identical to the wizard spells, saving throw of 14 or higher needed), see the invisible, summon 100-600 bats, summon 10-60 dogs or wolves, turn into mist, and shapechange into bat, rat or wolf. Impervious to normal weapons.
Deific Powers: Thaid has the full range of power over his followers, and can perform all prototypical deific powers at regular cost, as well as the following special powers:

Priest/Healing Powers: Exorcism 60%, turn dead 80%, remove curse 31%, remove deific curse 21%, resurrection 33%, curse 41%, and healing touch (2D6).
Magic Powers: All wizard and Necromancer spells, also knows all symbols, wards, curses and circles .
Note: Opponents must roll an 16 or higher to save vs magic.
Psionic Powers: 2,950 I.S.P., with all abilities.
Skills of Note: Basic math, dance, disguise, forgery, impersonate voices & impersonation, ventriloquism, brewing, lore: dragons, demons and monsters, and all Communications, Military and Wilderness skills at 98%. Plus all Rogue skills at 60%
Attacks Per Melee Round: Eight physical or psionic, or four magic.
Special Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +4 on initiative, +3 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge, triple damage from behind (back stabbing), +6 to save vs psionic attack, impervious to possession and all forms of mind control, impervious to horror factor, and +2 on all saving throws.
Favorite Weapon: Thaid only has one weapon, Skrellig, his rune pitchfork, which is constructed from the skeleton of a demon and is considered a greatest rune weapon. It has an IQ of 17, is +5 to Stike and Damage does 6D6 Damage and and has the full range of rune abilities plus the following special powers.Armour: Full Plate Armour Weightless and Noiseless AR: 18 SDC: 700
Alliances & Allies: He has a very amiable relationship with the Demon Lords (except Orcus), although one would be hard put to call them allies, and he gets along with most of the evil gods. He has allied himself in the past with Set and Anubis and they regularly exchange greetings through deific messengers.
Enemies: All the Gods of Light
  1. Only silver, Holy Weapons, or magical attacks. He is unaffected by most of the other things that hurt other vampires.
  2. Need for Blood. Although he has a limitless supply (after all, he has hundreds of thousands of devoted followers), this could still be a problem if he were to spend any time away from his realm. He is accustomed to drinking blood every 12 hours.
  3. Arrogance. He tends to see everyone, even other gods, as lesser beings. For this reason he tends to underestimate threats.

Minions: None per say but has influence over all undead.
